Sit down to read and the flywheel of work-related thoughts keeps spinning—or else you're so exhausted that a challenging book's the last thing you need.
She feels boxed in at the fatiguing work and wishes greater freedom to develop her ideas.
Too much reading, writing, watching TV or working on a computer can also cause eye tiredness, so rest is required.
Tension, strain and pressure at work and at home make the mind even more restless, and attract more thoughts into it.
A man came home from work late, tired and irritated, to find his 5-year oldson waiting for him at the door.
Working overtime increases your level of fatigue and decreases time spent with your family, making happiness and work family balance difficult to maintain.
"I certainly have more respect for doctors than before," says Ellen Pompeo. "I didn't realize the fatigue and pressure that most of them are working under all the time."
People who snore loudly, have difficulty falling asleep, or often wake up feeling tired may have more to worry about than dozing off at work.
Severe fatigue. When anemia is severe enough, you may be so tired that you can't complete everyday tasks. You may be too exhausted to work or play.
His spokesman said the incident was a misunderstanding, claiming the light had fallen awkwardly and that Mr Putin was simply tired because he had been "working a great deal."
Clearly, says Westerlund, much of the decrease in physical and mental fatigue can be traced back to relief from the stresses of work.
When Katz did go to work, the strain was evident, former employees say.
Not only do they keep your brain working right, they also allow it to relax and help to fight against mental fatigue.
FLATOW: But what about soothing, classical music in the background? I mean, I know you worked with the Mozart Effect. Tell us about that.
To help your workday go smoothly, try pacing your activities: Do more demanding work in the morning, when your energy level is higher, and easier work later in the day, when you may be tired.
We don't know if the decrease in fatigue and depressive symptoms is due to the removal of something bad while in work or the addition of something good while in retirement.
ITF is campaigning to protect seafarers' right to shore leave as essential to their rights as workers, and to minimise the effects of fatigue through work at sea and thus ensure maritime safety.
Idleness spawns discontent, whereas overwork leads to mental and physical exhaustion.
This forces your heart to work double-time in order to push the necessary blood to your organs, which will result in noticeable mental fatigue.
The benefits of gainful employment are many, but working hard may have a downside: an increased risk of heart attack.
The end game is that they've got very low energy. People assume CEOs are superhuman but they're grappling with a really hard job.
The additional mental processing I must do to function every day is fatiguing, and I don't handle "AD hoc" very well.
Another major problem is burnout -working all the time (or doing any activity all the time) can lead to stress and fatigue, and could make that activity less enjoyable.
人在做挖沟之类的工作时也会发出表示疲劳的声音。Larry,那grunt work是不是就是指繁重的体力劳动?
And people make grunting sounds, too, when they are working really hard at something like digging ditches.
When our work or play is prolonged, we become tired and want to stop and rest or change to some other activity.
Work is not tiring as we do not experience fatigue because our bodies are more refined than yours, and we continually re-energise them from the energies around us.
鲑鱼富含omega - 3脂肪酸,该脂肪酸能调节情绪,因此能让你更好地消除——办公室紧张工作一天产生的——疲劳。
Salmon is high in omega-3 fatty acids, which elevates your mood, thereby helping you to better cope with the aftereffects of a really tough day at the office.
鲑鱼富含omega - 3脂肪酸,该脂肪酸能调节情绪,因此能让你更好地消除——办公室紧张工作一天产生的——疲劳。
Salmon is high in omega-3 fatty acids, which elevates your mood, thereby helping you to better cope with the aftereffects of a really tough day at the office.