• 产品促销不同广告个人销售宣传推销活动

    Sales promotion consists of those promotional activities other than advertising, personal selling, and publicity.


  • 为此,他们借鉴别人成功经验,分析宣传设计策略的成功案例,以及重新审视之前广告推销活动

    They benchmark the success of others; analyze what promotional and design strategies have worked in the past; and review their advertising and promotional campaigns.


  • 年前,壳牌石油公司加拿大美国发起一个十分成功广告宣传活动

    Some years ago, Shell carried out a very successful AD campaign in Canada and the US.


  • 他们小型团体已经开始宣传广告活动试着素食减排温室气体等同起来。

    They and smaller groups have started advertising campaigns that try to equate vegetarianism with curbing greenhouse gases.


  • 这种鸡蛋广告宣传灵感来源于美国曾经类似活动,但日本上述首次,而日本一向也被认为世界上人均鸡蛋消费量最高的国家。

    The AD campaign, inspired by similar advertising in the United States, is the first of its kind in Japan, said to be the world's largest per capita consumer of eggs.


  • 已经众所周知德里布花之二重唱由于被英国航空一个广告宣传活动引用到而名噪一时。

    Already well known, Delibes's Flower Duet was made ever-increasingly popular by British Airway's use of the work in a fairly recent advertising campaign.


  • 新的宣传活动利用互联网包括搜索引擎的关键宣传网站广告条)以及电视户外广告

    The new campaign will also utilize the Internet, including keyword-based marketing through search engines and banner advertisements, as well as television and outdoor ads.


  • 最后我们还会一些户外宣传活动,在大城市主要入口处树立广告

    Finally, we'll have some outdoor ads using billboards near the main entrances to big cities.


  • 约翰·亚当斯电视商业广告影院中展开了广泛的宣传活动鼓励观众观看户外广告和报纸广告栏也成了宣传的阵地。

    The campaign to encourage viewers to watch "John Adams" includes commercials on television and in movie theaters, as well as outdoor advertising and newspapers ads.


  • 制片厂还是使用老一套的广告宣传手法:每年他们漫无目的、目标错误营销活动投入几十亿美元的巨资。

    The studios are old-school advertisers: every year they spend billions of dollars on scattershot campaigns that often hit the wrong people.


  • 这些工具允许进行针对性营销广告宣传活动产生收入具有若干传统电子商务功能

    These tools also allow focused campaigns and ads to generate revenue and have several traditional e-commerce capabilities.


  • 高级执行主管们表示因为开展数字营销宣传活动要比开发传统媒体广告包含更为密集的劳动,就意味着更高费用

    Because digital marketing campaigns are more labor-intensive to develop than ads in traditional media, executives say, this means higher fees.


  • 20世纪80年代大规模公众宣传活动之后,年轻人却在无知成长——超过三分之一年轻人回想不起是否曾经看过有关艾滋病感染广告

    After the huge public campaigning efforts of the 1980s, we have let a generation of young people grow up ignorant - more than a third say they cannot recall ever seeing an advert on the infection.


  • 专业从事各类摄影摄像跟踪服务影视广告企业宣传专题片制作会议活动婚礼庆典

    Specialized in all kinds of videotape tracking service television advertising, enterprise publicity, specials production meeting activity, the wedding ceremony.


  • 比如说如果市场推广经理评价自己授权一个失败广告宣传活动,那你可以这句话作为开场白:签字批准这个活动家伙下周可能就得去工作了。

    For example, if you're a marketing manager reviewing a failed campaign you authorized, begin with a line like, "The guy who signed off on this deal might just be looking for work next week." That's.


  • 公司启动非常成功广告或者宣传活动,或者你可能卖出一个剧本

    You may begin a very successful advertising or publicity campaign for your business, or you may sell a screenplay.


  • 近几年来,Crispin广告复兴了汉堡品牌,它还Mini大众设计了引人称赞宣传活动

    In recent years, Crispin has revived, among other brands, Burger King, while coming up with admired campaigns for the Mini and Volkswagen.


  • 就像Facebook用于广告宣传派对活动推广一样,《魔兽世界》等游戏完全可以用来宣传推广IT课程美术设计职位策略性娱乐产业

    Games like Warcraft could be used to advertise technology courses, graphic designer jobs and strategic industries in much the same way that Facebook advertises campaigns and parties.


  • 在全国11个时区展开了猛烈竞选攻势,其中也包括美国式的竞选活动电视宣传广告

    The first election was close, but Boris won the runoff handily, after a vigorous campaign across all his country’s eleven time zones that included American-style campaign events and TV ads.


  • 通过大型广告活动进行宣传,让其他Windows电脑制造商抢占封面如果他们害怕苹果在今后十年大肆入侵市场的话。

    Introduce it with a mammoth AD campaign that shows the makers of other Windows PCs running for cover, as if they've been fearing Apple's monstrous entry into their market for decades.


  • 通过大型广告活动进行宣传,让其他Windows电脑制造商抢占封面如果他们害怕苹果在今后十年大肆入侵市场的话。

    Introduce it with a mammoth AD campaign that shows the makers of other Windows PCs running for cover, as if they've been fearing Apple's monstrous entry into their market for decades.


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