As Egypt's powerful state regroups its forces and continues to capitalise on fears of insecurity, Mr Mubarak's men may have their way.
Global drug safety depends on strong national systems that monitor the development and quality of medicines, report their harmful effects, and provide accurate information for their safe use.
A successful agreement depends upon a number of core elements, but two are shaping up to be essential: first, that all major economies set forth strong national actions and resolve to implement them;
That meant putting most of the budget where it was needed - in countries - and building strong accountability mechanisms.
Strong malaria control programmes have helped to lower infection rates in several countries.
So Buchanan wrote to Grier. He told him that a strong decision in the Dred Scott case might do much to bring peace to the country.
Alarmed bishops in English-speaking nations put unusual pressure on the Vatican to have a secret meeting in 2000 to consider stronger countermeasures.
The vote is not binding on the FDA, but approval would lend powerful support for a final decision by the agency charged with protecting the nation's food and drug supplies.
Grey and Sadoff see a strong link between the sophistication of a country's water management and its economic health.
Aims to be a powerful tool to visualize in the medium and long term how changing patterns of rainfall and temperature can affect vulnerable countries and communities.
In any case, it would be churlish to fight the tide of excitement and optimism currently flooding the nation.
Egypt is one of several nations that have mounted vigorous responses to the virus.
Let us ensure that each country — rich and poor — has a robust health system capable of serving all those in need.
At the same time, he insisted, no nation, however powerful, could hope to tackle today's increasingly global threats and challenges alone.
It gives strong evidence that ape and human laughter are related through evolution, said Frans DE Waal of the Yerkes National Primate Research Center at Emory University in Atlanta.
Russia's own history offers powerful testimony of the harmful effects that state intervention tends to wreak.
I think this is especially likely in emerging economies with a strong commodity-export sector.
In addition, we will ask all developed countries to reduce emissions by at least 80% in the same period and underpin these efforts through robust and comparable mid-term reductions.
Given the persistence of the H5N1 virus in some poultry populations, control will require long-term commitments from countries and strong coordination between animal and public health authorities.
This is pertinent to the crusade, often masquerading as journalism, aimed at hectoring developed nations into taking "strong" actions against global warming.
But most Americans are still overjoyed to see such conspicuous evidence that their country really is a place where anyone with talent and drive can make it.
Countries that have gone furthest in tackling fraud have strong financial and medical accountability systems, i.e. proper accounting and reporting underpinned by solid audit regimes.
For skeptics who believe that social programs never work in poor countries and that most of what's spent on them gets stolen, conditional cash transfer programs offer a convincing rebuttal.
By expanding, the EU has a remarkable tool for influencing its neighbours, but only in the right circumstances.
I am convinced that the common position of Asian countries will continue to enjoy the full support of the NAM.
I am convinced that the common position of Asian countries will continue to enjoy the full support of the NAM.