• 最新巴塞尔协议规定过多批发业务跨界借款银行进行处罚理由充分。

    The new Basel 3 rules will penalise Banks with too much wholesale or cross-border borrowing, and with good reason.


  • 最新巴塞尔协议迫使银行把他们的资本充足率目前平均4%逐步提高7%。

    The new Basel 3 regulations will oblige them progressively to raise their solvency ratio from an average of 4 per cent of total liabilities to 7 per cent.3.


  • 银行不喜欢这些苛刻条文宣称巴塞尔协议迫使他们提高贷款成本以致摧毁经济

    Banks dislike some of the fine print and also claim that the cost of "Basel 3" will force them to raise the price of loans, devastating the economy.


  • 对于所有协议规定将要涉及到银行巴塞尔协议中对最低资本要求危机前的标准很大程度的上升。

    For all the belly-aching about Banks, it is true that the Basel 3 minimum standards represent a big turning of the capital screw compared with pre-crisis norms.


  • 根据已经认可巴塞尔协议规则所有银行提高核心资本缓冲资产,使其至少达到风险加权资产7%,这次的协议SIFI施加了更高的要求。

    The agreement on a surcharge for the SIFIs comes on top of already-agreed "Basel 3" rules requiring all Banks to raise their core-capital buffers to at least 7% of their risk-weighted assets.


  • Zubrow发言主旨在于巴塞尔协议三最低1%的额外资本费用、一级资本金比率不得低于7%的强制性制度完全没有必要并且具有破坏性

    The thrust of Mr Zubrow’s argument is that a meaningful extra layer of capital of 1% or more, on top of the minimum 7% requirements that the new Basel 3 regime imposes, is unnecessary and damaging.


  • 委员会一系列意见所谓巴塞尔资本协议使银行持有的普通股最小增加7%。

    The committee's package of recommendations, known as Basel III, will increase the minimum common equity that Banks will hold to 7%.


  • 认为不久推出巴塞尔协议因为世上万事都变得越来越复杂了。

    I think they may have to have a Basel III before too long because everything gets more and more complex in the world.


  • 表面上看,此轮热潮原因在于意大利人希望马上而不是等到2019年全部法规正式生效满足巴塞尔资本协议三新设定资本要求

    The ostensible reason for the rush is that the Italians want to meet the new capital requirements of Basel 3 immediately, instead of waiting until 2019 when all the rules will finally be in force.


  • 作为回应,管理者们同意缓步施行(该协议):银行年的过渡期中履行巴塞尔协议,并且期间资本整体允许下降超过百分之十五。

    In return, regulators agreed to go slowly: banks will implement Basel 2 over a three-year transition period, during which time capital levels are not allowed to fall by more than 15% in total.


  • 巴塞尔3个巴塞尔协议巴塞尔银行监管委员会2010年9月制定

    The Basel 3 or Basel III accords were established in September 2010 by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision.


  • 巴塞尔资本协议提供操作风险衡量方法要求银行可以选择合适方法对操作风险进行衡量操作风险配置相应资本金

    The Basel capital agreement provides three operation risk weight method, requests the banks choosing the appropriate method to measure the operational risk, to allocate corresponding capital in cash.


  • 操作风险日益受到专家学者关注巴塞尔协议规定操作风险为银行业面临风险之一

    The operating risk increasingly attracts the scholars attention, and new Basel accord stipulates operating risk as one of three risks of Banks.


  • 巴塞尔协议提出大支柱最低资本要求官方监管市场约束

    Minimum capital requirement, official supervision and market discipline are put forward by the new Basel Accord as the three pillars of bank supervision.


  • 由于在巴塞尔资本协议中,银行风险主要可分为信用风险市场风险和操作风险,因此本文也分别介绍了风险经济资本计量方法

    Bank risks are categorized into credit risk, market risk and operate risk in New Basel Accord, so this paper introduces three measurement to calculate different kinds of economic capital of risks.


  • 本文在认真分析我国商业银行信用风险成因基础上,从贷款企业风险因素、银行风险因素巴塞尔协议强调的风险因素方面进行了信用风险因素分析

    In this essay, I make the credit risk analysis in three respects: enterprise factors, bank's own risk condition and factor focused by new capital contract of Basel.


  • 巴塞尔协议》中,操作风险信用风险市场风险称为银行风险”。

    Operational risk, credit risk and market risk are considered as the three major risks of commercial bank in Basel Capital Accord.


  • 巴塞尔协议》中,操作风险信用风险市场风险称为银行风险”。

    Operational risk, credit risk and market risk are considered as the three major risks of commercial bank in Basel Capital Accord.


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