I hope you can help rectify this problem soon, so I can start to do business with yourselves.
Or a pattern for a hooded towel made out of a towel and a washcloth, hope you can help.
Frankly we have two major suspicions and we hope you could help us to understand and clarify.
I've been running into them a lot lately and because I still haven't figured out completely how to deal with them I was hoping you could help me.
We would also expect you to assist us in finding potential new clients and assisting where possible in all other areas of our work.
We have included additional details below to help explain the issue, and hope you’ll consider revising and resubmitting your application.
There are several other useful Google shortcuts and advanced search operators not mentioned here, but these five are the true time savers I can't live without.
My hope for you is that you can find that gratitude-not just on the good days, like today, but on the hard ones, when you will really need it.
Hopefully, you can avoid the mistakes that others make when preparing for the exam and will find the following information to be helpful and informative on dealing with the TOEFL test.
We want you to take your own notes to help you, if you like, spur your own learning process.
I was wondering if you could help me. I was hoping you could send me home.
I hope you accept my answer, your recognition will make me more motivated to help other people.
Near, is a good name. You will always be near with someone need to be saved.
Near, is a good name. You will always be near with someone need to be saved.