The serializer may cause performance problems or just be buggy.
I would advise you to have the sources of some of the base (DE) serializers available for reference.
How can you find the right serializer to de-serialize the XML payload back to the concrete objects?
The initial bootstrapping of the serialization and deserialization of RPC parameters and responses is handled by the root (de)serializers.
Axis provides a number of important features that include handlers, chain, serializers, and deserializers.
First, you need to make the distinction between what I call root (DE) serializers and normal (DE) serializers.
Obviously, this will only work if you've registered the serializers for all components in the type mapping registry.
It is here at line 3 that the dispatching to the root deserializer occurs, when the unmarshall method is called.
The deserializer knows what class it should be returning because in most cases it has been tailored for a specific class.
Don't believe me? Take a look at the source code to the Apache Axis deserializer.
In the sample code below, take note of the highlighted values, which you must use when registering root (DE) serializers.
Having identified the other serializers, you can delegate to them by calling.
Direct access via a priori knowledge of the class (that is, you know in advance that you serializer only works for one specific class).
For each parameter, the type mapping registry is queried and the Marshall method subsequently called on the returned serializer.
这就是我把重点只放在这篇详细说明文章的Section 5编码(反)序列化器上的原因。
This is the reason why I will be focusing the cookbook solely on Section 5-encoding (DE) serializers.
The root (DE) serializer in turn will query the type mapping registry for the next normal (DE) serializer to be called.
If the back end system that consumes this generated XML is not capable of handling such elements, the serializer can be configured to generate a default namespace declaration.
Two conditions need to be satisfied in order for serialization to happen: the serializer must be given a supported type and the object to be serialized must be non-null.
SOAP USES serializers and deserializers to translate from the native language of a software application to the SOAP protocols that transfer the request and response over the network.
与低层API相比,XMLEventWriter 使用的基于事件对象的序列化器 API由更少的方法组成。
The event object-based serialization API embodied by XMLEventWriter consists of fewer methods than the low-level API.
该序列化器为正在加载的XML中的元素抛出一个异常,但是该X ML并不是用来生成包的原始schema的一部分。
The serializer throws an exception for the elements that are in the XML being loaded but were not part of the original schema used to generate the package.
Unlike the conventional serializer which writes out the raw data, the custom binder produces an intermediate form of SOAP message as a SOAPElement.
序列化器实现or g . apache . soap . ut il . xml . Serializer并实现一个方法。
A serializer implements org.apache.soap.util.xml.Serializer and realizes a single method.
Options that allow (limited) control over the validation handling and the serializers/deserializers used for marshalling and unmarshalling
You can even provide data in any of the aforementioned data formats (not including SOAP) quite easily, if you're building a common response object and using a different serializer.
反序列化器实现or g . apache . soap . ut il . xml . Deserializer并实现一个方法。
A deserializer implements org.apache.soap.util.xml.Deserializer and realizes a single method.