• 当你坐下来阅读时候,脑海里各种关于工作思绪开始翻腾,要不就是疲劳了以致于你最不想做的就是读一本充满挑战

    Sit down to read and the flywheel of work-related thoughts keeps spinning—or else you're so exhausted that a challenging book's the last thing you need.


  • 令人疲劳工作中受到束缚希望能有更大的自由发展想法

    She feels boxed in at the fatiguing work and wishes greater freedom to develop her ideas.


  • 度阅读、写作、看电视或在电脑前工作也会导致眼睛疲劳,所以休息是必须的。

    Too much reading, writing, watching TV or working on a computer can also cause eye tiredness, so rest is required.


  • 工作家庭带来的紧张疲劳压力更是大脑不得安宁,它们把各类想法吸入大脑,让大脑思考。

    Tension, strain and pressure at work and at home make the mind even more restless, and attract more thoughts into it.


  • 父亲由于工作,很晚才到家现在疲劳并且恼火却发现它5岁的儿子门口

    A man came home from work late, tired and irritated, to find his 5-year oldson waiting for him at the door.


  • 加班会增加疲劳减少家人一起时间以至于很难保持快乐难以平衡工作家庭

    Working overtime increases your level of fatigue and decreases time spent with your family, making happiness and work family balance difficult to maintain.


  • 艾伦。旁派说:“更加佩服医生了,以前没有想到医生总在疲劳压力工作,一旦疏忽意味着生命结束。”

    "I certainly have more respect for doctors than before," says Ellen Pompeo. "I didn't realize the fatigue and pressure that most of them are working under all the time."


  • 鼾声大,入睡困难或者醒来经常感觉疲劳人,可能担心工作打瞌睡严重的问题。

    People who snore loudly, have difficulty falling asleep, or often wake up feeling tired may have more to worry about than dozing off at work.


  • 严重疲劳贫血严重到一定程度时,患者可能会疲劳无法进行日常生活、工作娱乐

    Severe fatigue. When anemia is severe enough, you may be so tired that you can't complete everyday tasks. You may be too exhausted to work or play.


  • 普京发言人声称那次事件是个误会只是现场灯光太暗,普京又工作繁重太疲劳所致。

    His spokesman said the incident was a misunderstanding, claiming the light had fallen awkwardly and that Mr Putin was simply tired because he had been "working a great deal."


  • Westerlund,很显然,回过头看,摆脱工作压力大部分身体精神疲劳状况减低

    Clearly, says Westerlund, much of the decrease in physical and mental fatigue can be traced back to relief from the stresses of work.


  • 雇员们Katz工作的时候,明显可以看出他疲劳

    When Katz did go to work, the strain was evident, former employees say.


  • 它们不但可以帮助大脑正常工作同时也能大脑适时放松从而对抗思维疲劳

    Not only do they keep your brain working right, they also allow it to relax and help to fight against mental fatigue.


  • 那些古典的、减缓疲劳背景音乐呢?是指,我知道工作莫扎特效应我们聊聊这个

    FLATOW: But what about soothing, classical music in the background? I mean, I know you worked with the Mozart Effect. Tell us about that.


  • 为了使工作一切顺利试着有条不紊地安排工作上午精力相对充沛一些要求较高工作;下午感到疲劳一些轻松的工作

    To help your workday go smoothly, try pacing your activities: Do more demanding work in the morning, when your energy level is higher, and easier work later in the day, when you may be tired.


  • 我们清楚疲劳抑郁症状减少是因为除了工作中的一些不好事情还是退休后增加了了好的事情。

    We don't know if the decrease in fatigue and depressive symptoms is due to the removal of something bad while in work or the addition of something good while in retirement.


  • ITF正在采取行动,保护海员上岸休息权益。ITF认为上岸休息是海员们应有的权益,同时减低海上工作时的疲劳程度因而保证海事安全

    ITF is campaigning to protect seafarers' right to shore leave as essential to their rights as workers, and to minimise the effects of fatigue through work at sea and thus ensure maritime safety.


  • 懒惰滋生不满过度工作导致精神身体疲劳

    Idleness spawns discontent, whereas overwork leads to mental and physical exhaustion.


  • 迫使你的心为了血液输送各个器官加倍工作结果造成明显的精神疲劳

    This forces your heart to work double-time in order to push the necessary blood to your organs, which will result in noticeable mental fatigue.


  • 收入颇丰工作好处多多,但是疲劳过度也可能带来不利之处:即会增加心脏病患病的机率。

    The benefits of gainful employment are many, but working hard may have a downside: an increased risk of heart attack.


  • 许多例子中,人们疲劳并承受压力.游戏结局他们几乎没有能量.人们假定CEO超人但是他们抓住了一项真正重要的工作

    The end game is that they've got very low energy. People assume CEOs are superhuman but they're grappling with a really hard job.


  • 大脑每天这些额外工作让我疲劳我对这些“特别处理不是很在行

    The additional mental processing I must do to function every day is fatiguing, and I don't handle "AD hoc" very well.


  • 另一个重要问题精力耗尽——一直工作(或者一直其他一些活动)导致压力疲劳使这些活动并不是那么让人愉快

    Another major problem is burnout -working all the time (or doing any activity all the time) can lead to stress and fatigue, and could make that activity less enjoyable.


  • 之类的工作也会发出表示疲劳的声音Larry,那grunt work是不是就是指繁重的体力劳动?

    And people make grunting sounds, too, when they are working really hard at something like digging ditches.


  • 如果我们工作娱乐时间过长感到疲劳而且希望停下来休息或改做其它事情

    When our work or play is prolonged, we become tired and want to stop and rest or change to some other activity.


  • 工作不是令人疲惫的,因为我们经验疲劳因为我们身体你们的精细,我们不断地我们周围能量中重新充能

    Work is not tiring as we do not experience fatigue because our bodies are more refined than yours, and we continually re-energise them from the energies around us.


  • 鲑鱼富含omega - 3脂肪酸脂肪酸能调节情绪因此更好地消除——办公室紧张工作一天产生——疲劳

    Salmon is high in omega-3 fatty acids, which elevates your mood, thereby helping you to better cope with the aftereffects of a really tough day at the office.


  • 鲑鱼富含omega - 3脂肪酸脂肪酸能调节情绪因此更好地消除——办公室紧张工作一天产生——疲劳

    Salmon is high in omega-3 fatty acids, which elevates your mood, thereby helping you to better cope with the aftereffects of a really tough day at the office.


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