• 新的化石表明美蝎早期侏罗世就已存

    The new material from China reveals that the early diversification of eomeropids with cockroach-like body was well underway by the Middle Jurassic.


  • 中国城市目前社会空间程度上与西方城市还有根本的

    This distinctive mechanism indicates that now the extent of sociospatial differentiation of urban China is still much lower than that of Western cities.


  • 这种情感倾向通过绘制言说弥漫整个画面既是观念也是形式,既是当下也是的。

    Such emotional tendencies, through the rendering of drawing, diffuse the whole picture, it is not only the concept but also the form, not only present but also different.


  • 新加坡辆轿车装有通过自动触发过路收费亭数字式频雷达收发机。

    In Singapore, every car is fitted with a digital transponder that triggers automatic tollbooths as it passes.


  • 如果双胞胎彼此疾病方面卵双胞胎相似那么这种疾病的易感性至少一定程度是由遗传造成的。

    If identical twins are more similar to each other with respect to an ailment than fraternal twins are, then vulnerability to the disease must be rooted at least in part in heredity.


  • 系统发育研究建立系统发育假设的基础上的。

    Phylogeny Studies of heterochrony are built upon the phylogenetic assumptions used.


  • 兼性染色质特定细胞发育命运可能具有转录活性染色质。

    Facultative heterochromatin is the heterochromatin that may become transcriptionally active in specific cell development fates.


  • 影响结实率诸多因素中,花授粉的效率以及植物对花授粉依赖程度重要因素。

    We consider that the limitation and dependence of xenogamy are important factors among the factors influencing seed set.


  • 研究者相信环境中,多种多样基因型一项有用的生存工具

    The researchers believe that a more diverse set of genes is a useful survival tool in a heterogeneous environment.


  • 重要的是双胞胎中,两个孩子同都自闭症概率如果基因因素主要因素,那么这种情况我们期望的结果是相反的。

    But importantly, the chance of both twins being affected by autism was not low among fraternal twins, which is counter to what would be expected if genetics were the dominant factor.


  • 以后耶和华说:“亚伯兰,不要惧怕!”

    After this, the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision: "Do not be afraid, Abram."


  • 但是,一些缺乏这种监督使用材料做法未经任何质量安全控制国家开展移植。

    However, xenotransplantation is also carried out in countries that lack such oversight and where materials and procedures used have not undergone any quality and safety controls.


  • 特公司使用软式小型飞船的商标国家垄断的媒体做广告,为了反对其垄断还抢先打出了有价值的倡议:安全驾驶

    It has got around the state monopoly on advertising by deploying its trademark blimps, and pre-empted objections to that by using them to advocate a worthy cause: safe driving.


  • 以后耶和华中有,亚伯兰,不要惧怕你的盾牌,必大大地赏赐你。

    After these things the word of the LORD came unto Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward.


  • 默里杰克逊告诉巡回演唱会时,德国其他地方医生注射过丙酚这可以让很消耗精力演出睡上1518个小时

    Jackson told him, Murray said, that doctors in Germany and elsewhere had given him propofol during concert Tours, enabling him to sleep for 15 to 18 hours before his exhausting performances.


  • 罢了,我们保守主义者必须接受日新月手持设备长期看来一封书信的古老艺术不会任何奇妙的作用。

    No, we conservatives must accept that the profusion of ever more beautiful handheld devices is not, in the long run, going to do wonders for the old art of writing a letter.


  • 据报道去世几个小时杰克逊恳求注射酚。穆锐告知警察害怕杰克逊会上瘾。

    Jackson reportedly begged for an injection of propofol in the hours before his death, and Murray told police he feared Jackson was addicted.


  • 方向法庭提交调查相关的证词莫瑞承认杰克逊去世当天早上向提供丙酚

    Dr. Murray acknowledged giving propofol to Mr. Jackson on the morning he died, according to a police affidavit filed in court in connection with the investigation.


  • 情人节收到花束中,不起眼康乃馨或许可以说是廉价的,不过却和其他的奇葩进化地位上不分伯仲。

    The humble carnation in your Valentine's Day bouquet may be cheap, but it rivals the most exotic of tropical plants in evolutionary spectacle.


  • 大部分家长孩子小时候没有正确处理类问题而且科技日新月的今天,很难危险发生之前就察觉出来

    Most parents didn’t have to deal with these issues when they were young and with technology advancing so fast it’s hard to stay on top of the threats, let alone understand them.


  • 研究发现自闭症双胞胎中的发生率高于一般人群

    The study also found that autism rates among both identical and fraternal twins were higher than in the general population.


  • 耶和华你们的话,你们中间先知耶和华必显现,梦中说话

    And he said, Hear now my words: If there be a prophet among you, I the LORD will make myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream.


  • 一样两端同时工作,都深信授粉”的好处。

    People like me, working on both sides of the fence, strongly believe in the virtues of cross-pollination.


  • 小时候目睹众多精灵水池中用阿拉伯高唱:“相信我们人们呐,你们有祸了!”

    When he was a little boy, he had seen a vision in a pool of ink, a mul- titude of spirits singing in Arabic, "woe unto those that do not believe in us.


  • Q0Q1还是侧?,或者其中一个平面,抑或不能确定

    This point, Q0 and Q1, are they on the same side, on opposite sides, is one of them on the plane, or we can't decide?


  • 夜间象中观看,有一人子驾着天云,被领到亘古面前

    I saw in the night visions, and, behold, one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of days, and they brought him near before him.


  • 夜间象中观看,有一人子驾着天云,被领到亘古面前

    I saw in the night visions, and, behold, one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of days, and they brought him near before him.


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