• 问题:为什么DNS应用层协议

    Why we say DNS is the app layer protocal? : Thank you.


  • 所有应用层协议使用作为传输协议之间的接口

    All application layer protocols use the sockets layer as their interface to the transport layer protocol.


  • DL 476—92电力系统实时数据通信应用层协议

    DL 476-92 power system real-time data communication application layer protocol.


  • Ethereal一个专业协议分析软件,它可以帮助调试应用层协议

    Ethereal is a professional protocol analyzer that can help debug application layer protocols.


  • 应用层协议采用通用函数实现其中主要数据接收发送函数

    The application command function is implemented by a group of general functions, which send and receive the data.


  • 提出了两种方案实现CAN应用层协议每种方案进行了性能分析

    Two application protocols are analyzed and applied to realize the communication among nodes.


  • 这一主要用途为了定义网络交换蜂窝网络用户信息应用层协议

    The purpose of this layer is to define the application layer protocol for the exchange of cellular subscriber information between networks.


  • 应用层协议传输信息进行分析根据过滤条件,控制信息的转发

    It analyses the information transported in application layer protocol and controls the forwarding of the information based on the filtering rules.


  • 高级消息队列协议AMQP1一个异步消息传递所使用的应用层协议规范

    The Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP 1) is an application layer protocol specification for asynchronous messaging.


  • 介绍了一种运用工业以太网技术过程控制系统及其网络应用层协议设计思想

    The method of designing an industrial Ethernet based process control system and application layer protocal is introduced.


  • 网络家电整体协议框架,网络家电即插即用技术属于应用层协议研究范畴。

    In the network household appliance protocol framework, the technology of network household appliance Plug-And-Play is the part of the application protocol.


  • UDP允许主机管理阻塞,将这个方面推进到 FASP应用层协议中(参见3)。

    UDP permits the host to manage congestion, pushing this aspect into the application layer protocol of FASP (see Figure 3).


  • 详细介绍CAN通讯协议拓扑结,制定了CAN总线应用层协议的通讯报文形式。

    The CAN bus communication protocol was explained and the form of the communication message is established on application layer.


  • 为了有效地监控电动汽车子系统,设计了电动汽车CAN总线的应用层协议监控系统。

    In order to control and monitor the dynamic system and other subsystems of an electric vehicle (ev) effectively, the monitor system and ev CAN bus application layer protocol are developed.


  • 结合分布式控制系统机器人控制中的典型应用,设计了CAN应用层协议相应的通信软件

    According to the typical application of the distributed control system in robot, the application layer protocol of CAN bus with corresponding software was presented.


  • 本文着重讨论CAN网络设计CAN节点硬件软件的设计以及CAN应用层协议制定

    This article focuses on the design of CAN network and CAN node hardware, software design, as well as CAN application layer protocol development.


  • 此外论文还详细给出监测系统各个功能模块程序框图以及自定义的CAN总线应用层协议

    In addition, the program chart of every function module designed in the monitor system and the application agreement of CAN bus are given in this paper.


  • 数据采集器采用分层开发思想设计了完善的应用层协议,同时设计了简明易用的PC机软件

    The layering thought of development of data acquisition unit is adopted. The protocol on application level and the PC software are designed.


  • 第四部分主要介绍在SJA1000总线控制器支持下独立自主开发CAN总线应用层协议

    The forth part is about CAN bus network application layer protocol, which was invented independently, with the support of the SJA1000 bus controller.


  • 借助于设计实现了私有握手协议客户装备一个应用层协议引擎用户可以自由选择各种应用

    The private handshake protocol has been designed and implemented, with the help of which the client was equipped with an engine of application which let user can select applications freely.


  • 会话初始协议(SIP)下一代网络重要应用层协议基于文本具有简单灵活易于扩展优点

    Session Initiation protocol (SIP) is an important application layer protocol for NGN, which is based on the text, Characterized by the advantages of simplicity, flexibility and easy extensibility.


  • 许多新兴业务流使用私有应用层协议这些私有的协议非常复杂很难格式操作进行理解交流

    Many of these new businesses traffic use private application layer protocol, these private protocols are very complex and difficult to understand and communicate on the form and operation.


  • 给出混合电动轿车CAN总线系统硬件结构软件设计方法以及混合电动轿车CAN应用层协议制定策略

    This article provides the hardware structure of CAN Bus system, the software designing method and the making strategy of CAN application layer protocol in HEV.


  • 然后根据同步协议确定所述受控错误错误分布根据应用层协议隐匿所述多媒体数据检测到的错误。

    An error distribution of the controlled error is then determined based on a sync layer protocol and the detected error in the multimedia data is concealed based on an application layer protocol.


  • 传统的协议还原技术有很多的的不足之处,很多工具开发包提供IP分片重组TCP重组以及应用层协议重组。

    Some tools and network development kits provide the IP fragments reorganization, TCP flow restructuring, and the application layer protocol reassembling.


  • 过滤技术过滤、状态检测应用代理融合”,实现了高性能、可扩展、透明的对应用层协议的保护。

    Flow filtration technology is a kind of "integration" which compounds packet filtration, state detection and the agent of application.


  • 美国工程师协会SAE)针对载货车大客车制定了SAE J1939协议但是针对混合动力汽车没有统一的CAN应用层协议

    Thereinto, SAE(Society of Automotive Engineers) has set down J1939/11783 applying for truck and bus. At the same time, there was no uniform CAN higher layer protocol applying for HEV by now.


  • 本文即针对以上情况,通过构建协议分析仿真平台,对CAN协议各层规范进行分析,并且基于对CAN总线的认识,以混合动力轿车为实现对象,制定了基于SAEJ1939协议应用层协议

    So in this paper, a simulation platform is set up to analyze the CAN protocol and design an application layer protocol based on SAEJ1939 with the knowledge of CAN.


  • RFC 5023:TheAtomPublishingProtocol查阅关于这个基于 HTTP应用层协议,该协议以 Atom格式表示形式发布编辑Web资源

    RFC 5023: The Atom Publishing Protocol: Read about this HTTP-based, application-level protocol for publishing and editing Web resources as Atom-formatted representations.


  • 这种行为需要TCP之上进行操作面向消息协议可以应用层提供数据缓冲消息分帧机制(这可能是一复杂任务)。

    This behavior requires that message-oriented protocols operating over TCP provide data-buffer and message framing within their application layer (a potentially complex task).


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