Ensuring you have an array of components that can support all the existing functionality of an application is often the first tier of component development.
It should not be at all surprising that this picture bears some resemblance to a block diagram of EWA; at the highest level, any robust application framework must provide these functions.
This is a question that strikes at the heart of the usability discussion, because it involves design at two levels: function and aesthetics.
对Rails模型进行单元测试,然后通过功能测试和集成测试在更高层次上确保 Rails应用程序符合设计预期。
Unit tests test the Rails models, while functional and integration tests ensure the Rails application works as designed at a higher level.
It may take serious effort to determine if an application has significant unexpected or hidden functionality, and it could indicate deeper problems in the software development process.
It may take serious effort to determine if an application has significant unexpected or hidden functionality, and it could indicate deeper problems in the software development process.