• 开花种子长途跋涉到达这些岛屿

    The seeds of grasses, flowers, and blooming trees made the long trips to these islands.


  • 曾几何时幻想着,席慕容幻想着奇迹开花,久久地挺立着,只为坚持一个执着,只为让遇见,只为着,能你结一段尘缘。

    Once upon a time, dream, dream poems of miracle, a flowering tree, stand a long time, just to stick to a persistent, just to let you meet me, just for a can and you a destiny.


  • 如果强壮并且叶子吸收充足的阳光就会开花结果。

    If the roots are strong and the leaves gather in enough light, the tree will bear fruit.


  • 北爱尔兰圣菲尔德罗瓦伦斯公园Rowallane Gardens)国家信托财产,园中稀有植物羊角90年来首度开花

    The flower of a rare plant called the goat horn tree, as it blooms for the first time after 90 years in Rowallane Gardens, a National Trust property in Saintfield, Northern Ireland


  • 开花比较公园花园

    Parks and gardens with early blooming flowers and trees.


  • 作为垂直花园18棵超级表面由热带开花爬植物、附生植物蕨类植物覆盖

    There will be 18 Supertrees, which act as vertical gardens covered with tropical flowering climbers, epiphytes and ferns.


  • 有时我们命运就像冬天里的:当时,棵采枝叶再次绿,开花我们一直怀有希望,并坚定着信念。

    Sometimes our fate resembles a fruit tree in winter: Who would think that those branches would turn green again and blossom, but we hope it, we know it.


  • 角落里矗立着棵夏季开花的木兰枝叶阴暗得象一座塔,到处泼洒一些乳白色的花朵

    In one corner stood a huge summer-flowering magnolia , a tower of dark foliage, splashed here and there with milkwhite blossoms.


  • 赐予这样吧,渗透生命核心里,那儿蔓延下来,不见的流经生命之,并开花结果

    Send me the love that would soak down into the centre of being, and from there would spread like the unseen SAP through the branching tree of life, giving birth to fruits and flowers.


  • 师傅看看不能按照的意愿开花也不能让它在时机未到时结果。

    Look at this tree, Shifu, I can not make it blossom when it suits me, nor make it bear fruits before it's time.


  • 苏珊而言,春天真正到来信号之一就是山楂开花

    Susan said that for her, one of the signs that spring had truly arrived was the flowering of the hawthorn.


  • 光照强度直接影响花芽形成、开花坐果果实产量质量

    The intensity of light inside the tree crown influence flower bud of the tree body, bloom, fruit-setting, yield and quality of the fruit.


  • 品种漂亮春天开花大多数品种的种植灌木他们丰富多彩的秋季丰富多彩的在冬季。

    The tree varieties are among the prettiest flowering trees of springtime, while most shrub varieties are grown for their colorful foliage in the fall and colorful bark in the winter.


  • 荫下归回,发旺五谷开花葡萄。他的香气如黎巴嫩的酒。

    They that dwell under his shadow shall return; they shall revive as the corn, and grow as the vine: the scent thereof shall be as the wine of Lebanon.


  • 紫罗兰是很少开花城墙上,在美丽罗森博格城堡那儿颗才发了嫩芽,生机勃勃。

    Scarcely have the violets come forth, but there on the rampart, just opposite the beautiful Castle of Rosenberg, there is a tree bright with the first green buds.


  • 无花果的果子渐渐成熟、葡萄开花

    The fig tree forms its early fruit; the blossoming vines spread their fragrance.


  • 假话好像开花,拐弯抹角些浮漂亮话,可是却很多愿意,听得津津有味。

    The false talk is like flowers. If you embellish and speak pretty words that have no real substance, many people are willing to listen.


  • 今年葡萄开花,经过125等待,葡萄中的糖份丹宁葡萄皮达到理想的成熟度。因为这年13个满月,因此植物生长周期正常情况来的

    Complete ripening for the sugar, tannins and skins was only achieved 125 days after flowering - a vegetative cycle longer than usual in a year with 13 lunar cycles.


  • 配合热带风情设计整个场地密集种植棕榈蕨类植物、灌木开花植物,营造林荫步道效果

    In order to match the tropical style design, palms, ferns, shrubs, flowering trees will be planted densely all over the development so as to create the effect of shaded pathways.


  • 而当繁花似锦,满季节,蜜蜂嗡嗡,游人如织,倒有人关心开花落的岁月流逝

    When all the flowers are in blossom to redden the whole trees, bees are flying around, and a great many tourists come to appreciate the views, few would care about the elapsing time.


  • 访客:”从没过自家水果。 一一年,春天开花结出满满果子突然一夜之间全光光。

    Visitor:"I've never had any fruit from my tree. Year after year, flowers and tiny fruits allcoverd it in spring. Suddenly, the fruits drop off over one night."


  • 访客:”从没过自家水果。 一一年,春天开花结出满满果子突然一夜之间全光光。

    Visitor:"I've never had any fruit from my tree. Year after year, flowers and tiny fruits allcoverd it in spring. Suddenly, the fruits drop off over one night."


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