Building these dams provided cheap electricity, created jobs for workers, stimulated regional economic development, and allowed farming on lands that would otherwise be too dry.
How does such a large mass of hot, dry land affect the people who live near it?
Another tack would be to tilt production toward upland rice, which is grown on dry land and absorbs far less arsenic than paddy rice.
Under the terms of the federal grant, the island's residents are to be resettled to drier land and a community that as of now does not exist.
Samburu man leads his cattle out of the village and across a swath of arid land toward a water well dug into a desiccated Kenyan riverbed.
A Samburu man leads his cattle out of the village and across a swath of arid land toward a water well dug into a desiccated Kenyan riverbed.
Droughttolerant plants can even absorb water from relatively dry soil because of theirdeep roots in contrast to succulent plants.
作为南极洲少数的没有冰覆盖的地区之一,麦克·默多干谷(McMurdo Dry Valleys)存在着地球上最寒冷和最干燥的土地。
One of the few perpetually ice-free regions in Antarctica, the McMurdo Dry Valleys are home to some of the coldest and driest exposed land on Earth.
The land started to get drier, which in turn caused a huge decrease in the amount of vegetation because vegetation doesn't grow as well in dry soil, right?
A strong dry wind blows continuously from the west. Suddenly, the land becomes torn and rocky, dry and dusty -- no longer green and gold.
Only a thin layer of dust travels over land outside of the eastern edge of the desert, indicating that the dust may be lying low over the arid land, rather than rising high in the atmosphere.
It was once an enormous swamp inhabited by dinosaurs, but today its baked red earth is inhabited mainly by tough merino sheep.
Sun drying for fruit requires approximately one unit of drying surface per 20 units of crop land.
This part of the country is very mountainous. The land in this region is dry and parched.
I shrugged and followed him outside, where two of my chickens were pecking diligently at the dry red earth.
Land degradation in arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid areas resulting from various factors, including climate variations and human activities.
That was a consequence of the drought which dried out whole areas of land so it just can't hold the dust down anymore.
The plants bloom and then die in the fall as the ground dries out.
The landscape is characterized by the dryness of the desert that contrasts with green areas along the course of the river Mala from the mountains towards the Pacific Ocean.
Western China features vast Spaces, dry climate and large tracts of desert resources.
Experts say the project will have to deal with dry conditions, poor soil quality and other realities of farming in southern Africa.
Plants can let the hot sun not make the land even drier and let the wind not blow the land away.
Because of the rugged terrain and dry, rocky soil, agriculture is restricted to one third of the land. Transportation is difficult.
Feature: Merlot grapes from distinguished dry lands sites have made a wine with a strong deep purple color and lifted plum and spicy aroma.
Feature: Merlot grapes from distinguished dry lands sites have made a wine with a strong deep purple color and lifted plum and spicy aroma.