• 电视正从广播节目获取灵感。

    TV is using radio as a seedbed for ideas.


  • 达夫很快掌握了广播节目制作技能

    Duff soon mastered the skills of radio production.


  • 国家电台广播节目中,政府宣布愿意恢复和平谈判

    In a broadcast on state radio the government announced that it was willing to resume peace negotiations.


  • 从20世纪20年代早期引入商业广播节目开始这些竞争合作就在开创美国广播产业

    Their competition and collaboration were creating the broadcasting industry in the United States, beginning with the introduction of commercial radio programming in the early 1920s.


  • 可以收听广播节目中有用的信息。

    I can listen for useful information in a radio program.


  • 子们和他们的露营伙伴们在运营自己新闻台的方方面面的同时,他们还将创建并主持一个广播节目,每晚晚饭时间在整个营地播放。

    While running every aspect of our own news station, kids and their fellow campers will create and host a broadcast airing each night at dinner for the entire camp.


  • 非洲广播节目只需花费分钱就获得位听众

    Radio programmes can cost as little as three cents to reach a listener in Africa.


  • 应该认为网络内容分发广播节目中的信号

    You should be thinking of the distribution for web content more as a signal for a radio show.


  • 我们最后一个应用将返回本文最初问题如何录制广播节目

    Our final exercise returns to the original problem that motivated this article: how to record a radio program.


  • 威利斯高中时,学校一个演出中扮演广播节目主持人

    When Willis was in high school, he played the part of a radio announcer in a school play.


  • 流行的电视节目一样创造无线广播节目畅销书

    As well as a popular TV show, he puts out a radio programme and bestselling books.


  • 有时候深夜凌晨广播节目后,还有录音棚等候

    Sometimes, when he's finished taping his radio program in the late evening or early morning, people are waiting for him at the studio door.


  • 此消息占据所有杂志封面并且广播节目脱口秀都其进行探讨。

    It has been splashed on all the magazine covers and chewed over on broadcast talk-shows.


  • 1937年成功返回纽约家俱乐部演出,还出现在了一些国家广播节目中。

    He made a triumphant return to New York in 1937, playing at several clubs and appearing on national radio shows.


  • 同时成为畅销书作家媒体红人,经常电视广播节目大家公认行家

    He is now a best-selling author, appears on TV shows, has a satellite radio show, and is considered one of the leading experts on social media.


  • 他们那儿重要的是,他们领导人每周这儿来做广播节目时,他请愿。

    They were there to see but, more important, to petition their leader as he arrived for his weekly radio show.


  • 完成了自己学校电台录制广播节目打开笔记本电脑看看有什么重要的事情发生。

    I do, I had just finished producing a radio show for the college radio station I worked for when I opened my laptop to find out if anything noteworthy had happened.


  • 系统售价一百五十美元,一个DVR并且能够导入无线电视广播节目来自互联网即时点播内容

    The system, which sells for $150 at Best Buy, has a DVR and pulls in both over-the-air TV broadcasts and on-demand content from the Internet.


  • 观众提供口味众多广播节目,涵盖了新闻时事纪实影片艺术鉴赏,其它国家民众羡慕不已。

    It offers viewers a varied broadcast diet of news, current affairs, documentaries and the arts which is the envy of other countries.


  • 威利斯·科诺·菲尔不仅广播节目谈论爵士乐有时创作音乐爵士乐歌曲歌词。

    Willis Conover not only talked about jazz music on his program. He sometimes wrote the music and the words to jazz songs.


  • 他们上个月表示系统将会今年底投入使用全国超过70家电视台计划他们提供广播节目

    The OMVC said last month that broadcasts using this system would begin by the end of this year and that more than 70 stations across the country were planning to offer broadcasts.


  • 许多合肥市民同洛杉矶市民一样房产新闻趋之若鹜,当地最有一档广播节目繁荣的房地产”。

    Many Hefei residents are as obsessed with real estate news as Angelenos are. One of the most popular radio programs here is an afternoon talk show called "Blossom Real Estate."


  • 8月16日查韦斯每周一次广播节目中,承诺一系列经济刺激计划没有任何怎么兑现承诺的迹象

    In his weekly broadcast on August 16th he promised a stimulus package but gave no indication of how he would pay for it.


  • 最近从《秀》,自己喜欢广播节目,里听到故事。讲的一个无家的讲述自己无家的生活。

    I heard this story recently while listening to a favorite radio show of mine. It was about this homeless man who was detailing some of his experience with homelessness.


  • 13%尼日利亚现在通过手机收听调频广播节目拉各斯市,通过手机收听调频节目的听众更达到23%。

    Listening to FM via mobile phone is already happening among 13% of Nigerians, though in Lagos this climbs to 23% who listen to FM radio on mobile devices.


  • 床上放一台ipod 听一些音乐广播节目,其实大量音乐入眠,这取决于你睡前对音乐的享受

    iPod in bed Try music or audio. There are a number of musical or audio techniques that can help you to fall asleep, depending on how much you enjoy sound as you're falling asleep.


  • 靠着上帝恩典2007年秋天重新基督委身,这时有人介绍上网FamilyLife广播节目

    By God's grace, in the fall of 2007 I recommitted my life to Christ and was introduced to FamilyLife's radio broadcasts on the Internet.


  • 靠着上帝恩典2007年秋天重新基督委身,这时有人介绍上网FamilyLife广播节目

    By God's grace, in the fall of 2007 I recommitted my life to Christ and was introduced to FamilyLife's radio broadcasts on the Internet.


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