• 介绍了筒建筑物爆破拆除专家系统开发应用

    In this paper, the process to develop and apply the expert system for cylindrical building blasting demolition.


  • 爆炸水雾降尘解决城市建筑物爆破拆除产生爆破粉尘问题一种方法

    Capturing dust used of water mist resulting from explosion is a new way that solves problem of blasting dust from blasting demolishing city buildings.


  • 通过采场周边主要建筑物爆破振动效应观测分析采场周边建筑物安全防护提供科学依据

    The influence of blasting vibration on the main buildings around the stope was measured and analysed. The scientific basis of protection for the main buildings around the stope was provided.


  • 高层建筑物爆破拆除中,落体触地冲击地面引起震动往往成为拆除爆破负面效应控制关键因素之一。

    In the course of demolition of high building by blasting, the vibration caused by the collapse hitting is usually one of the prodominant factors to control the side effect of demolition blasting.


  • 采用理论分析数值计算的方法高耸建筑物爆破拆除建筑物倾倒过程中的内力进行了分析计算,得到了内力的演化规律。

    In this paper, by the means of theory and numerical simulation, the change of inner stress of high building during its collapse by blasting is calculated.


  • 十分靠近建筑物设备地点爆破谨慎重要

    Caution in blasting is most important within the immediate vicinity of buildings and installations.


  • 围堰2006年6月6日,仅用12秒钟拆毁,拆毁这个长达400米,高达10层建筑物需要有足够爆破

    The cofferdam was demolished on June 6, 2006, in just 12 seconds, but required enough explosive force to topple 400 10-story buildings.


  • 文中叙述爆破拆除建筑物设计和施工、爆破效果体会

    The design performance, results and experience of such a blasting demolition are described in detail.


  • 研究为类似高耸建筑物拆除爆破安全施工控制提供了有益借鉴

    This study is significant to the construction safety and control of demolition blasting of similarity tower building in practice.


  • 实践证明,该系统用于高耸建筑物拆除爆破设计基本上可行的,存在一些不足之处必须加以完善。

    The practice has shown that it is basically feasible to use the system in blasting design for demolition of the towering structures, but it has some shortages and need to be improved.


  • 同时隧洞爆破开挖过程邻近建筑物安全根据实际监测成果了进一步分析,给出了相应爆破安全判据

    Simultaneously, the safety of adjacent constructions in the process of tunnel blast excavation based on the monitoring result is analyzed to provide corresponding safety criterion.


  • 爆破震动效应控制邻近已有建筑物重要设施设备岩石基础钻开挖中的重要技术问题

    The control of blasting vibration is an important problem for the rock blasting excavation adjacent to the structures and establishment.


  • 对于钢筋混凝土等高耸建筑物由于爆破切口处钢筋支撑如果还按经验取值,则难以保证其定向倒塌

    But in the case of a tower building, since there is a supporting steel bar at the blasting cut, the height deducted from the common knowledge is hard to ensure directional collapse.


  • 介绍位于繁华市区,多种结构混合连成一体的大型建筑物爆破实例

    A blasting practice of a composite structure and interlinked large-scale building located at the downtown district is introduced.


  • 研究指导隧道工程开挖爆破施工保证地面建筑物安全起到重要作用

    This study will play an important role in guiding the excavation blasting construction of the tunnel project and assuring the safety of ground buildings.


  • 介绍了贵阳人民广场扩建中,采用定向爆破拆除工人文化宫为中心的旧建筑物设计施工过程

    In this paper, the design and process of demolition blasting of a group of old buildings centered around the Worker's Cultural Palace in the People's Square of Guiyang are introduced.


  • 高耸建筑物定向爆破倾倒时,对周围保留建筑物设施的安全性产生影响危害效应之一是后座问题。

    Recoil of towering constructions of bursting in directional blasting potentially has harm effects to the preserved buildings, installations and facilities.


  • 露天煤矿开采中距离的深孔爆破对于邻近单位建筑物会产生震动影响。

    During open coal mining, short-distance deep-hole blasting brings tremor to nearby constructions.


  • 监测结果表明爆破震动控制好,周边建筑物没有受到影响。

    The result of monitoring shows that the demolition vibration is well controlled and the surrounding constructions have not been disturbed.


  • 简介了初次研制高耸建筑物拆除爆破专家系统结构详细论述了模块功能

    The structure of firstly developed expert system for blasting demolition of towering structures is briefly introduced. The function of every module is discussed in detail.


  • 通过合理预处理合适的炸设计准确装药计算,保证建筑物的定向爆破安全和效果

    The reasonable pretreatment, right destructive height and accurate explosive quantity ensure the safety of tower blasting and meet the needs of working.


  • 随着白云铁矿采场向下延伸暴露面积加大爆破地震边坡建筑物影响日趋严重。

    With the downward extend of Baiyun main mine and increase of boundary expose area, the effect of blasting earthquake on slope and nearby buildings is increasing.


  • 爆破式垮塌,双塔均在被小时坍塌,导致周围诸多建筑物损毁

    The first World Trade Center tower begins to implode. Both buildings collapsed within two hours of being struck, destroying nearby buildings and damaging others.


  • 爆破振动作用下,地面质点振动频率建筑物破坏具有很大影响

    Under blasting vibration effect, the vibration frequency of ground particle has a great influence upon building damage.


  • 狭小地带爆破拆除高层建筑物爆破工作者的难题

    It is a difficult problem for blaster that high buildings are demolished in a small and narrow area.


  • 该项中的钻探工人操作移动钻孔实施露天矿采石场钻孔爆破以及建筑工地建筑物基础设施的爆破工作。

    Drillers in this unit group operate mobile drilling machines to bore blast holes in open-pit mines and quarries and to bore holes for blasting and for building foundations at construction sites.


  • 爆破地震效应直接影响到隧道围岩结构稳定影响邻近建筑物构筑物安全

    The blasting vibration effect is concerned with not only the stability of the surrounding rock and tunnel structural but also the safety of buildings around the tunnel.


  • 因此建筑物爆破地震效应作用安全日益成为急待解决课题

    Therefore, the seismic effect of blasting at the building under their own security is increasingly becoming the subject of that need to be solved.


  • 实践证明,该系统用于高耸建筑物拆除爆破设计基本上可行存在一些不足之处,必须加以完善。

    The practice has shown that it is basically feasible to use the system in blasting design for demolition of the towering structures, but it has some shortages and …


  • 实践证明,该系统用于高耸建筑物拆除爆破设计基本上可行存在一些不足之处,必须加以完善。

    The practice has shown that it is basically feasible to use the system in blasting design for demolition of the towering structures, but it has some shortages and …


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