• 使用廉价劳动力有助于降低成本

    The use of cheap labour helped to keep costs down.


  • 所以无土栽培可以廉价生产食物

    So, is hydroponics a cheaper way of producing food?


  • 雇主正在把移民当作廉价劳动力使用

    Employers are using immigrants as cheap labour.


  • 廉价进口商品充斥市场

    Cheap imported goods are flooding the market.


  • 廉价进口严重削弱英国自行车工业

    Cheap imports decimated the British cycle industry.


  • 他们应该允许等待廉价技术开发出来

    They should be allowed to wait for cheaper technologies to be developed.


  • 雇主需要廉价劳动力消费者需要便宜房子

    Employers want cheap labour and consumers want cheap houses.


  • 这位大主教呼吁政府当地居民更多廉价住宅

    The archbishop called on the government to build more low cost homes for local residents.


  • 公司采取不正当策略,廉价劳工取代本土员工

    Firms are using the programme as a backdoor way to replace domestic employees with cheaper labour.


  • 一张廉价长远上并不省钱,所以所能买贵的。

    A cheap bed can be a false economy, so spend as much as you can afford.


  • 服装业这样劳动密集型产业,工厂劳动力廉价的。

    For labour-intensive businesses like garments, factory labour is cheap.


  • 推出相对廉价一系列产品为了填补较低档市场缺口

    A cheaper range of products was introduced to plug the gap at the lower end of the market.


  • 这些社区开始用回收这种较为廉价方法替代废物填埋法。

    These communities are now turning to recycling as a cheaper alternative to landfills.


  • 制造商在以廉价进口货充斥市场破坏了美国人就业机会

    Manufacturers are destroying American jobs by flooding the market with cheap imports.


  • 如果省钱套你看中的套装,一个月的廉价晚餐也许会你买得起。

    If you're saving up for a new outfit you've had your eye on, cheap dinners for a month might let you buy it.


  • 需要廉价劳动力

    I didn't need cheap labour.


  • 英国民众喜欢廉价耳环庸俗银饰品。

    The British public loved his cheap gold earrings and his tasteless silver ornaments.


  • 成人肥胖廉价食品使儿童缺乏不可或缺营养

    The cheap foods that make adults fat starve children of absolutely essential nutrients.


  • 好消息,这个世界充满经过验证的、廉价节能方法

    The good news is that the world is full of proven, cheap ways to save energy.


  • 廉价火车变得流行起来海滨胜地迅速发展起来

    Cheap day excursion trains became popular and seaside resorts grew rapidly.


  • 不幸的是,这些廉价替代品它们替代非法药物有害

    Unfortunately, the cheap alternatives are even more harmful than the illicit drugs they replace.


  • 最终廉价眼镜生产出来然后每个人都能用得上眼镜了。

    Eventually, inexpensive glasses were produced, and then glasses were available to everyone.


  • 今天这个地区没有人讨论改善道路廉价交通方式重要性

    Today, nobody in the district argues about the importance of improved paths and inexpensive means of transport.


  • 一些专家我们仍然充分的理由相信廉价石油使世界经济升温

    Some experts say there are still good reasons to believe cheap oil should heat up the world economy.


  • 阻止蕨菜蔓延一种潜在廉价自我维持的方法引入植物天敌

    One potentially cheap and self-sustaining method of halting the spread of bracken is to introduce natural enemies of the plant.


  • 试图苯胺批量制造奎宁,苯胺是一种廉价容易获得煤焦油废料

    He was attempting to manufacture quinine from aniline, an inexpensive and readily available coal tar waste product.


  • 按照这种逻辑巨无霸华堡这样廉价食物吸引需要削减开支消费者

    When consumers need to cut spending, the logic goes, cheap meals like Big Macs and Whoppers become even more attractive.


  • 廉价交通网络城市兴起以及资本信用普及都是促使工厂生产转型的因素。

    Cheap transportation networks, the rise of cities, and the availability of capital and credit all stimulated the shift to factory production.


  • 对于建筑师来说计算机辅助设计已经变得至关重要它让设计过程变得廉价了。

    For architects, computer-aided design has become essential but in some ways has cheapened the design process.


  • 我们所有廉价商品稍有缺陷

    All our sale items are slightly imperfect.


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