• 年老体衰狮子得有气无力奄奄一息地躺树下

    A lion had come to the end of his days. He lay helpless under a tree.


  • 生病狮子年老体衰的狮子病有气无力,奄奄一息地…

    The sick lion A lion had come to the end of his days. He lay helpless…growled the lion.


  • 有一大堆债务,他年老体衰这里没有回旋的余地,跨越界限

    He got loads of debt, he got old, he got weak, there's no turning back here, he has cross his rubicon.


  • 精力充沛人们无论如何不会马上年老体衰的人们马上就死的可能性较大。

    People who are physically robust are not likely to die any time soon; people who are physically frail are more likely to die soon.


  • 你们年老体衰,两鬓斑白回首往事你们发现,是你们迎来了和平生活权利

    And when you're old and grey, you'll look back on this day and you'll know, you earned the right to live every day in between.


  • 今天你们需要聆听因为我们明天领导意味着你们年老时,我们照顾你们。

    You must lend an ear today, because we are the leaders of tomorrow, which means we're going to be taking care of you when you're old and senile.


  • 只有当狮子老虎年老不能捕捉鹿其他动物这些日常食物它们才会咬死吃掉

    Lions and tigers only kill and eat men when they have grown too old and too weak to catch their usual food, such as deer and other small animals.


  • 年轻健康的人似乎成为这种病毒的易感人群,而不像普通的流感病毒那样,通常年老体衰的人感染。

    Unlike typical flus, which usually hit the old and weak, the young and healthy appear to be falling victim to this new disease.


  • 父亲年老体衰卧床不起。 因此直到第二天早上,才爱德华他胞妹尤尼斯约翰遇刺消息告知

    His father was by now frail and bedridden and it fell to Edward and his sister Eunice to break the news to him the following morning.


  • 可2008年初为了回佛罗里达照顾年老体衰父母,于是,自己经营下的产业留给了康涅狄格州的女儿

    In early 2008, however, he moved to Florida to take care of his ailing parents, leaving his business in Connecticut to his daughter.


  • 显然他们以前一样同一年龄变得年老体衰只是苟延残喘更长时间,还是老当益壮地度过延长的寿命。

    Clearly it depends on whether they become old and frail at the same age as before and just limp on for much longer, or if the extra years are hale and hearty ones.


  • 至少这些发现让人觉得它们要给予那些重病垂危黑猩猩年老体衰行动不便的黑猩猩临终关怀时有着越来越不同方式

    At the least, however, these findings suggest different ways for handling palliative care for critically ill and elderly chimpanzees in captivity, of which there are a growing number.


  • 答:当然我们必须尽力防止出现疾病残疾我们也必须谨慎行事不要强调健康老化而对年老体衰呆傻迷糊和生命垂危的有所忽视

    We must certainly do what we can to prevent illness and disability, but we must be careful that a focus on robust ageing does not lead us to neglect the frail, the demented and the dying.


  • 然而尽管一生保持较高自尊幸福人际关系生活的人们年老体衰时的自尊心下降与在不幸关系中生活的人们年老体衰时自尊心的下降是同样的。

    However, despite maintaining higher self-esteem throughout their lives, people in happy relationships experienced the same drop in self-esteem during old age as people in unhappy relationships.


  • 然而尽管一生保持较高自尊幸福人际关系生活的人们年老体衰时的自尊心下降与在不幸关系中生活的人们年老体衰时自尊心的下降是同样的。

    However, despite maintaining higher self-esteem throughout their lives, people in happy relationships experienced the same drop in self-esteem during old age as people in unhappy relationships.


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