• 一个年轻母亲冰岛揭开丈夫失踪之谜

    A young mother has flown to Iceland to unravel the mystery of her husband's disappearance.


  • 莫斯科年轻母亲安娜没有被愚弄

    Anna, a Muscovite and a young mother, was not fooled.


  • 儿童欢迎无家可归孕妇以及带着婴儿年轻母亲

    The children's home also welcomed pregnant homeless mothers and homeless mothers with infants.


  • 职业女性无法忍受家庭主妇年长母亲认为年轻母亲过于溺爱。

    Working mothers can't stand stay-at-home mothers; older ones think their younger versions are too overindulgent.


  • 站在旁边年轻母亲娜娜(NanaBoukari),20岁,有五个孩子。

    The young mother standing next to her, Nana Boukari, 20, hasfive.


  • 来自印度最富裕邦之一旁遮普邦年轻母亲Karamjeet证明了可以实现什么

    Karamjeet, the young mother from Punjab, one of India's affluent states, shows what can be achieved.


  • 妈妈们纵横美国一些年轻母亲检测她们母乳发现有草甘膦残留。

    Moms Across America has some young mothers test their breast milk and found traces of Glyphosate in them.


  • 年轻母亲(低声哀求):先生不小心钱包回家帮帮我吗?

    Young mother (implore lowly) : Sir, I lost my wallet carelessly, and can't buy a ticket for coming back home. Would you have mercy on me and lend me a hand?


  • 年轻母亲(十分激动):姑娘知道该如何感谢一定会还给

    Young mother (excited) : Oh, girl. I have no words for my appreciation. I'll give back the money to you.


  • 然而令人好奇的如果一个亲生父母这个杀手,那么其通常母亲,而且是年轻母亲

    Intriguingly, though, if a genetic parent is the killer it is often the mother. Infanticidal mothers are usually young.


  • 在世行的帮助下会向类似这位年轻母亲分发1000万顶蚊帐1500多万疟疾药物

    With the Bank's help, over 10 million mosquito nets and over 15 million doses of anti-malarial drugs will be distributed to people like that young mother.


  • 下月会有一系列报道重点关注人才市场不能灵活提供适合年轻母亲工作岗位的问题。

    A series of reports to be published in the next month highlight concerns that the job market is too inflexible to accommodate the needs of young mothers.


  • 兰格博士一位心理学家突然年龄较大母亲四周充满了年轻暗示包括那些年轻母亲她们孩子

    Dr Langer, a psychologist, said: 'Suddenly the older mother's world is surrounded by younger cues, including younger mothers and their young children.


  • 写给年轻母亲的,她们忙于给孩子换尿布上,几乎没有了睡眠时间。成熟的母亲学着放任他们。

    This is for young mothers stumbling through diaper changes and sleep deprivation, and mature mothers learning to let go.


  • 从来没有一般年轻母亲那样叽叽喳喳唠叨个没完。每当谈起孩子们时,她总是讲些严肃事儿。

    The usual chatter of young mothers was unknown to her, and any discussions about children would be of a serious nature.


  • 那天中午的早些时候,枚火箭落在港口市中心之间,一名年轻母亲被炸身亡两个孩子重伤

    Earlier that afternoon a rocket falling between the port and the city centre had killed a young mother and left her two children maimed.


  • 现在终于看到非洲牧羊人父亲一个堪萨斯州年轻母亲儿子,入主了这个世界上具权力办公室

    And now it has seen the son of a goatherd in Africa and a young mother from Kansas ascend to the most powerful office in the world.


  • 年轻母亲(望了望抱希望地):小姐小心钱包了,回家,可我现在知道怎么办

    Young mother (have a look without hopeful) : Miss, I lost my wallet carelessly, and can't buy a ticket for going back home. I don't know what can I do now.


  • 肯尼亚贫民窟遇见了一位玛莉年轻母亲,她使用废牛仔裤布料制作背包并出售,以此为生。

    In a Kenyan slum, I met a young mother named Mary who had a business selling backpacks from scraps of blue-jean fabric.


  • 晚会芳香两个男孩——一名年轻母亲儿子坐在旁边——开启关闭百叶窗汽车窗户它们的巨大所喜爱的。

    The evening was balmy, and two little boyssons of a young mother sitting next to mewere opening and closing the shutters over the car Windows, to their great delight.


  • 宾夕法尼亚纽卡斯尔一个叫做PaulineElliot年轻母亲在军中下士丈夫Frank写信:“D - Day到来了。”

    And in Newcastle, Pennsylvania, a young mother named Pauline Elliot wrote to her husband, Frank, a corporal in the Army, "D-Day has arrived."


  • 有些年轻母亲感到家里如同坐牢

    Some young mothers feel imprisoned in their own homes.


  • 母亲穿着牛仔裤和平底鞋,看上去年轻10

    His mother looked ten years younger in jeans and flats.


  • 日本年轻女性可能反抗她们母亲孤立育儿生活

    In Japan young women may be rebelling against their mothers' isolated lives of child rearing.


  • 她们职业生涯起跑线上时,她们的受教育程度要她们的母亲祖母高,或者比跟她们同龄的年轻男性还要高。

    At the starting line of their careers, they are better educated than their mothers and grandmothers had been or than their young male counterparts are now.


  • 她们位于职业生涯起跑线上时,她们受到的教育她们的母亲祖母当年接受的更好——比同龄的年轻男性现有的受教育程度要更高。

    At the starting line of their careers, they are better educated than their mothers and grandmothers had beenor than their young male counterparts are now.


  • 例如似乎没有很多年轻试图他们亲爱的母亲精神病院

    There do not appear to be large numbers of young people who are trying, for example, to have their dear old mother locked up in a mental hospital.


  • 例如似乎没有很多年轻试图他们亲爱的母亲精神病院

    There do not appear to be large numbers of young people who are trying, for example, to have their dear old mother locked up in a mental hospital.


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