We have not always been thanked for these efforts, and we have at times made mistakes.
Holdren also acknowledged that the Waxman-Markey bill was not perfect.
It's almost comforting to know that the best development teams in the world aren't perfect either.
Management is not an exact science, so we will all benefit from sharing different views and ideas.
Don't write off jobs that don't sound perfect for you — apply for them anyway!
The evidences of EBM are provided by random controlled trial (RCT), and it is not perfect for clinical use.
When we tried it out, it worked better than previous generations of wireless technologies, but still wasn't perfect.
Don? T be afraid to admit that you are less than perfect. It is this fragile thread that binds us to each together.
Don't be afraid to admit that you are less than perfect. It is this fragile thread that binds us to each together.
Don't be afraid to admit that you are less than perfect. It is this fragile thread that binds us to each together.
Don't be afraid to admit that you are less than perfect. It is this fragile thread that blinds us to each together.
The experience wasn't perfect: I had to restart my browser once, and one of my friends got kicked off.
Don't be afraid to admit that you are less than perfect. It is this fragile thread that binds us to each together.
Though their argument is not yet watertight, theX- ray scattering results provide "one more piece of supportingevidence", he says.
The new system isn't foolproof - it still relies upon anonymous editing, and assumes that editors who have been around longer are more likely to give you accurate information.
Shift +F3 大小写切换这个并非完美 —比如说,它在标题大写模式下坚持要把冠词和介词改为大写,不过还是帮我们节省了大量时间的。
Shift + F3 Toggles through capitalization options. This one isn’t perfect — for instance, it insists on capitalizing articles and prepositions in Title Case mode — but it’s still a big timesaver.
Elgato系统,这家发明e yeTV的公司,已经公布了一段消音器工作的演示视频——它并非完美,但确实似乎能将烦人的嗡嗡声降到可接受的程度。
Elgato Systems, the maker of EyeTV, has released a demo video of the filter in action — it's not perfect, but it definitely seems to take the edge out of the annoying buzzing sound.
A lot of people think of earth's orbit around the sun as being perfectly circular, as smooth and as regular as, say, the way that hands move on a well-made watch, but it just doesn't work that way.
From hiccups to wisdom teeth, the evolution of homo sapiens has left behind some glaring, yet innately human, imperfections.
The lighting was not perfect for this picture, but it was nevertheless wonderful to see those bright orange aspens out there.
The Earth isn't completely spherical - land at the North Pole is a number of kilometres nearer to the core of the planet than land at the Equator.
It's a great idea in theory, but not so easy to implement in the real world.
Not because the mother fancies him, but because the father feels under pressure to be as perfect as Beckham who successfully combines work and fitness with family.
However, this theory predicts that the electron has a more distorted shape than that suggested by the Standard Model.
However, this theory predicts that the electron has a more distorted shape than that suggested by the Standard Model.