• 隶属联合利华旗下,旁氏不是联合利华植入《广告狂人》的第一个品牌

    Owned by Unilever, Pond's is not the conglomerate's first brand to appear on Mad Men.


  • 时候远离类似《广告狂人》某里的工作场所政策了。

    It's time to do away with workplace policies that belong in a "Mad Men" episode.


  • 经常被提及一个驱动力量就是热播电视剧广告狂人》中可以见到豪饮

    One driving force often mentioned is the (sometimes) glamorous drinking seen on the hit TV show "Mad Men."


  • 广告狂人如此受欢迎有前提,那就是人物和剧情可以发挥类似安全阀的作用。

    One of the premises of 'Mad Men' is that the behavior on the show is something of a safety valve.


  • 广告狂人》第四季里,唐。德雷帕就是此和贝瑟尼谈情说爱(这让贝蒂伤心不已)。

    Don Draper romanced Bethany at Barbetta (much to Betty's dismay) in Season Four of Mad Men.


  • 我们选择这些问题某人多少个兄弟姐妹或者他们最喜欢节目是否广告狂人无关

    The questions we chose had nothing to do with the how many siblings someone might have or if their favorite show was Mad Men.


  • 之后得到了《广告狂人》(“Mad Men”)这部剧本来先HBO但是被了。

    Then it acquired "Mad Men" -a show that had been pitched to HBO and turned down.


  • 看看讲述20世纪60年代一家广告公司的《广告狂人电视节目人物吧,明白

    Take a look at the characters in programmes such as Mad Men, the TV series about a 1960s advertising agency, and you'll get the idea.


  • 以《广告狂人最为出名AMC公司最近可以交易,尽管收购可能非常激烈。

    AMC, best known for "Mad Men", recently became available, although the bidding for it is likely to be fierce.


  • 广告狂人》的获奖没有意外——一季剧集真的非常精彩剧集的内容真的值得一看。

    Seeing Mad Men win Best drama (again) doesn't really surprise me - I thought that the previous season of the show was truly great, and there was definitely LOADS of drama worth rewarding.


  • 这部电影的剧本将由一手捧红剧集《广告狂人》的影人马修·韦纳撰写剧本,并且首次担任导演一职。

    Mad Men creator Matthew Weiner wrote the script and will make his feature directorial debut with the project.


  • 要舒舒服服坐在沙发上,一边看广告狂人》,一边完美大餐。再来一杯红酒还有大叠餐巾

    I'd eat it on the sofa, watching an episode of Mad Men, with a glass of red wine and plenty of napkins.


  • 观看理由:凭借连续届斩获艾美奖最佳电视剧奖项,《广告狂人》成为了有史以来最佳剧集之一

    Why you should watch it: Winning the Emmy Award for Outstanding Drama Series four years in a row makes Mad Men one of the best TV shows ever.


  • 广告狂人》,有关广告的电影节目洛杉矶举办的艾美奖颁奖仪式第二获得受欢迎剧集奖。

    Mad Men, the period show about the advertising industry, has won an Emmy for best TV drama for the second year running, at a ceremony in Los Angeles.


  • 大多数表示他们知道应该避免《广告狂人》(MadMen)第三季里那位解雇广告管理人士暴怒情绪。

    Most people say they know to avoid the sort of bridge-burning tantrum thrown by the AD exec who was fired on the season premier of 'Mad Men' this week.


  • 也是奖项第一授予基本频道(广告狂人AMC频道播放,区别HBO金牌频道)的电视节目

    It was the first time the award had gone to a show on basic cable (it is shown on the AMC channel) as opposed to a premium network, such as HBO.


  • 2007年首播的《广告狂人》不仅是人们了解广告扇窗让观众有机会一睹美国喧嚣的六十年代

    When it premiered in 2007, Mad Men opened a window into the advertising industry and also the US during the tumultuous 1960s.


  • 时尚品牌MichaelKorsAMC热播剧《广告狂人》情有独钟,深受剧中明星1963风格影响

    Fashion labels like Michael Kors cashed in on the influence of AMC's hit show Mad Men and the circa 1963 styles worn by its stars.


  • 广告狂人·哈姆对于关于出演新一集“超人传闻一笑置之,并开玩笑自己年纪已经没办法“起来了”。

    Mad Men star Jon Hamm has laughed off speculation he'll be flying into action as Superman in the superhero's next movie - because he's too old to play the man of Steel.


  • 广告狂人·哈姆对于关于出演新一集“超人传闻一笑置之,并开玩笑自己年纪已经没办法“起来了”。

    Mad Men star Jon Hamm has laughed off speculation he'll be flying into action as Superman in the superhero's next movie - because he's too old to play the man of Steel.


  • 马尔维克冷酷样子很像电视剧《广告狂人》中浪荡的罗杰·斯特林现实生活里,范博梅尔的岳父大人。

    Bert van Marwijk has the steely look of Mad Men lothario Roger Sterling. In real life he is van Bommels father in law.


  • Jantzen指出,《广告狂人内容出现他们产品并不意外因为公司历史悠久(目前正在庆祝成立100周年)。

    Jantzen said it was not surprised that it would appear in the content of Mad Men, given the company's long history in the public eye (its currently celebrating its 100th anniversary).


  • 出演《广告狂人》的明星-哈姆拥有令人向往下巴曲线,也有不少喜欢裘德-洛鼻子乔治-克鲁尼头发

    Mad Men star Jon Hamm has the most desired jaw line, while others liked Jude Law's nose and George Clooney's hair.


  • 与此同时·汉姆终于凭借《广告狂人》斩获最佳维奥拉·戴维斯成为第一获得最佳女主的非美国演员

    Meanwhile, Jon Hamm finally took home best actor for 'Mad Men' and Viola Davis became the first African-American woman to win best actress.


  • 这部电影里有两个反派角色:在《广告狂人》中走红JaredHarris,他将扮演邪恶的莫里亚蒂教授

    The villain this time is two-fold: first, "Mad Men" star Jared Harris, as wildly evil Professor Moriarty;


  • 这部电影里有两个反派角色:在《广告狂人》中走红JaredHarris,他将扮演邪恶的莫里亚蒂教授

    The villain this time is two-fold: first, "Mad Men" star Jared Harris, as wildly evil Professor Moriarty;


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