• 装置具有结构简单工作性能可靠使用效果具有语音报警功能。

    It has been concluded that the device is simple in structure, reliable at performance, good in use effect and has the function of voice alarm.


  • 我们希望号码分配能够包含多线程处理器、多服务器多层用户P8环境中可靠工作,并且实现出色性能

    We want all of this to work reliably and with decent performance in a P8 environment that has multiple threads, multiple processors, multiple servers, multiple tiers, and multiple users.


  • 因为UDP速度更快(所进行的工作更少),所以对于某些需要LAN实现最佳性能(而不是可靠)的环境来说,使用UDP的性能可能会更好一些

    Because UDP is faster (it does less), some environments that demand optimum performance (on a LAN) over reliability might perform better with UDP.


  • 传统工作环境中员工他们使用应用程序具有某种程度预期例如性能可靠

    In the traditional work environment, employees have certain levels of expectations from the applications they use, such as performance and reliability.


  • 并且如果顾客不能访问系统业务不能进行工作,那么可靠性能问题引起运作停工招致机会成本

    And operational downtime caused by reliability or performance problems can incur opportunity costs if customers are unable to access your system or the business is unable to do its work.


  • 列出现在我们正在处理性能可靠可量测性相关工作

    This section lists the performance -, reliability -, and scalability-related work that we are working on now.


  • 实践证明改进后液压系统工作正常性能稳定可靠

    The practice showed that the improved hydraulic system worked normally with stable and reliable performance.


  • 通过系统联调联试工作测试评价轨道交通各系统设计安全性可靠平稳性一系列技术性能

    Through joint debugging and commissioning of systems, a range of technical performances, like safety, reliability and stability of the design of all rail transit systems, are tested and evaluated.


  • 测试结果表明SAD芯片实际工作性能良好,有效地解决了WPAN实用性高效性可靠问题。

    The test results show that actual working performance of SAD chipset is good, and is achieves practicability, efficiency and dependability for WPAN.


  • 性能特点起动工作可靠,寿命长,节能节油,适应性

    It has those features: starting fast, working reliably, saving energy and oil, adapting well.


  • 经过恶劣环境试验证明,低水峰光纤具有稳定氢气引起的衰减性能,可确保现场安装低水峰光纤光缆长期可靠工作

    The fiber undergone robust environmental testing that enables its stability against hydrogen-induced attenuation, to ensure long-term reliability of field installed optical fiber cables.


  • 设备采用PLC控制器件, 具有性能稳定工作可靠长度宽度自由设置﹑自动等优点

    The equipment adopts PLC control devices, mitsubishi performance is stable and reliable work, length, width freely automatic correction edge, etc.


  • 结果表明密封件材料轧机恶劣工作环境性能稳定可靠且寿命长。

    The result shows that under bad working environment of rolling mills, this material of sealing element has steady and reliable performance.


  • 实践表明机器工作稳定可靠性能达到设计要求

    The practice shows the robot works stably and reliably and its performance can meet the design needs.


  • 产品采用优化散热设计使得散热性能卓越能够较高环境温度下长期可靠工作

    This product was designed to optimize heat dissipation for excellent cooling performance, to long-term reliable operation under high ambient temperature.


  • 奥运会这样重大活动现场直播工作需要有技术先进性能可靠移动电视转播车提供服务。

    On-site live TV broadcasting of important events like Olympic Games, etc. requests sophisticated and reliable mobile TV relay stations.


  • 通变换器低压断路器智能脱扣执行元件,性能关系到断路器工作可靠

    The flux transfer trip is an actuator of intelligent release of low voltage circuit breaker, its performance concerns the reliability of circuit breaker.


  • 运行结果表明设备工作性能稳定可靠除尘效率有了明显提高原来的90%提高98%。

    Through a year operation, it is stated that the Operational performances of this unit is stable and reliable and the ratio of dust precipitation is increased from 90% to 98%.


  • 性能好坏直接影响起重机可靠工作效率

    Its performance feature directly affects the reliability and operation efficiency of the crane.


  • 飞机供电系统理论提出,对飞机电源系统的工作可靠性能提出了更高的要求。

    After the theory of the More Electric Aircraft Power Supply System is proposed, higher reliability is needed for the Aircraft Power Supply System.


  • 某些应用场合需要适应苛刻工作环境要求性能可靠嵌入式图形发生器

    Some display and control systems need a kind of high performance, high reliability graphics generator, and it must work in rugged conditions.


  • 介绍自发电机组中的一种停机方式原理结构设计试验验证停机方式性能稳定工作可靠

    Introduced the principle and constructive design of a stop method of self generating sets, By test and verify, its performance is stability and reliability.


  • 采用工控PC机控制,使矢量控制思想易于实现工作可靠系统具有良好性能

    The vector control can be easily realized and reliable by using industrial PC control. The system has good performance.


  • 驱动装置输送机心脏性能直接影响到带式输送机工作可靠整体性能

    Driver installation is the heart of belt conveyor, the performance of a direct impact on the work of the belt conveyor reliability and overall performance.


  • 实验表明,所开发飞行大气参数标准装置性能稳定工作可靠,具有测量、控制精度人机界面良好使用方便特点

    Experiments show that the Aero-air parameter standard instrument has the advantages of high work stability, high precision, favorable using interface and so on.


  • 柴油机经济性能是否优越工作是否可靠噪音振动能否控制低的限度常常与其配气机构的设计是否合理有密切关系

    If the diesel engine has a superior economic performance, a dependable work, and if the noise and the vibration can be controlled in a lower limit, which usually depends upon its valve train system.


  • 涡轮起动机航空发动机重要组成部分工作性能直接影响发动机的起动可靠

    Turbine starter is a very important composing part for aero-engine, its work capability directly affects the reliability of aero-engine in start.


  • 控制系统动态响应速度快调节精度高工作性能稳定可靠

    And the control system has the advantages of high speed of dynamic response, high precise of adjustment, stable and reliable property of function.


  • 本机适用玻璃塑料瓶、三旋盖旋合封口工序,性能完善工作可靠操作方便维修容易。

    The seamer is suitable for sealing various of glass bottle, plastic bottle. It is perfect in performance, reliable in operation and easy in maintenance.


  • 装车运用证明性能良好工作可靠

    Operation shows it has good performances and reliability.


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