Or maybe you would like to be considered for travel, to work from home or have a flextime schedule?
Resentment from coworkers about your flexible work arrangement.
Staff can also take advantage of a free onsite gym, yoga studio and flexible working hours.
Against that backdrop, your company's rigid no-flextime policy seems out of step with The Times.
The system of flexible working hours allows workers to start and finish work whenever they want. But there are two requirements. First, all workers must be present for certain "key" times in day.
Flex time an arrangement where employees can choose which hours they work, subject to company approval.
Flexible working hours were also a major career consideration for women — but surprisingly nearly one in six men also said it was very important.
One significant idea was to abolish flextime hours, which led to a massive savings on electricity and transportation costs.
Our people have flexible working hours and often make no clear distinction between their jobs and their home lives.
Only 11% of those 20, 000 poll respondents said that flextime damages productivity.
Many firms say they offer programs aimed at boosting employees' work-life balance, such as flex hours or telecommuting.
While the flexibility of working for yourself can be nice, more and more employers are offering flex time and telecommuting options.
Mothers will have an ‘absolute right’ to a flexible job and will be entitled to work part-time for up to one year after they return to work.
In short, the more details you can provide on how this would work, the more willing your boss may be to let you give it a try.
The first thing I try and get my clients to do is cut down on their hours or at least work out a flextime deal with their bosses.
More than half (54 percent) of respondents said they would accept a less well-paid job in return for flexibility, with 40 percent prepared to consider this option.
Flexible working hours, homeworking opportunities and cover for emergencies or school holidays are the top concerns for working mothers, according to a survey.
Only single females with no children, those who could work flexible hours, and women whose partners were responsible for the bulk of childcare were unaffected by the daily commute.
Or talk to your boss about creating a rotating schedule, so the company is covered at all times without you having to work a crazy 12-hour-plus day.
Also, flex time, educational benefits, 8 flexible spending, working at home, extra vacation; these are all things that cost your boss little, but are worth a lot to you.
Also, flex time, educational benefits, 8 flexible spending, working at home, extra vacation; these are all things that cost your boss little, but are worth a lot to you.