• 北方,刮平原,穿过山谷

    The winds came from the north, across the plains, funnelling down the valley.


  • 平原曾经生活着7000万头水牛

    Once there were 70 million buffalo on the plains.


  • 沿海平原向西北方向延伸1648公里

    The coastal plain extends inlands 16 to 48 kilometers on the northwest.


  • 沿海平原向西北方向延伸1648公里

    The coastal plain extends inlands 16 to 48 kilometers on the northwest.


  • 奥运会8月奥林匹斯山附近的平原举行

    The games took place in August on the plain by Mount Olympus.


  • 砾石平原株不起眼灌木移动了一下变成了一只鸵鸟

    An unremarkable shrub on the gravel plain moved and resolved into an ostrich.


  • 相反它们可能大量南部高地流入北部平原形成路径

    Instead, they are probably the paths taken by huge volumes of water draining from the southern highlands into the northern plains.


  • 退潮时,布莱克普的海滩片广阔平原充满了诱人的沙子

    When the tide is out, Blackpool's beaches are a vast plain of beckoning sand.


  • 降雨量有限每年融化雪水洪流平原,成为滋润此地的水源

    Rainfall was limited, and what water there was rushed across the plain in the annual flood of melted snow.


  • 想想这个国家众多地理特征山脉陡坡湿地河流沙漠平原

    Consider the many geographic, features of the country: mountains, steep grades, wetlands, rivers, deserts and plains.


  • 想想这个国家众多地理特征山脉陡坡湿地河流沙漠平原

    Consider the many geographic features of the country: mountains, steep grades, wetlands, rivers, deserts and plains.


  • 19世纪80年代美国中部高地平原草原农民牧场主开垦的。

    The vast grasslands of the High Plains in the central United States were settled by farmers and ranchers in the 1880s.


  • 大约30亿年前洪水形成流出通道大约北部火山平原形成时间相同

    Flooding shaped the outflow channels approximately 3 billion years ago, about the same times as the northern volcanic plains formed.


  • 这里一场弓箭比赛目的是重新讲述过去平原印第安人是如何寻觅食物的。

    There will be a bow and arrow competition designed to retell how the Plains Indians used to hunt for food.


  • 巨石阵英国索尔兹伯里平原座巨石纪念碑,位于伦敦西南85英里处

    Stonehenge is a megalithic monument on the Salisbury Plain in England, about 85 miles southwest of London.


  • 大多数最大火山塔尔西斯凸起有关北部平原发现了许多较小的火山。

    Most of the largest volcanoes are associated with the Tharsis bulge, but many smaller ones are found in the northern plains.


  • 大批旅鼠开始穿越斯堪的纳维亚平原漫长艰难旅程段旅程可能持续数周

    Great numbers of the lemmings begin a long and hard journey across the Scandinavian plains, a journey that may last weeks.


  • 他们中亚土库曼斯坦沙漠边缘发现了这个遗址那里有一系列山丘平原隆起

    They found this site at the edge of a desert in Turkmenistan, in central Asia, where a series of mounds rise up from the plains.


  • 南非铁锈般红色沙漠中,被称为岛山的陡峭岩石山丘平原拔地而起,就像大地

    In the rusty red deserts of South Africa, steep-sided rocky hills called inselbergs rear up from the plains like the bones of the earth.


  • 他们雅典人一样成长正好坐落平原正中央那里农耕地方一座高大的卫城。

    They grow up like the Athenian does, right smack in the middle of a plain, which is a good place for farming, with a great high acropolis available.


  • 这些线条深深地雕刻平坦石质平原形成了大约300幅复杂动物猴子蜥蜴

    These lines are deeply carved into a flat, stony plain, and form about 300 intricate pictures of animals such as birds, a monkey, and a lizard.


  • 出去搭了辆推车回到公寓,卡洛·马克思纸型随着太阳东边平原升起变成了红色

    I walked out and took a trolley to my apartment, and Carlo Marx's papier-mache mountains grew red as the great sun rose from the eastward plains.


  • 我们可以西部平原覆盖大片草地撕开然后有毒化学物质倒入土壤中,直到土壤枯死,被走。

    We can tear apart the great grass cover of the western plains and pour toxic chemicals into the soil until the soil is dead and blows away in the wind.


  • 过往沙漠南部边界现在的边界更靠干旱草原较浅淡水湖泊覆盖了现在干旱平原大部分地区。

    The southern frontier of the desert was far to the north of where it is now, while semiarid grassland and shallow freshwater lakes covered much of what are now arid plains.


  • 怀俄明州平缓起伏平原中央巨大岩石高出了1000英尺看起来像是不同时间、不同地点掉落的。

    Rising more than 1,000 feet in the middle of the gently rolling plains of Wyoming, the massive column of rock looks as though it was dropped down into this location from a different time and place.


  • 马莱内18世纪末19世纪初的三个前沿地区发现一个可能解释,这些前沿国家在平原长期适应了瘦肉饮食

    Malainey et al. find a possible explanation in late-eighteenth and early-nineteenth century accounts from three frontiersmen who had adapted to lean-meat diets during extended periods in the plains.


  • 死亡沙漠平原,是加利福尼亚干涸四周群山环绕,沙漠的地面上巨大的岩石有些重达数百

    Death valley is this desert plain, a dry lake bed in California surrounded by mountains and on the desert floor these huge rocks, some of them hundreds of pounds.


  • 古代近东地区最早城邦出现美索不达米亚平原南端地区位于底格里斯河幼发拉底河之间,也就是现在伊拉克境内。

    The earliest of the city states of the ancient Near East appeared at the southern end of the Mesopotamian plain, the area between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in what is now Iraq.


  • 美国国家资源保护委员遵照政府预估范围下限,国家野生动物保护区的沿海平原上,经济上可采石油可能超过32亿

    Sticking to the low end of government estimates, the National Resources Defense Council says there may be no more than 3.2 billion barrels of economically recoverable oil in the coastal plain of ANWR.


  • 们生活在非洲的平原和森林里。

    They lived in the plains and forests of Africa.


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