To avoid this, an un-caught handler can decide whether to invoke an abort or a thread-exit call.
What's critical and what can be ignored in erroneous lines (like misspelled keywords) : You can set the sensitivity of AppConfig to ignore bad Settings or to abort the program.
The original JAXB code unconditionally verified the structure of documents, throwing an exception and aborting the processing if an error was found.
Stop -- Stop a path in the mediation flow without generating an exception.
A critical region is one in which the effects of a thread abort or an unhandled exception might not be limited to the current task.
因发现肝功能异常,高剂量组提前中止试验,提示CSL - 111潜在的肝脏毒性。
This highest dosage was discontinued early because of indications it caused a certain elevation in liver function tests, suggesting possible harmful liver effects.
因发现肝功能异常,高剂量组提前中止试验,提示CSL - 111潜在的肝脏毒性。
This highest dosage was discontinued early because of indications it caused a certain elevation in liver function tests, suggesting possible harmful liver effects.