• 博士帮忙家庭命名超级男人帮忙者机械手开始着手一个任务回复世界和平

    With Dr. Light's help, a household helper robot named Mega Man embarks on a mission to restore peace to the world.


  • 怡酒店会收到关于酒店开业本地新闻报道博客主们也要帮忙关注传播这些信息。

    Country Inn received local news coverage, and the bloggers helped spread word of the new hotel to their followers.


  • 万豪酒店准备10月份举行一个活动邀请在FacebookTwitter上拥有大量关注忠诚计划会员帮忙宣传SprinigHill Suites酒店的信息。

    Marriott is launching a campaign in October that will invite loyalty program members with large Facebook and Twitter followings to help spread the word about its SpringHill Suites chain.


  • 因为惹上官司目击评论的人除非在摄像证明他们不是事件引起情况下,他们帮忙

    For fear of attracting a lawsuit, several witnesses and commenters say that they will only act if they have video evidence that they did not cause the accident.


  • 对此,还是要为那些学步儿童说句话:他们已经学习到如何这个游戏,无论是他们还是实验很明确的角色,孩子帮忙,实验给予奖励

    I'd only make one point in the toddlers' favor: they had learned to play a game where both they and the experimenter had clear roles. The child helped out, and the experimenter gave him a prize.


  • 实验中,动物给予讨要食物机会种是肯帮忙种是从不见潜在乞讨的人。

    In the experiments, the two sets of animals were given the opportunity to beg for food, either from an attentive person or from a person unable to see the potential begger.


  • 美国一位外交官拉合尔街上枪杀受害母亲电视呼吁正义,并相信先生能够帮忙

    After an American diplomat shot dead two men in the street in Lahore last month, the mother of one victim appealed for justice on television, saying that she would trust only Mr Chaudhry to help.


  • 如今科学出面帮忙,科学家通过分析每个舞蹈动作,最终找到了如何男人成为优秀答案。

    Now science has come to the rescue, with a move-by-move analysis of what makes a man a good dancer.


  • 研究发现公司未能实现业绩预期次数越多,首席执行官分析师提供帮忙可能性也就越大,尤其是对于那些顶级的分析师。

    The researchers found that the more a company missed its earnings forecast, the more chief executives were likely to offer favours to analysts, particularly the highly rated ones.


  • 有了这些一对拐杖帮忙使用可以走动

    With these, and a pair of crutches for back-up, a user can walk around.


  • 如果处理访问级别协议可能发现需要服务提供帮忙才能解决问题

    If you're dealing with a service-level agreement, you might find that you're at the mercy of the service provider in getting the issue resolved.


  • 然后实验假装不小心物体地上,一边看着学步儿童,一片伸手去取30看他们会不会帮忙

    The experimenter pretended to accidentally drop one of the objects on the floor, and reached for it while looking at the toddler, waiting up to 30 seconds for the toddler to help her by picking it up.


  • 最终,Snyder女士笔下F4所取得成就——以及他们帮忙精心打造的科学素养——他们后继留下更少哲学早餐

    Ultimately the accomplishments of her subjects-and the scientific professionalism they helped to engineer-would leave fewer philosophical breakfasts to be had by their successors.


  • 不过,随着时间的推移,会交换角色接受帮忙不再认为什么了不得的事,但施与觉得意义更重大了。

    Over time, however, they reversed roles: "the person who received it didn't think it was that big a deal, but the person who granted the favor thought it was a bigger deal."


  • 组织积极寻找10名教育工作帮忙设计验证介绍“学校中的Scrum”的课程

    The organizers are actively seeking 10 educators to help shape, validate and present the Scrum-in-Schools curriculum.


  • 去年3月,“姐妹俩巴西财长佩德罗·马伦(PedroMalan)其他知名人士帮忙的关系给仔细“诊了脉”。

    Last March the two sisters asked Pedro Malan, Brazil's former finance minister, and five other notables to examine their relations at length.


  • 作为一个开源项目常常外界开发帮忙Iven乐于接受帮助

    Being an open-source project, there is always room for outside developers to lend a hand and Ivan has said he is ready for help.


  • 如果第三个人帮忙先峰攀登可以不把体重放在绳子这样简单。

    This is easier if there is a third person to help or the lead climber can take their weight off the rope.


  • 邻居目击赶来帮忙时,菲尔德夫妇正在摆造型拍照

    While neighbors and witnesses rushed to help, the Neufelds posed for pictures.


  • 土拨鼠朋友帮忙一个国际名望高山滑雪板热爱借由达成最好下坡奔跑时间

    With the help of his groundhog friend, an alpine ski aficionado dreams of international fame by achieving the greatest downhill run of all time.


  • 她们医院里帮忙,她们卧病在家的人送去食物、她们儿童护理,是行政人员,是律师,是。

    They offer help in hospitals, they bring food to shut-ins. They are childcare workers, executives, attorneys, stay-at-home moms, and your neighbors.


  • 犹豫是否提到这个因为相信个体力量但是可以一个同盟帮忙

    I hesitate to even mention this because I believe in the power of one, but you can find an ally to help.


  • 后来,建造“采宝”时,兰多这位老朋友帮忙。“采宝站”是一个大气层里开采宝石太空站。

    Calrissian again called upon his friend to help in the establishment of GemDiver Station, a mining colony that harvested precious stones from the atmosphere of Yavin.


  • 首先,在度假时,有些传统主义习惯于别人帮忙拍照。 %。

    On the one side there are the traditionalists who still actually ask other people to take photos of them on holiday.


  • 小组需要了解国际辩论热心辩手帮忙维护,有意信息联系

    I would like to ask for volunteers will good knowledge of International Debating to help moderate this group. Please send me message to do express your interest.


  • 走路时根手杖或是行,经常要求别人帮忙进入车内或是看一下车子,趁机绑架受害

    He walked with a cane, or a limp, and often ask for help into his vehicle or with his vehicle, which is when he abducted his next victim.


  • 虽然不能参加比赛了,真的希望建议告诉其他参赛(配套方案细节),帮忙联系吗?

    Although I can not participate in the competition, but I really want to be able to tell the other participants suggested (supporting programs and specifics), can you help me it?


  • 虽然不能参加比赛了,真的希望建议告诉其他参赛(配套方案细节),帮忙联系吗?

    Although I can not participate in the competition, but I really want to be able to tell the other participants suggested (supporting programs and specifics), can you help me it?


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