• 巨无霸汉堡指数缺陷之一没有考虑劳动力成本

    One of the drawbacks of the Big Mac index is that it takes no account of Labour costs.


  • 咂咂嘴)知道呢。只是最近我都在巨无霸汉堡

    William: (smacking lips) Well, I do know that but I've really been enjoying this super jumbo hamburger.


  • 因此稍微复杂一些巨无霸汉堡指数中,我们考虑一国平均收入

    So in a slightly more sophisticated version of the Big Mac index, we take account of a country's average income.


  • 一个巨无霸汉堡摄入560卡热量,为了消耗这些热量,得一口气20听Enviga

    To shed the 560 calories in a Big Mac, you would have to swallow about 20 cans of the stuff.


  • 麦当劳巨无霸汉堡指数通过比较同一三明治不同国家售价测算出不同国家购买力水平。

    Big Mac Index, "which compares the cost of the same McDonald's sandwich in different countries to give an idea of buying power of people in different places, Pasik said."


  • 换言之根据巨无霸汉堡指数中国官方价格统计数据其它经济体同样准确,”安德森表示

    "In other words, according to the Big Mac index China official price statistics are, well, just as accurate as anyone else's," Anderson said.


  • 然而美国腹地,夫妇们又把过多的蛋黄酱抹他们巨无霸汉堡上,再来上薯条

    America are dolloping extra mayonnaise on their Big Macs and tucking into a large order of fries.


  • 一次CarrieBig巨无霸汉堡所以从那时东西变成一个时髦行为了,吧?

    Carrie once threw a Big Mac at Big, so throwing things have been all the rage ever since, right?


  • 这个大型快餐连锁公司最近将著名巨无霸汉堡以及其他食品价格提高了0.1至0.5

    The fast food company just raised the cost of its popular Big Mac hamburger and other food by 0.1-0.5 yuan.


  • 《经济学人最新巨无霸汉堡指数(Big Mac index)显示日元相对于欧元低估了高达40%。

    Our latest update of the Economist's Big Mac index suggests that the yen is a massive 40% undervalued against the euro.


  • 《经济学人》杂志编制的“巨无霸汉堡指数提供了一些答案。该指数份表现各国货币合理价值之间差距的轻松指南

    The Economist's Big Mac Index, a light-hearted guide to how far currencies are from fair value, provides some answers.


  • 去年四月份《经济学人》杂志巨无霸汉堡指数曾显示了强烈的美元信号:美元指数历史上任何时期要高估了

    Last April the Economist's Big Mac index flashed a strong sell sign for the dollar: it was more overvalued than at any time in the index's history.


  • 法新社台北报道-周四份报告指出,有鉴于因吃巨无霸汉堡下颚受伤病例增多,台湾众牙医呼吁快餐店停售这种超大汉堡

    TAIPEI (AFP) - Taiwanese dentists have urged fast food chains to drop over-sized hamburgers from their menus following a growing number of jaw injury cases, a report said Thursday.


  • 个150跑步60分钟(大概是10分钟每英里速度)消耗大约680热量或者说大概是一个巨无霸汉堡的热量。

    A 150-pound person who runs for 60 minutes (with a pace of a 10-minute mile) will burn about 680 calories, or roughly the number of calories in a Whopper from Burger King.


  • 中国人民币根据我们基线巨无霸汉堡指数美元的汇率被低估44%,但是根据调整后的指数计算,被低估7%。

    The Chinese yuan, for example, is 44% undervalued against the dollar according to our baseline Big Mac index, but only 7% according to the adjusted one.


  • 汉堡特许经营,经典巨无霸汉堡火鸡有机散养牛肉橄榄油炸制的油炸食品,美国经典食品继续消费者心目中(还有胃里)占据特殊位置

    Burgers From a classic Big MAC to Turkey to organic grass-fed beef with fries cooked in olive oilthis American classic holds a special place in consumers' hearts (and stomachs).


  • 满足世界吉尼斯纪录申请条件这家餐厅明年这种巨无霸汉堡菜单上,它的售价高达1500澳元(1220美元),可能食客们望而却步。

    The variety of burger will be on the menu at the cafe for the next year in order to meet the conditions for a Guinness world record, but will set hungry patrons back around A$1, 500 ($1, 220).


  • 满足世界吉尼斯纪录申请条件,这家餐厅明年这种巨无霸汉堡菜单它的售价高达1500澳元(1220美 元),可能食客们望而却步。

    The variety of burger will be on the menu at the cafe for the next year in order to meet the conditions for a Guinness world record, but will set hungry patrons back around A$1,500 ($1,220).


  • 巨无霸价格差异上海更为明显中国汉堡价格范围(10.5 ~ 15)可以上海一个地方找到

    Big Mac price differences were even more pronounced in Shanghai: the full range of burger prices across China (10.5-15 yuan) could be found within that one province.


  • 麦当劳巨无霸薯条汉堡巧克力奶昔然后再去塔可更多的食物,接着几个特大号的糖块。

    He'd go to McDonald's and order a couple of Big Macs, large fries, a cheeseburger and a chocolate shake, then go on to Taco Bell for more and follow that with several king-sized candy bars.


  • 这项指数用于比较不同国家之间麦当劳购买巨无霸(麦当劳的一种汉堡——译者注需要花费多少钱。

    This is the comparison of how much it costs in various countries to buy a Big Mac from McDonalds.


  • 但其最为显著的特点或许快餐连锁店更早推出的汉堡—点巨无霸,那么人们以比icee还要冷的眼神看

    Its most distinctive trait may be that it is home to a Burger King that preceded the fast-food chain-order a Whopper, and you will meet glares colder than an Icee.


  • 巨无霸指数《经济学人》以汉堡价格为基础来衡量一国货币是否被高估低估。

    The Big Mac index is the Economist's burger-based measure of whether currencies are over - or undervalued.


  • Gorske汉堡的不解之缘始于1972年5月17日,当时三个巨无霸庆祝自己买了新车

    Mr Gorskes obsession with the burger started May 17, 1972, when he bought three Big Macs to celebrate the purchase of a new car.


  • 我们第一印度囊括调查国家中,因为麦当劳并不在印度销售巨无霸于是我们选取印度版巨无霸来研究,汉堡里面夹的是鸡肉而不是牛肉

    For the first time, we have included India in our survey. McDonald's does not sell Big Macs there, so we have taken the price of a Maharaja Mac, made with chicken instead of beef.


  • 两个巨无霸一个酵母汉堡-喜欢在哪里,鲍勃

    Two jumbo jacks, one sourdough.. - got a favorite parking spot here, Bob.


  • 巨无霸指数作用在于计算出使各国汉堡价格相同汇率

    The index works by calculating the exchange rate that would leave a Big Mac costing the same in each country.


  • 巨无霸指数作用在于计算出使各国汉堡价格相同汇率

    The index works by calculating the exchange rate that would leave a Big Mac costing the same in each country.


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