• 绘造工作目的就是这种状态建筑绘画形式表现出来

    The aim of DAS 'work is to represent such a status in the form of architectural drawing.


  • 主要绘画雕塑镶嵌画建筑威尼斯原地得到了检查

    Major works of painting, sculpture, mosaic and architecture were examined in situ in Venice.


  • 绘画雕塑建筑统称为造型艺术

    Painting sculpture architecture etc. are collectively called the "fine arts" or "plastic arts".


  • 沙雕融雕塑绘画建筑体育户外娱乐为一体,门新兴的综合性艺术

    Sand sculpture, a new and comprehensive art is in perfect harmony with drawing, construction, and outdoor recreational activities.


  • 我们一个个华丽宏伟艺术杰作,比如绘画雕塑建筑之间走过的时候,发觉我所看到的都是似曾相识东西

    As we went from one magnificent masterpiece of painting, sculpture, or architecture to another, I began to feel that I was looking at something very familiar.


  • 这个绘画藏馆无疑伟大建筑之一,现在已经不再偏执多疑,而是渴望大家分享它的珍藏

    And the drawing archive, surely one of the great architectural collections, is now free of paranoia and eager to share its treasures.


  • 其中一本叫做手少本B,珍藏巴黎法兰西学院。 里面的内容几乎无所不包:建筑飞行器,样样伴随着精致绘画

    One, called Manuscript B and preserved in the Institut de France in Paris, contains notes on everything from architecture to flying machines, accompanied by exquisite drawings.


  • 洪水中,我们得出一个教训便是建筑绘画雕像书籍这些艺术品通常可以抢救、修复,但是受灾的人们无法再度完全回复。

    One lesson from the floods is that works of art-buildings, paintings, statues and books-can usually be rescued and restored; human beings cannot be made whole again.


  • 设计起源于瑞士而后广泛应用各种媒介平面设计,建筑音乐文学绘画等等领域,而最近网页的设计上盛行。

    The design movement began in Switzerland and was then applied to a variety of media: graphic design, architecture, music, literature, painting and, more recently, web design.


  • 大兴趣爱好绘画数学建筑的特点则在于两者兼而有之。

    I had two passions: drawing and mathematics, and architecture enabled me to combine the two.


  • 作品中包括有关绘画雕塑以及建筑细节照片这些照片根据古代当代的不同时期进行组合

    These are photos of paintings, sculptures and architectural details grouped according to different epochs starting from the antiquity and to our times.


  • 这些艺术品包括绘画雕塑稀有书籍珠宝一些古建筑的部件。

    The collection includes paintings, sculpture, rare books, jewelry, and pieces of ancient buildings.


  • 绘画建筑雕塑吸取光影色彩构图,从音乐中吸取了音响节奏感感染力。

    It absorbed the process skill of light, color, and composition of a picture from the drawing, the building, and the sculpture.


  • 舞蹈艺术之音乐诗篇存在时间绘画建筑存在于空间然而舞蹈生存时间和空间中。

    The dance is the mother of the arts. Music and poetry exist in time; painting and architecture in space. But the dance lives at once in time and space.


  • 建筑绘画音乐雕塑文学杰作这些人类自己创作的“”,震撼着自艺术作品诞生后的一代人。

    One generation by another has been shocked by these beauties created by man himself, such masterpieces as architecture, painting, music, sculpture and literature, etc.


  • 闻一多提出包括音乐绘画美、建筑美在内的新诗“美”理论十分重要的新诗美学理论创见。

    "Three beauty" theory put forward by Wen Yiduo, including the beauty of music, painting and architecture, is an important pioneering insight.


  • 巴洛克艺术包括建筑雕塑绘画家具服装及生活用品诸多领域本文着重绘画方面。

    Baroque art, including architecture, sculpture, paintings, furniture, clothing, household items and many other fields, the article only focuses on Baroque painting.


  • 无论是绘画雕塑还是建筑米开朗基罗对于西方艺术影响深远的。

    Whether in painting, sculpture or architecture, Michelangelo's influence on the western art has been immense.


  • 他们受雇于建筑公司绘画承建商建筑维修承办商,可能自雇人士

    They are employed by construction companies, painting contractors and building maintenance contractors, or they may be self-employed.


  • 哈迪德经常书法草图描绘想法空间有时绘画作为建筑初期形式

    Hadid often used calligraphic sketches to visualise ideas and Spaces, sometimes using paintings as precursors to buildings.


  • 卢浮宫位于塞纳河右岸,以收藏丰富古典绘画雕刻而闻名于世,是法国文艺复兴时期珍贵建筑之一

    The right bank of the Seine at the Louvre, the rich collection of classical painting and sculpture known, the French Renaissance building one of the most valuable.


  • 中国文化中,比例就是一切建筑人工产物,再到绘画空间

    In Chinese culture, proportion is everything, from architecture, to artefacts, to pictorial space.


  • 有时建筑打动,就像被音乐、文学绘画打动一样就会被诱惑着这样认为

    Sometimes, when I am moved by a work of architecture in the same way as I am moved by music, literature or a painting, I am tempted to think so.


  • 什么会激发创造力?什么让觉得很容易?什么擅长的?什么让你感到快乐?绘画设计建筑演讲写作吗?好好想一想,把答案下来

    What sparks your creativity? What do you find easy? What are you good at? What makes you happy? Is it painting, designing, building, speaking, writing; think about it, then write it down.


  • 单元包括拥有经营自己业务屋顶砖石绘画其他建筑行业承包商及其他分类的。

    This unit group includes roofing, masonry, painting and other construction trade contractors, not elsewhere classified, who own and operate their own business.


  • 壁画依附建筑艺术形式环境艺术的重要组成部分,也是历史悠久绘画形式之一

    The mural is depending on art of building. It is important form of an environment art, is also an one of the painting whose history is most long forms.


  • 这些庭园规模不大设计巧妙它们自然美建筑绘画美于一体。

    These gardens are not large but curious in their designs, and they bring together the beauties of nature, architecture and painting.


  • 通过用电脑辅助设计设备绘画建筑平面图学生可以获得间接经验

    The student also receives hands-on experience with computer-aided design (CAD) equipment in drawing architectural plans.


  • 通过用电脑辅助设计设备绘画建筑平面图学生可以获得间接经验

    The student also receives hands-on experience with computer-aided design (CAD) equipment in drawing architectural plans.


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