• 网络社交环境中,这个意思容易理解所以定义现代动词形式,也是今年年度词汇评选一个很有意思选择

    In the online social networking context, its meaning is understood, so its adoption as a modern verb form makes this an interesting choice for Word of the Year.


  • 旅游杂志《旅行+休闲》进行了一项年度世界最佳调查酒店设施服务进行排名评选20个顶尖级商务酒店商务。

    Readers of travel magazine travel + Leisure ranked hotels on a list of services and amenities to come up with their 20 top business hotels, part of the publication's annual World's Best survey.


  • 去年12月,美国银行家银行业每日纪事报评选为2008年度银行家。

    In December, the American Banker, the daily chronicle of the banking industry, named him 2008 Banker of the Year.


  • PopSci年度十佳——评选这个国家聪明青年研究者

    Meet PopSci's annual Brilliant 10 — a selection of the brightest young researchers in the country.


  • 在《时代》杂志最新年度人物评选中,中国工人紧随本•伯南克之后,屈居亚军这个中国劳动力的重要组成部分得以登上世界舞台。

    And now this important segment of the Chinese workforce have come to world prominence, thanks to Time magazine naming them runners-up to Ben Bernanke in its latest Person of the Year awards.


  • 创新奖我们年度创新奖获得者评审最终评选出了七个领域的成功创新者

    Innovation Awards: Our annual prizes recognise successful innovators in seven categories. Here are this year's winners.


  • 时代,“年度人物评选当年“极大影响媒体人们生活(无论好坏),以及能体现年度大事个人团体”。

    Time said its "person of the year" selection was the "person or persons who most affected the news and our lives, for good or ill, and embodied what was important about the year."


  • 昨晚年度科斯塔图书奖评选杀出匹黑马——一位因身患乳腺癌而接受治疗诗人还是写完了的最后一部作品。

    A poet who wrote her latest collection after being diagnosed with breast cancer was last night named the surprise winner of the Costa Book of the Year Award.


  • 年度词汇评选委员会选出评选委员会成员包括大学学术界代表,澳大利亚著名诗人莱斯·穆雷其中

    The word was picked by the "word of the year" committee, which includes university academia as well as renowned Australian poet Les Murray.


  • 今年《时代》年度人物评选恢复了以往选择单个人的传统去年年度人物是“”,代表创造使用互联网内容所有用户

    This year's choice was a return to the magazine's tradition of picking an individual rather than last year's choice of “You”, which refers to anyone creating or using content on the World Wide Web.


  • 今年《时代》年度人物评选恢复了以往选择单个人的传统去年年度人物是“”,代表创造使用互联网内容所有用户

    This year's choice was a return to the magazine's tradition of picking an individual rather than last year's choice of “You”, which refers to anyone creating or using content on the World Wide Web.


  • 2007年,我们邀请非洲听众投票评选非洲年度最佳球员”。

    In 2007 we invited our African listeners to vote for the "Africa footballer of the year".


  • 澳大利亚图书销售公司戴莫克斯日前公布了2010年度读者喜欢101本书评选结果,斯蒂芬妮·梅尔光之城》系列小说名列榜首,紧随其后的是J·K·罗琳的《哈利·波特》系列。

    Stephanie Meyer's "Twilight" series ranked first in Australian bookseller Dymocks' Top 101 best books list for 2010, and J.K. Rowling's "Harry Potter" series came 2nd.


  • 美国也有重要年度汽车,其中第一个奖项《汽车潮流》(Motor Trend)杂志编辑们评选。第二个叫做“北美年度汽车奖”(NACOTY),由一个50名记者组成的评奖委员会评选

    In the U.S., the two most prominent awards are Motor Trend's, chosen by the magazine's editors, and the North American Car of the Year (NACOTY), selected by a panel of 50 journalists.


  • 人们一般认为汽车潮流》杂志开启了“年度汽车概念。1949年,也就是该杂志创刊年,凯迪拉克(Cadillac)的V 8车型评选年度最佳。

    Motor Trend is thought to have originated the car of the year concept, selecting Cadillac's V-8 models in its first year of publication in 1949.


  • 年度汉字评选活动京都一个日语汉字推广团体举办,今年共收到了来自公众的11.12万份提名。

    The event was hosted by a Kyoto-based group that promotes the use of "kanji," the Chinese characters used in the Japanese language.


  • 年度词汇外,该语言组织还评选出了多项词汇最,green当选2007年“最有用的词汇”。

    The word topped the 2007“Most Useful”category, one of numerous subgroups the society choses.


  • 英国首相布朗近日男性时尚杂志《GQ英国评选2009年度“最差着装”奖。

    UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown has been named the worst-dressed man for the year 2009 by the British edition of GQ magazine.


  • 年度最佳辅导员评选米歇尔2015年创立形成惯例每年评选

    School Counsellor of the Year is an annual White House tradition started in 2015 by Ms Obama.


  • 鲁尼本周评选球队年度最佳球员很喜欢巴伦西亚并肩作战。

    Rooney, this week voted Manchester United's player of the year, said Valencia was the team-mate he enjoyed playing alongside most.


  • 20个国家40合格钞票设计评选新西兰5元钞票“轻松获胜”,获评2015年度最佳钞票。

    New Zealand's five-dollar note has been named the banknote of the year for 2015, a "clear winner" among nearly 40 eligible designs from a record 20 countries.


  • 年被<<新旅行>>年度高端酒店评选为“最佳管家服务奖”。

    Voyage Travel Brand Annual Award – "Best of Butler Services" High End Hotels Evaluates.


  • 杂志评选出了“12年度男人”,有皮特杰米·福克斯?克·丹姆西,麦特·达盟,贾斯汀丹尼尔·莱格。

    The magazine also names 12 "men of the year," including Pitt, Jamie Foxx, Patrick Dempsey, Matt Damon, Justin Timberlake and Daniel Craig.


  • 英飞凌科技公司颁发的“杰出供应商奖”授予优秀供应商年度奖项,其评选标准基于五个方面采购质量物流技术以及管理

    Infineon Technologies' supplier Excellence Award is an annual recognition presented to its top suppliers based on five areas: purchasing, quality, logistics, technology and management profile.


  • 时代周刊年度人物评选传统开始1927年该杂志编辑上遇到的一次尴尬

    The tradition grew out of an editorial embarrassment in 1927 when Time failed to put pilot Charles Lindbergh on its cover after his historic solo trans-Atlantic flight.


  • 如果一个评选年度最差服务员比赛,已经候选人了。

    If there's a competition for Worst Waiter of the Year, I've got a candidate.


  • 评选为2006-07赛季飞利浦6612联盟年度最佳球员获得其他众多殊荣

    He was named the 2006-07 season, Philips 6612 Major League Player of the Year and received numerous other awards.


  • 评选为2006-07赛季飞利浦6612联盟年度最佳球员获得其他众多殊荣

    He was named the 2006-07 season, Philips 6612 Major League Player of the Year and received numerous other awards.


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