• 如果满足条件,可以使用Throw节点引发一个异常

    If the criterion is not met you can raise an exception using the Throw node.


  • 返回意味着所有都是活动的,数组则引发一个异常

    A null return value implies all active slices, while an empty array will raise an exception.


  • 引发一个异常模型保存如果找到同名2个多个实例

    Raise an exception after the model is saved if you can find 2 or more instances of the same title.


  • 处理程序代码可以使用这些回调中传递信息但是不能影响解析过程除了引发一个异常)。

    Your handler code can make use of the information passed by the call-backs, but cannot affect the parsing (except by throwing an exception).


  • 本机代码中的COM方法返回HRESULT时,公共语言运行时会引发异常

    The common language runtime throws an exception when a com method in native code returns an HRESULT.


  • 响应用户错误运行时错误条件(例如网络错误权限失败),引发一个异常

    To respond to user errors and to run-time error conditions such as network errors or permission failures, throw an exception.


  • 如果成员无法按预期方式成功执行,则将这种情况视为执行故障引发一个异常

    If a member cannot successfully do what it is designed to do, that should be considered an execution failure and an exception should be thrown.


  • Ada一般会检测防止缓冲区溢出(即针对这样尝试引发一个异常),但是不同的程序可能禁用这个特性。

    Ada normally detects and prevents buffer overflows (raising an exception on the attempt), but various pragmas can disable this.


  • 一方面,如果任务跟踪文件,如果存在,然后登录数据这种情况下引发一个异常是不好的编码习惯

    On the other hand, if your job is to trace the file and if it is present then log the data, in this scenario, raising an exception is a bad coding practice.


  • 一旦引发一个异常,将对其进行实时检查,确定是否属于非预期的异常是否属于某个可能正在发生问题的一部分。

    Whenever an exception is thrown, it is examined in real-time to determine if the exception is unexpected or could potentially be part of an emerging problem.


  • 最后考虑这种情况:如果没有定义updatecommand,却提交更改,那么canupdate返回值为引发一个异常

    Finally, consider that if UpdateCommand isn't defined, CanUpdate returns false and an exception is thrown if you try to submit changes.


  • 页面中的第一个HtmlForm控件呈现后,布尔标记设为true标记指示是否有HtmlForm呈现HtmlForm试图呈现时,由于此标记已经被设置为true因而引发一个异常

    The flag thus indicates whether any other HtmlForm control has been rendered. When another HtmlForm attempts to render, the flag will already be true causing an exception to be thrown.


  • 问题三人行建议引发一场异常激烈争论因为无论是双方提出的,另一方感情可能受到伤害。

    The problem is that the mere suggestion of a threesome could spark a very heated argument because either way, someone's feelings are going to be hurt.


  • 出于演示目的引发一个RemoteException异常表明使用是缓存数据

    For demonstration purposes, I've thrown a RemoteException to show the use of cached data.


  • CER定义一个区域该区域中公共语言运行时(CLR)受到约束,不能引发可使区域中的代码无法完全执行的带外异常

    A CER defines an area in which the common language runtime (CLR) is constrained from throwing out-of-band exceptions that would prevent the code in the area from executing in its entirety.


  • 电子技术实验故障产生原因多方面电子测量仪器引发异常现象是实验故障问题的一个方面

    Many factors can contribute to failures in experiments with electronic techniques and the singularity caused by the electronic measuring instrument is one of the ways in experimental failures.


  • 获取设置一个该值指示异常是否得到处理不该再次引发

    Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the exception was handled and that it should not be thrown again.


  • 挂钩例程返回一个合适以便处理继续进行(HINSTANCEFARPROC),或者返回0指示引发异常

    The hook routine needs to return a suitable value, so that processing can continue (an HINSTANCE or FARPROC) or 0 to indicate that an exception should be thrown.


  • 挂钩例程返回一个合适以便处理继续进行(HINSTANCEFARPROC),或返回0指示引发异常

    The hook routine needs to return a suitable value so that processing can continue (an HINSTANCE or FARPROC) or 0 to indicate that an exception should be thrown.


  • 此类描述每当需要一个计划程序附加当前上下文来执行操作,而实际并未如此时引发异常

    This class describes an exception that is thrown whenever an operation is performed which requires a scheduler to be attached to the current context and one is not.


  • 默认情况下,运行时会失败HRESULT映射一个等效托管异常,从而向托管代码引发异常

    By default, the runtime throws an exception to managed code by mapping the failure HRESULT to an equivalent managed exception.


  • 一个得很热说法物理学本质出了问题可能爱因斯坦引力理论错误的——异常引发了各类院校的研讨会以及成千上万的论文

    Long vaunted as evidence that something was amiss in physics - perhaps that Einstein's theory of gravity was wrong - the anomaly spawned entire academic conferences and thousands of papers.


  • 工作流运行引擎尝试加载当前一个工作流运行时引擎实例加载的工作流实例时引发异常

    The exception that is thrown when the workflow runtime engine attempts to load a workflow instance that is currently loaded by another workflow runtime engine instance.


  • 程序集中某个字段方法删除或重命名,更改反映一个尝试访问这个丢失成员的程序集中时,通常引发异常

    This exception is typically thrown when a field or method is deleted or renamed in one assembly, and the change is not reflected in a second assembly that is trying to access the missing member.


  • 程序集中某个字段方法删除或重命名,更改反映一个尝试访问这个丢失成员的程序集中时,通常引发异常

    This exception is typically thrown when a field or method is deleted or renamed in one assembly, and the change is not reflected in a second assembly that is trying to access the missing member.


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