• 第二种,有可能解释埃及极端干燥气候主要原因因为干燥促进有机遗骸保存

    A second, more likely, explanation is that the extremely dry climate of ancient Egypt was largely responsible, given that dryness promotes the preservation of organic remains generally.


  • 然而,气温上升干燥气候可能导致茶叶产量减少以及毁坏许多植物

    Yet increasing temperatures and drier weather are likely to create droughts that will reduce the yield and damage many of the plants.


  • 没有这样结构许多温血动物很快脱水特别是干燥气候条件下

    Without these structures, many warm-blooded animals would quickly dehydrate, especially in dry climates.


  • 炎热干燥气候条件下,人类可以通过建筑大楼内部安置水箱保证湿度

    Such a trick could be mimicked using water tanks positioned in the bowels of a building to restore humidity in hot, dry climates.


  • 我们这里相对干燥气候较长的产季使加州提供可靠数量完美的质量

    Our relatively dry climate and long season also gives California excellent reliability for supplying quantity, as well as quality.


  • 有些环境条件,比如刮风和干燥气候,会加快眼泪蒸发影响眼泪分泌

    When the normal amount of tear production decreases or tears evaporate too quickly from the eyes, symptoms of dry eye can develop.


  • 如果单品潮湿气候填充干燥的气候中测试填充物原料重量下降

    If a piece if filling in a humid climate and tested in a dry climate, the weight of the filling material can be lower.


  • 北方女孩很喜欢打扮自己,但是频繁沙尘天气干燥的气候经常使女孩们一筹莫展。

    Girls in China's north enjoy dressing up, but frequent sandstorms and dry environment often make them frown.


  • 潮湿气候严热干燥的气候条件下,冬季是温暖的:全年遮挡建筑物室外生活区域

    Hot humid climates and Hot dry climates with warm winters: Shade the building and outdoor living spaces throughout the year.


  • 话说回来,Sawadogo觉得在近二十年间已经适应了这种不断升温愈发干燥气候

    In any case, Sawadogo said he had been adapting to a hotter, drier climate for twenty years now.


  • 俄罗斯极其炎热干燥气候导致小麦产量锐减使价格迅速上涨到1973年以来全球谷物价格的最高点。

    Extremely dry and hot weather in Russia has caused a sharp reduction in wheat production and spurred the fastest spike in the global price of the crop since 1973.


  • Clayton博士同事试图干燥气候保证虱子成活的时候偶然想到这个治疗办法的。

    Dr. Clayton and his colleagues hit upon the idea of using blown air as a treatment, as they were trying to find a way to keep lice alive in a dry climate.


  • 外表颇蟹状,拟夜间出没,喜欢温暖干燥气候,常沙漠中发现,当远足野营时应加以预防,尤其是鞋子和毛毯中。

    With a crab-like appearance, scorpions are predatory and often come out at night. Scorpions like warm, dry climates and are often found in deserts.


  • 干燥的气候条件导致了产量的减少但是水果口味却因此更浓郁,由此酿制的2007葡萄酒能展现葡萄品种特性

    With these dry conditions yields were significantly reduced, however the fruit flavour intensity was very good with wines from 2007 displaying intense varietal characters.


  • 我国西北地区相对脆弱生态环境丰富矿物资源干燥气候、碱性地质特点构成了其材料产业环境之间特殊性

    Such characteristics as relatively fragile ecology, abundant mineral resource, dry climate of the Northwest form particularities between material industry and environment are concerned again.


  • 举例来说,一个工厂需要遮荫经常浇水成长不会这样做的,以及干燥气候常常阳光普照比如,在科罗拉多

    For example, a plant that requires shade and frequent watering to grow will not do well in a dry climate that is often sunny, such as that in Colorado.


  • 摘要对于葡萄园来说石灰岩土壤十分特殊且稀有的,石灰岩土壤干燥气候条件下保持必要水分可以在相对冷凉条件下保证疏水。

    ABSTRACT: Limestone is very special for the vineyard, as it not only retains moisture in dry weather, but also offers good drainage in cool weather.


  • 如果气候变得干燥那么符合逻辑的结论就是甚至更多旱灾将会发生

    If the climate gets drier, then the logical conclusion is that even more drought will occur.


  • 撒哈拉沙漠虽然干燥,但却是一个高度多样化地区公元前10000年以来经历了重大气候变化

    The Sahara is a highly diverse, albeit dry, region that has undergone major climatic changes since 10,000 B.C.


  • 一些地区沙漠区域扩张主要当地气候条件趋于干燥结果

    In some regions, the increase in desert areas is occurring largely as the result of a trend toward drier climatic conditions.


  • 这里气候非常恶劣,炎热干燥但是令人惊叹植物在这里蓬勃生长。

    The climate is harsh, hot and dry, and yet - the most amazing plant life thrives there.


  • 黄粹昆喜欢新家但是随着气候越来越炎热干燥不知道新家能不能抵御风沙

    Huang likes his new home, but with the climate getting hotter and drier, he cannot be complacent that it is secure from the sands.


  • 通常产生于个先后经受洪水泛滥极度干燥气候封闭盆地

    A common scenario is an enclosed basin that is alternately flooded and then subjected to extreme drying.


  • 处于海拔地带山西气候寒冷干燥年均降水量在400- 600毫米之间

    Being at a high altitude, Shanxi Province has a cold and dry climate and has an annual rainfall of between 400-600 millimeters.


  • 牧人经常会遇到极端气候包括dzud(暴风雪),在干燥夏天随之而来冷冽寒冬

    Nomadic herdsmen must often cope with the country's extreme climate, including the dzud, a harsh winter that follows a dry summer.


  • 它们需要廉价电力,光缆,寒冷气候以及干燥空气(否则,你为了避免电路受损必须移走热量湿气)。

    They need cheap power, fibre-optic cables, a chilly climate and dry air (otherwise you have to remove heat and humidity, which do horrible things to electronics).


  • 它们需要廉价电力,光缆,寒冷气候以及干燥空气(否则,你为了避免电路受损必须移走热量湿气)。

    They need cheap power, fibre-optic cables, a chilly climate and dry air (otherwise you have to remove heat and humidity, which do horrible things to electronics).


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