• 什么发现可以如此强大有力以至于招致了很多心理学家疯狂反驳

    What finding could be so powerful that it sent many psychologists into frenzied rebuttals?


  • 制造可靠强大的(activeElectronically Scanned Array)有源相控阵雷达有力耐用航空发动机另一个境界。

    Building a reliable and capable AESA radar or a powerful and durable jet engine is quite another.


  • 英国非常强大的创意行业保证挑战使整个行业焕然新的问题时,得到强有力的帮助。”

    The UK's "very strong creative industries ensure we are collaborating on challenging problems that make a real difference in industry."


  • 无疑更多资金还有更好干预措施有力证据强大统一政策战略使合作伙伴工作保持同一轨道上

    More money, for sure, but also much better interventions, better evidence, and strongly unifying policies and strategies that keep partners working on the same track.


  • 这个流行文化角落里出的咒语虽不成熟巨大的力量随之而来的是强大责任感

    The mantras spoken in this corner of pop culture are immature, but they have power: With great power comes great responsibility.


  • 克服消极思想萎靡情绪方法产生与之对立的,更为强大有力的积极情绪。

    The way to overcome negative thoughts and destructive emotions is to develop opposing, positive emotions that are stronger and more powerful.


  • 伯克利疫苗作用机制进行深入调查指导选择新的强大疫苗提供有力知识

    Berkley says that further investigation of the mechanisms by which the vaccine worked would provide powerful new knowledge to guide selection of new, more potent vaccines.


  • 随着手机硬件更加强大而且成熟较小提供商提供一个巨大机会,让他们可以创建便于使用部件用户提供环境有力控制

    As cell phone hardware becomes more capable and sophisticated, it will provide a greater chance for smaller vendors to create usable features and provide greater control of the environment to users.


  • 于是星期五:“上帝强大伟大的不是魔鬼强大、更有力吗? ” “是的,是的,”我说,“星期五,上帝比魔鬼强大,上帝高于魔鬼。”

    Well, says Friday, but you say, God is so strong, so great, is he not much strong, much might as the Devil?


  • 所以他们表现出色公共关系企业有力美国政客(他们所采取行动提供大量资金支持)其他相关组织组成的强大机器现在又开始运作

    And so their remarkably well-oiled machine of pr firms, powerful American politicians (all handsomely paid for services rendered) and other pressure groups is now at it again.


  • Firebug 1.0强大灵活性Ajax开发树立里程碑,也是使用Firefox作为首选开发浏览器的有力的理由。

    The strength and flexibility of Firebug 1.0 signified a landmark in Ajax development and are good reasons to use Firefox as a preferred development browser.


  • 强大的有力立场,你是一个了不起领导者

    You are powerful, you have a strong stance, and you are a leader of something amazing.


  • 这个300毫米光线呈现室内空间强大有力至关重要元素

    The presentation of this 300 mm wide light strip is the most powerful defining element of the interior space.


  • 2015年《时代周刊》选出10最佳照片折射独一无二强大有力观点代表今年摄影新闻的巅峰之作。

    Each photograph selected for TIME's Top 10 photos of 2015, reflects a unique and powerful point of view that represents the best of photojournalism this year.


  • 古格哈迅速飞行力量强大的维曼拿斯损害了维里希三个城市,安置了单一,改变宇宙

    Gurkha flying in his swift and powerful Vimana hurled against the three cities of the Vrishis and Andhakas a single projectile charged with all the power of the Universe.


  • 公司拥有一支强大专业技术队伍雄厚的技术力量生产提供有力支持,为质量稳定提供可靠保证

    The Company possesses a strong and professional technical team whose abundant technical strength provides forceful support for production and provides reliable guarantee for stable quality.


  • 首歌忧郁开始迈克声音正在强大吉他有力结束

    The song is quite melancholic at the beginning, but Mike's voice is being stronger and stronger under guitar's strings by the end.


  • 强大的有力整体治疗重新活力,振兴净化和刺激身体和精神,一个真正迷人经验

    This is a powerful and potent holistic therapy, which is re- energising, invigorating, purifying and stimulating to the body and mind, a truly enchanting experience.


  • 抓住这个机会参加我们多元学习群体——这些梦想如此有力以至于他们好像是被强大的梦想带着来到NLP世界,就像一样。

    Make the most of this opportunity and join a diverse group of people whose dreams are so powerful that they are compelled, like you, to learn to use NLP, to help achieve them.


  • 第八冥王星原始宫位最强有力落点,指生命历程中运作一种深刻强大成长媒介以及个体进化

    The eighth house is Pluto's natural and strongest position, denoting an intense and powerful agent of growth and personal evolution at work in your life.


  • 随着PLD功能日益强大数字电路设计已经进入全面革新时代HDL语言正是这个时代有力工具

    With the function of PLD becoming increasingly powerful, the innovation age of the digital circuit design has arrived, in which HDL language is a powerful tool.


  • 评论结肠镜直肠癌死亡率强大信念亦有力事实

    Editorial: Colonoscopy and Colorectal Cancer Mortality: Strong Beliefs or Strong Facts?


  • GIS技术以其强大的图形处理能力空间数据分析功能成为辅助城市交通规划有力工具

    But the GIS technology has become the most useful tool of assisting the urban transportation plan because of its powerful drawing processing ability and the spatial data analytical functions.


  • 希望一个强大有力胃口因为今天早上停电

    "Well, " she said, "I hope you've got a mighty good appetite, because the electricity was cut off this morning.


  • 公司作为实现生产资本集中有力工具自从产生便表现出强大的发展势头。

    As a powerful instrument for production and capital amassing, company has experienced a rapid development since its emergence.


  • 所以觉得营销功能有力,最强大的一面就是这个产品尽可能多地显露出来。

    So, I think the marketing function, the best aspect and the best it can do is surface the product as much as possible.


  • 所以觉得营销功能有力,最强大的一面就是这个产品尽可能多地显露出来。

    So, I think the marketing function, the best aspect and the best it can do is surface the product as much as possible.


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