• 当前人民美元汇率为6.32,今年以来升值5%。

    The renminbi, currently trading at about 6.32 to the dollar, has appreciated about 5 percent so far this year.


  • 这种升值现已停止上周人民美元汇率还出现了最大单日跌幅。

    The appreciation has now stopped and last week the renminbi experienced its largest one-day fall against the dollar.


  • 今年早些时候中国允许人民兑美元汇率区间内浮动

    Earlier this year, China allowed its currency, the renminbi, to trade within a wider band around the value of the dollar, to which its value is pegged.


  • 2008年初人民兑美元汇率升值一些中国出口企业破产原因之一。

    The rise in the yuan's value relative to the dollar in early 2008 was a reason why some Chinese exporters went bankrupt.


  • 自从6月央行同意更大汇率弹性”,人民美元汇率上升2.6%。

    Since the People’s Bank of China pledged to allow greater exchange-rateflexibility” in June, the yuan has risen 2.5 percent against the dollar.


  • 糟糕的是,人民美元汇率周一实际上大幅下跌了0.9%,周二再度下跌

    Worse, the renminbi actually fell a hefty 0.9 per cent against the dollar on Monday, and dipped again on Tuesday.


  • 去年七月人民升值以来,人民美元汇率每次创下新高,金融股也会随之上升

    Financial shares rose as the yuan advanced to its highest level against the dollar since its revaluation last July.


  • 我们假设通胀率有两个百分点差距基础人民兑美元汇率还会年均上升3%。

    We have allowed for an extra 3% annual rise in the yuan against the dollar on top of the inflation gap of two percentage points.


  • 两者实际有效汇率双边关于人民汇率人民美元汇率一直比较稳定近几年

    Both the real effective exchange rate and the bilateral RMB rate against the dollar have been relatively stable in recent years.


  • 昨天人民美元汇率再创升值以来新高,7.9587收盘打破前一天刚创下的纪录。

    The renminbi yesterday reached a post-revaluation high against the US dollar, closing at 7.9587 and breaking the record set a day earlier.


  • 他们以前允许人民逐步升值:从2005年至2008年,人民美元汇率上升了21%。

    They have allowed a gradual appreciation of the renminbi before: its value against the dollar rose by 21 per cent between 2005 and 2008.


  • 人民本身玫瑰21%,人民美元汇率2005年至2008年,继续扩大贸易逆差

    The renminbi itself rose 21 percent against the dollar from 2005 to 2008, and the trade deficit continued to widen.


  • 人民美元汇率升势7月中旬戛然而止,而年初到那时人民币兑美元已升值了7.3%。

    After rising 7.3% against the dollar from the start of the year, the yuan saw its gains come to an abrupt halt in mid-July.


  • 2010年6月中国开始允许人民升值以来,人民美元汇率已经上涨了5.5个百分点。

    Since China began to let its currency rise in June 2010, it has strengthened more than 5.5% against the U.S. dollar.


  • 摘要中国人民银行结合国内外经济形势以及金融趋势人民兑美元汇率实施扩大浮动幅度

    Abstract the domestic and international economic situation and financial trends with the people's Bank of China, is the dollar, expand the floating range.


  • 今年7月以来,人民美元汇率一直保持稳定引发市场猜测人民逐步升值也许即将结束

    The renminbi has remained stable against the dollar since July, raising speculation that the gradual appreciation of the Chinese currency might be coming to an end.


  • 人民美元经过十年稳定升值后,2014年初达到峰值,此后人民美元汇率已下跌13%。

    After a decade of steady appreciation against the dollar that peaked in early 2014, the renminbi has since lost 13 per cent of its value against the greenback.


  • 人民美元汇率2005年至2008年期间保持了稳步升值趋势。 恢复一趋势可能带来问题

    Resumption of the yuan's steady appreciation against the dollar, the trend in place from 2005 to 2008 also would be problematic.


  • 年内人民兑美元汇率累计升值了22%,不仅购买力提升同时海外贷款还款压力持续降低

    The past five years, the RMB has appreciated against the dollar by 22%, not only purchasing power increase, but also to the repayment of foreign loans continued to decrease pressure.


  • 2005年中人民美元汇率脱钩以来,人民美元汇率上升13%,人民币兑欧元汇率则有所下降

    The renminbi has risen by about 13 per cent against the dollar since it was depegged from the US currency in mid-2005, but it has weakened against the euro.


  • 2005年中人民美元汇率脱钩以来,人民美元汇率上升13%,人民币兑欧元汇率则有所下降

    The renminbi has risen by about 13 per cent against the dollar since it was depegged from the US currency in mid-2005, but it has weakened against the euro.


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