A second, more likely, explanation is that the extremely dry climate of ancient Egypt was largely responsible, given that dryness promotes the preservation of organic remains generally.
Yet increasing temperatures and drier weather are likely to create droughts that will reduce the yield and damage many of the plants.
Without these structures, many warm-blooded animals would quickly dehydrate, especially in dry climates.
Such a trick could be mimicked using water tanks positioned in the bowels of a building to restore humidity in hot, dry climates.
Our relatively dry climate and long season also gives California excellent reliability for supplying quantity, as well as quality.
When the normal amount of tear production decreases or tears evaporate too quickly from the eyes, symptoms of dry eye can develop.
If a piece if filling in a humid climate and tested in a dry climate, the weight of the filling material can be lower.
Girls in China's north enjoy dressing up, but frequent sandstorms and dry environment often make them frown.
Hot humid climates and Hot dry climates with warm winters: Shade the building and outdoor living spaces throughout the year.
In any case, Sawadogo said he had been adapting to a hotter, drier climate for twenty years now.
Extremely dry and hot weather in Russia has caused a sharp reduction in wheat production and spurred the fastest spike in the global price of the crop since 1973.
Dr. Clayton and his colleagues hit upon the idea of using blown air as a treatment, as they were trying to find a way to keep lice alive in a dry climate.
With a crab-like appearance, scorpions are predatory and often come out at night. Scorpions like warm, dry climates and are often found in deserts.
With these dry conditions yields were significantly reduced, however the fruit flavour intensity was very good with wines from 2007 displaying intense varietal characters.
Such characteristics as relatively fragile ecology, abundant mineral resource, dry climate of the Northwest form particularities between material industry and environment are concerned again.
For example, a plant that requires shade and frequent watering to grow will not do well in a dry climate that is often sunny, such as that in Colorado.
ABSTRACT: Limestone is very special for the vineyard, as it not only retains moisture in dry weather, but also offers good drainage in cool weather.
If the climate gets drier, then the logical conclusion is that even more drought will occur.
The Sahara is a highly diverse, albeit dry, region that has undergone major climatic changes since 10,000 B.C.
In some regions, the increase in desert areas is occurring largely as the result of a trend toward drier climatic conditions.
The climate is harsh, hot and dry, and yet - the most amazing plant life thrives there.
Huang likes his new home, but with the climate getting hotter and drier, he cannot be complacent that it is secure from the sands.
A common scenario is an enclosed basin that is alternately flooded and then subjected to extreme drying.
处于高海拔地带,山西的气候寒冷干燥,年均降水量在400- 600毫米之间。
Being at a high altitude, Shanxi Province has a cold and dry climate and has an annual rainfall of between 400-600 millimeters.
Nomadic herdsmen must often cope with the country's extreme climate, including the dzud, a harsh winter that follows a dry summer.
They need cheap power, fibre-optic cables, a chilly climate and dry air (otherwise you have to remove heat and humidity, which do horrible things to electronics).
They need cheap power, fibre-optic cables, a chilly climate and dry air (otherwise you have to remove heat and humidity, which do horrible things to electronics).