• 清楚是什么事件引发示威

    It is still not clear what events triggered off the demonstrations.


  • 嫉妒引发悲伤痛苦的情绪

    Jealousy causes distress and painful emotions.


  • 暴风雨引发萨沃纳的山崩水灾

    The storm caused landslides and flooding in Savona.


  • 该病大脑一种化学失衡引发

    The illness is triggered by a chemical imbalance in the brain.


  • 死于一次胃穿孔引发腹部感染

    He died of an abdominal infection caused by a rupture of his stomach.


  • 减税议题政府官员内部引发争辩

    The tax cut issue has caused dissension among administration officials.


  • 未解决未被注意的恐惧感引发梦游

    Unresolved or unacknowledged fears can trigger sleepwalking.


  • 喷洒在野草杀虫剂引发各种健康问题

    The insecticide used on some weeds can cause health problems.


  • 大坝决堤引发洪水灾吞噬了七十多人的生命。

    More than 70 people were killed in the floods, caused when a dam burst.


  • 美国少数民族文化经常引发跨文化冲突问题

    Minority cultures within the United States often raised issues of cross-cultural conflict.


  • 地震引发海啸袭击了海岸造成了灾难性的损失

    A tidal wave caused by the earthquake hit the coast causing catastrophic damage.


  • 3暴雨引发这场洪水泛滥65年来最为严重的。

    The flooding, caused by three days of torrential rain, is the worst in sixty-five years.


  • 引发通用公司公司可能正在进行磋商的猜测

    It triggered speculation that GM and Jaguar might be talking.


  • 有时候一点点自私如果引发更多自知之明,也并非坏事。

    Sometimes a bit of selfishness, if it leads to greater self-knowledge, is no bad thing.


  • 他们的基本评论监狱的存在无法降低犯罪率只能引发重犯。

    Their basic criticism was that prisons do not reduce the crime rate, they cause recidivism.


  • 发表这份报告出自诚意但是我们可能引发任何混乱感到遗憾

    This report was published in good faith but we regret any confusion which may have been caused.


  • 不足以引发革命麦克法兰说。

    But not sufficient to cause the revolution, says Macfarlane.


  • 七十因为感冒引发疼。

    Mu of more than 70 years old caused stomachache because of the cold.


  • 闪电可能引发华盛顿东部的野火。

    The lightning could touch off wildfires in Eastern Washington.


  • 这份文件引发许多有益讨论

    The document provided a springboard for a lot of useful discussion.


  • 报界写着实引发众怒

    His letter to the papers stirred up a real hornets' nest.


  • 公告引发公众抗议风暴

    The announcement unleashed a storm of protest from the public.


  • 辞职立即引发领导层危机

    His resignation precipitated a leadership crisis.


  • 政府提案引发新闻界抗议浪潮

    The government's proposals unleashed a storm of protest in the press.


  • 工业污染物引发多种癌症

    Industrial pollutants are responsible for a sizable proportion of all cancers.


  • 这种毒品剂量使用时会引发幻觉

    The drug induces hallucinations at high doses.


  • 伦敦乐队引发这种音乐狂热

    Bands from London introduced the craze for this kind of music.


  • 的话引发他们的怒火

    His words ignited their anger.


  • 集团问题已经引发有些人将会失业的猜测

    The group's problems have led to speculation that heads will roll.


  • 发生洛杉矶的事件引发全国范围的反思

    The events in Los Angeles have sparked a new national self-examination.


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