Houses built before 1939 use about 50% more energy per square foot than those built after 2000, mainly due to the tiny cracks and gaps that expand over time and let in more outside air.
If you took out somebody's cortex and flattened it out, it would be two feet square, sort of like a nice rug.
Sonic booms are measured in pounds per square foot of overpressure.
That leaves new shops cannibalising sales at old ones and falling sales per square foot.
Revpas can be applied to both group catering and local catering events.
All of this, like any bit of real estate, is obtained on a long-term loan, based on the number of square feet in the facility.
Another option... Adhere reflective film (that is sold by the square foot) to your Windows for the same effect.
这是个什么概念呢? 150磅的人给地面的压力仅为3磅每平方英尺。
To put that pressure in perspective, a 150 pound person exerts only about 3 pounds per square inch.
These tiles cost $291 per square foot. Why would you even think about posting this on a minimalism blog?
来一个对比吧。 在海面下3英里的深度,水压也不到7000磅/平方英尺。
As a comparison, pressures three miles below the ocean surface are less than 7, 000 pounds per square inch.
By far the largest cemetery for a range of different cultures in the southern hemisphere, it covers in excess of 300, 000 square feet.
The change in air pressure associated with a sonic boom is only a few pounds per square foot — about the same pressure change experienced riding an elevator down two or three floors.
It shows the maximum value in the data set for this column is 4,032 square feet, and the minimum is 2,200 square feet.
About eight hundred square feet. Compared to other office buildings in Tsim Sha tsui.
Datacenters are already overstretched in terms of server count, electricity consumed, and heat generated per square foot of raised floor space.
The planning department suggests restricting the floor area of a house on such a lot to 3,088 square feet—less than half the present size.
This meticulous stocking helps it sell $1, 750 per square foot--twice as much as Whole Foods.
The building is huge. It covers 4.3 million square feet and contains 472 million cubic feet of space.
By 2007, it had grown to 1, 789 square feet, and more than 60 percent had three or more bedrooms.
Although those cities have cold winters, they are heat islands in the summer, with hundreds of thousands of square feet of roof surface absorbing energy.
The idea behind square foot gardening is that you can plant fruits, vegetables and flowers in raised beds, above infertile soil and even out of the reach of pets.
Last Wednesday, workers of forklifts zipped down the aisles of the 361, 000-square-foot factory, ferrying parts to the assembly lines.
Not only had the project cost far more than it was supposed to, but a city spiraling toward bankruptcy didn't exactly need millions more square feet of office space.
The main house has more than 10, 000 square feet, plus 26, 000 square feet in other buildings, including a chapel.
But something else about the new 10, 000 square foot (930 square metres) assembly area is even more impressive: it used to be a warehouse for the site.
The most common coping strategy, though, is simply to increase the number of paying people per square foot of dwelling space — by doubling up or renting to couch-surfers.
The most common coping strategy, though, is simply to increase the number of paying people per square foot of dwelling space — by doubling up or renting to couch-surfers.