In one sense, the type of each line is determined by its first character (either semicolon, left brace, or alphabetic).
借助于SourceMate v1.1,用户可以定制生成的方法签名的代码风格(比如说,将左花括号放在同一行或是下一行等)。
With 1.1, users can customize the code style of the generated method signatures (for example, put the open bracket on the same line or next line).
借助于SourceMate v1.1,用户可以定制生成的方法签名的代码风格(比如说,将左花括号放在同一行或是下一行等)。
With 1.1, users can customize the code style of the generated method signatures (for example, put the open bracket on the same line or next line).