• 工厂规模生产安装迅速快捷周期适用搭建临时性建筑

    It can be produced by factory scale with quickly installation and short construction period, which is suitable for constructing temporary structure.


  • 根据工厂规模相关情势复杂程度不同,评估一般需要半天的时间。

    The Assessment takes from one half day up to one and one half days depending on the size and complexity of the factory.


  • 目前海伦工厂规模产量销售量国外市场品质都是国产钢琴中最好之一。

    Helen is currently the scale of the factory, production, sales, foreign market, quality, is one of the best domestic piano.


  • 至今形成雄厚工厂规模开采-加工-销售各个环节配备相对应高素质人才

    Now the factory has already formed from mining, processing and sale - and so on each link is equipped with corresponding high-quality talents.


  • 我们拥有自主专业庞大工厂规模提供厂家直销超低价格欢迎各地朋友前来指导洽谈合作

    We have autonomy, Professional, large-scale factories, factory direct sales to provide ultra-low prices! Welcomed friends to guide and discuss cooperation.


  • 工厂规模水泥度和颗粒级矿山原料生料粉磨烧成系统等方面传统设计较大改进

    Great improvement must be made on the traditional design ideology exist in plant scale, cement fineness, size distribution, quarry design, raw materials, raw meal grinding and burning etc.


  • TDF共板式法兰系统特别适合于工厂规模化、标准化自动化生产目前国内主流的风管法兰制作形式。

    TDF flange manufacture system is the major equipment for TDF flange manufacture, especially for large-scale standardized and automatic production.


  • 圣诞节产品工厂规模不太他们国际贸易知识也很不足,有很多工厂甚至没有英语水平销售人员

    The scales of the factories in Christmas products are not large, they have few knowledge on international trade. Many of them even have no specialized sales person with good English level.


  • 例如美国出口型工厂那些只在国内销售工厂规模两倍有余。此外,他们还能雇员身上出14%的产值。

    In America, for example, exporting factories are more than twice as big as plants that do not sell beyond their shores, and they squeeze 14% more out of their workers.


  • 40年代中期生产u- 235工艺实验室规模工厂规模放大系数1061显然是个冒险不过收到回报

    In the mid 1940s the process to produce uranium - 235 was scaled up from lab to plant with a scale-up factor of 1061. Obviously this is a big risk, but so were the perceived returns.


  • 一生创造很多“世界之最”:汽车产量销售量最大工厂规模最大、生产方式和生产设备最先进个人财富算得数一数二

    His life to create a lot of the world: the largest automotive production and sales, plant the largest production and the most advanced production equipment, personal wealth can be one of the best.


  • 全球员工总数为5000余人,金刚化工集团韩国国内13工厂一个建筑公司,其中在蔚山工厂规模位居世界同类工厂第一

    With over 5,000 employees in the world, KCC has 13 factories and a construction company in South Korea. The scale of Ulsan factory stands first in the world of similar factory.


  • 经过多年努力工厂规模不断扩大,拥有先进生产设备技术,使产品无论设计用材还是质量监控售后服务等方面均追求一流水准

    Over the years, factories have been expanding, with advanced production equipment technologies to the design, use of materials and quality control, service aspects, such as the pursuit of class.


  • 为原料制取城市煤气,要根据煤质工厂规模联产化工产品等不同特点,来选择适宜工艺路线,可以煤的完全气化,也可以是煤的焦化。

    Technological process suitable for coal based city gas should be chosen according to the quality of coal and the scale of the factory and the coproduction of chemical products.


  • 伊朗星期一向国际原子能机构提交了最新设施细节说是已经建立第二个试验性”提炼工厂,与其接受国际原子能机构监督、位于纳坦兹(Natanz)附近的工厂规模相当。

    Iran sent details of its latest nuclear facility to the IAEA on Monday, saying it had established a second "pilot" enrichment plant, parallel to the one monitored by the IAEA near the city of Natanz.


  • 美国批准建立离岸风能太阳热能工厂这是经过了漫长的谈判和多次推迟后,而且缩小了发电厂规模的情况下,得以实现的。

    Offshore wind and solar thermal power plants got approved in the U.S., but only after delays and negotiations that reduced their size.


  • 美国批准建立离岸风能太阳热能工厂这是经过了漫长的谈判和多次推迟后,而且缩小了发电厂规模的情况下,得以实现的。

    Offshore wind and solar thermal power plants got approved in the U.S., but only after delays and negotiations that reduced their size.


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