• 分析了当前燃气工程可行性研究报告存在的问题。

    Present problems in feasibility study report on gas engineering are analyzed.


  • 文章主要介绍了三峡工程可行性研究阶段有关渗流问题研究成果

    Results of studies on seepage flow problems of the Three Gorges Project at feasibility study stage are presented in this paper.


  • 本文概述了黄腊石滑坡地质灾害防治工程可行性研究工作中的监测系统数据处理

    The monitoring and data processing systems in the investigation on the feasibility of the controlling Engineering for the geological harzardHuanglashi Landslide are summarized in this paper.


  • 分析了工程可行性研究阶段因公路线准确性而导致预测结果实际不符现象

    The phenomenon that prediction results do not suit to the practice due to the imprecision of proposed alignment in the phase of project feasibility study was analyzed also.


  • 公路交通其他运输方式之间客货转移量预测公路工程可行性研究中的一项重要内容

    The forecasting of traffic volume transferring of highway and other transportation means is an important content in highway engineering feasibility study.


  • 国内开展防风防尘技术研究主要结合一些工程可行性研究需要看占技术验证工作

    China windbreak strong dustproof technology research, mainly is to combine some of the project feasibility study of technological verification work need.


  • 随着国家项目审批制度逐步完善我国大型工程建设项目工程可行性研究越来越重视

    With the system of project examination improving gradually, our government pays more and more attention to the feasibility research of large construction projects.


  • 郑州马头岗污水处理厂工程可行性研究采用计算机程序项目财务风险进行蒙特卡洛模拟分析

    A feasibility study on Zhengzhou Matougang Sewage Treatment Works project is adopting computer programme to make Monte Carlo simulation analysis on the item financial risk.


  • 摘要公路工程可行性研究报告公路建设前期工作关键,是项目立项后期施工图设计重要依据

    Abstract: Highway engineering feasibility study report is critical of the preliminary work of road construction and an important basis for project approval and post-construction drawing design.


  • 水质模型研究解决水体污染一种常用方式大量应用工程可行性研究中,取得一定的成效

    Water quality model, as a way of resolving water pollution, is widely applied and effective in engineering feasibility study.


  • 河道浅滩演变研究河流动力学重要组成部分,是水利学科基础性课题,也是进行水利、水运工程规划设计管理工程可行性研究的基础工作

    Studying on river shoal evolution is a fundamental work in the science of water conservancy, water conservancy projects and waterways planning, designing, management and engineering feasibility.


  • 工程项目通过批准可行性研究进入费用控制实施阶段

    Upon passing the study of approved feasibility, the project will enter the expenses control implementation phase.


  • 结合工程实例通过分析计算处理方案进行可行性研究

    Combining with an engineering example, the practicability investigation of water treatment has been done through analysis and calculation.


  • 快速正确测算单项工程造价项目可行性研究关键环节

    It is the key segment to estimate the unit project cost fast and correctly in project feasibility study.


  • 建筑工程项目启动需要经过项目立项可行性研究设计、项目计划阶段

    To start up a construction engineering project should pass through these stages: project establishing, feasibility research, designing, project planning and etc.


  • 工程开展一个EDI流程以下哪项包含可行性研究内?

    Which of the following should be included in a feasibility study for a project to implement an EDI process?


  • 企业兼并收购一个复杂系统工程,涉及广泛,因此在进行兼并必须进行详细可行性研究

    Enterprises 'merger and purchase is a complex system engineering. Before merger the detailed feasibility study must be made.


  • 风险分析大型工程,特别是具有高风险航天系统可行性研究案论证方案评审主要内容之一

    Risk analysis is one of the important items of feasibility stu-dy, concept research and project review on a space system with high risk.


  • 业主支付价格较高, 但保证工程最终造价确定性, 使投资方(业主)可行性研究中计算的项目投资收益得以实现。

    The high price paid by the Employer is compensated by the certainty of the final price, in other words, the goal of profit estimated in the feasibility study can be achieved.


  • 指出进行工程项目可行性研究必要性探讨了此项工作基本步骤方法

    The necessary of feasibility study for construction project was pointed out. At the same time, the steps and methods of this job were discussed.


  • 场地地质条件地震波测试动态参数分析核电工程场地可行性研究重要内容

    The geological condition, seismic wave test and dynamic parameter analysis are the important contents of feasibility research of the site of a nuclear power.


  • 工程可行性研究角度考虑,对适应水库各种进行了分析对比,最后推荐斜墙坝作为阶段设计方案

    From the feasible design of project, this paper compares and analyzes the various dam types which fit Liansi Reservoir, and recommends earth inclined-wall dam as the design scheme in this stage.


  • 本文提出下一步详细可行性研究阶段对对工程勘察工程河段水文等专题进行更加详细的调查论证

    The paper proposed to make more specific investment and discussion on subjects like project investigation and river section hydrology in next phase of specific feasibility research.


  • 油库工程项目管理一个重要环节就是前期管理,项目可行性研究前期管理的关键环节

    The early management is an important part of the oil depot engineering project management. The feasibility study is the key of the early management.


  • 结合肯德可克铁金矿可行性研究介绍了价值工程优化采矿设计中的应用展示了价值工程采矿设计领域应用前景

    Combined with KDKK feasibility research, the value engineering application in optimization design was introduced, and the application foreground of value engineering in mining design was showed.


  • 方案编制将重点放在开发建设项目可行性研究阶段水土保持方案主体工程设计提出约束条件

    The plan should be made in the feasibility study stage so that restriction conditions are given by the water and soil conservation plan to the design of main part of the project.


  • 如果可行性研究不准确,影响整个工程,影响国家长远规划。

    Incorrect feasibility study will influence the whole engineering and far-reaching designs of country.


  • 目前可行性研究工程项目上游工作,缺乏有效的计算机辅助系统

    Up to now, in the upper stream of construction project, including feasibility analysis, only some simple computer systems have been used.


  • 工程设计企业总图专业,工作贯穿工程项目可行性研究始终覆盖了相当部分工作范围

    The work of general chart speciality in engineering design enterprise, goes from beginning to the end of feasibility study of the project, covering working scope of most part.


  • 工程设计企业总图专业,工作贯穿工程项目可行性研究始终覆盖了相当部分工作范围

    The work of general chart speciality in engineering design enterprise, goes from beginning to the end of feasibility study of the project, covering working scope of most part.


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