• 抽穗期地上干物随品种演进显著增加。

    From the heading stage, the shoot dry weight was increased with the evolution of the cultivars.


  • 鼓粒期水分胁迫处理推迟了大豆重增长的时间。

    On dry matter: Water stress treatments declined the dry matter of soybean significantly.


  • 表明施处理显著提高植株干物重和增强小麦分蘖能力。

    The difference of the tiller among different genotypes of wheat under S treatment was remarkable, but under CKcondition the difference of tiller was not remarkable.


  • 水分水位管理蒸腾速率、上部干物叶片水分利用效率下降

    Leaf transpiration rate, above ground dry weight and water use efficiency were all decreased under the conditions of low water level.


  • 用量,均提高油菜植株氮、磷含量单位面积

    Increasing the applying amount of nitrogen and phosphorus could all promoted nitrogen and phosphorus content in plants and total dry matter weight per unit area.


  • 阿戴布中东一些国家干物计量单位标准为埃及等于1985。

    A unit of dry measure in several countries of the Middle East, standardized in Egypt to equal198liters (5.62u. S. bushels) but varying widely elsewhere.


  • 不同演替系列凋落干物分解养分释放存在显著性差异

    There existed significant differences from DM decomposition and nutrients release between different successive series species.


  • 不同品种干物脂肪蛋白质积累差异主要表现快速增加阶段

    The differences of dry weight, lipid and protein accumulation process in peanut kernel among cultivars appeared mainly in rapid increase stage.


  • 因此叶片高低衡量植株生长状况内部代谢强弱重要生理生化指标

    Thus, the size of the dry matter rate of leaves is an important physiological biochemical index for evaluating the state of plant growth and the activity of internal metabolism.


  • 与传统高产栽培管理比较单位面积质积累量叶片表观转出量高。

    The dry matter weight per unit, dry matter accumulation per stem( panicle), and transportation of leaf apparent matter was more than the high yield crop management.


  • 介绍静电处理玉米种子其幼苗呼吸速率生长以及叶绿素含量等方面变化

    This paper introduces the changes of respiratory rate, growth patential, dry matter weight, content of chlorophyll and others of young shoots of Zea Mays seeds treated by electrostatic field.


  • 暗示可能雄蕊败育降解大分子部分运到了雌蕊,才引起雌蕊干物重的异常增加。

    This implied that after the abortion of the stamens the soluble materials were partly carried to pistils, resulting in the extraordinary expansion of the pistils.


  • 结果表明铁炮百合植株的淀粉,可溶性蛋白质含量不同生育期不同的变化格局;

    The results indicated that the dry-weight percentage, starch content, sugar content and protein content were different in different development stages.


  • 孕穗期小花面积叶片叶鞘重和总重呈显著极显著正相关茎高相关不显著。

    The floret number was significantly correlated with the weights of leaf, leaf sheath, whole main stem or tiller, and leaf area, but not with the length of stem.


  • 尽管不施处理最佳处理的干物没有显著差异,但锌田间高产情况下很可能产量限制因素之一。

    Although the difference between the yields in -zn treatment and OPT was not significant, the tendency was clear that Zn might become a yield limiting factor for a high yield production in the field.


  • 07—157平均鲜薯产量第3位,最高,达37.1%,适宜作为能源甘薯生产上应用;

    Gui 07-157 had the highest dry matter ratio (37.1%) and the third ranking in yield, and it was suitable for utilizing as energy sweet potato.


  • 结果表明:不同水分管理方式影响水稻地上干物面积指数光合速率蒸腾速率水分利用效率

    Different water managements had an important effect on above ground dry weight, leaf area index, leaf photosynthetic rate, leaf transpiration rate and water use efficiency.


  • 中东一些国家干物计量单位标准为埃及等于98(5'2美国蒲式耳),在其它地方相差很大。

    A unit of dry measure in several countries of the Middle East, standardized in Egypt to equal 98 liters (5. '2 U. S. bushels) but varying widely elsewhere.


  • 结果表明:脱毒马铃薯的群体光合速率群体叶源重量面积重量、叶面积系数优于未脱毒处理。

    The results showed the mass photosynthetic rate, mass leaf source amount, dry matter weight, leaf areas weight and index of virus-free potato were superior to that of potato.


  • 对于给定水稻品种收获指数(籽粒产量除以地上部分重求得)可能随作管理措施不同而变化

    For a given rice variety, the crop harvest index, which is calculated by the grain yield divided by total dry matter produced above ground, may vary with crop management practices used.


  • 直立品种抽穗成熟期明显高于另二种穗型,抽穗后干物重占成熟期干物重和产量的百分比也较高;

    The dry matter accumulated after heading and the biomass of mature stage of varieties with erect panicles were higher than that of varieties with semi-cured and cured.


  • 品种来看,2品种YD22SC704不同期均YD22的积累,说明yd22有着较大的增产潜力

    At different seeding time, the variety YD22's dry weight accumulation is more than SC704. This suggests that YD22 has bigger production potentiality.


  • 其中三裂蟛蜞液分别使花生叶片叶绿素含量、光合速率单株干物降低31.95%、32.65%和37.93%。

    Aqueous extract of the leaves reduced the chlorophyll of peanut leaves, net photosynthesis rate and dry weight by 31.95%, 32.65% and 37.93%, respectively.


  • 圾分类包括四种类别:可回收、有害垃圾、垃圾和湿垃圾。

    Garbage sorting includes four categories—recyclable, harmful, dry and wet waste.


  • 种在某些化学药剂灭火器中也能找到混合,MAP(磷酸二氢铵)374度时熔化

    A compound found in some dry chemical fire extinguishers, MAP melts at 374 degrees Fahrenheit.


  • 越橘所有水果中有最高抗氧化含量意味着它们可以帮助防治癌症降低心脏病风险

    Dried cranberries rank among the highest antioxidant contents of any fruit, which means they may help reduce cancer and heart disease risk.


  • 儿子是亚了罪,连累以色列人

    And the sons of Carmi; Achar, the troubler of Israel, who transgressed in the thing accursed.


  • 正像风帆大小形状不一,它们的组成跑道湖的各处各不相同

    Like the size and shape of sailing stones, its component also varies all over the Racetrack Playa.


  • 先锋报》报道,调查人员分别(受害者)卧室地板上厨房上层顶部发现把溅满血迹往复式电锯和一把看似冲洗过、水迹未短柄斧。

    Investigators found a bloody reciprocating saw on the bedroom floor and a hatchet which was still wet seemingly fresh from a wash atop an upper shelf in the kitchen according to The Herald.


  • 迦米儿子是亚犯了罪,连累了以色列人

    The son of Carmi: Achar, who brought trouble on Israel by violating the ban on taking devoted things.


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