• 随着埃及强有力的国家重新组织力量继续利用人们对于安全缺失恐惧,穆巴拉克一派或许能够如愿以偿。

    As Egypt's powerful state regroups its forces and continues to capitalise on fears of insecurity, Mr Mubarak's men may have their way.


  • 全球药品安全依靠强有力的国家体系,这种体系监测药物开发质量危害作用做出报告药物的安全使用提供准确信息

    Global drug safety depends on strong national systems that monitor the development and quality of medicines, report their harmful effects, and provide accurate information for their safe use.


  • 一项成功协议取决于若干核心因素其中有两项已确定必不可少首先所有主要经济体应制定强有力的国家行动方案决心付诸实施

    A successful agreement depends upon a number of core elements, but two are shaping up to be essential: first, that all major economies set forth strong national actions and resolve to implement them;


  • 意味着大多数预算用于所需之处国家中,建立强有力的责任机制

    That meant putting most of the budget where it was needed - in countries - and building strong accountability mechanisms.


  • 强有力的疟疾控制规划成功地协助一些国家降低感染率

    Strong malaria control programmes have helped to lower infection rates in several countries.


  • 所以布肯南就给里尔写了封信,告诉格里尔,德瑞德·斯科特案件中做出强有力的裁决也许有助于给国家带来和平

    So Buchanan wrote to Grier. He told him that a strong decision in the Dred Scott case might do much to bring peace to the country.


  • 惊慌失措的英语区国家主教向梵蒂冈施加压力2000年秘密召开会议考虑强有力应对措施

    Alarmed bishops in English-speaking nations put unusual pressure on the Vatican to have a secret meeting in 2000 to consider stronger countermeasures.


  • 这项投票FDA并不具有约束力但是一旦通过这个负责保护国家食品药品安全的部门最后决定时获得强有力的证据支持

    The vote is not binding on the FDA, but approval would lend powerful support for a final decision by the agency charged with protecting the nation's food and drug supplies.


  • GreySadoff发现,一个国家水务管理水平与其经济状况之间存在强有力联系

    Grey and Sadoff see a strong link between the sophistication of a country's water management and its economic health.


  • 对于面临适应气候变化挑战各方,这个门户网旨在成为一个强有力的工具使中长期降水气温变化趋势对脆弱国家社区产生的影响实现可视化

    Aims to be a powerful tool to visualize in the medium and long term how changing patterns of rainfall and temperature can affect vulnerable countries and communities.


  • 任何情况下现实弊端强有力回击,特别是目前充满兴奋乐观泛滥国家

    In any case, it would be churlish to fight the tide of excitement and optimism currently flooding the nation.


  • 埃及采取强有力流感对策若干国家之一。

    Egypt is one of several nations that have mounted vigorous responses to the virus.


  • 我们确保每个国家,无论贫富都拥有所有需要服务强有力卫生系统

    Let us ensure that each country — rich and poorhas a robust health system capable of serving all those in need.


  • 同时坚称,不论这个国家多么强有力没有国家有望单独处理今日持续增长全球威胁挑战

    At the same time, he insisted, no nation, however powerful, could hope to tackle today's increasingly global threats and challenges alone.


  • 亚特兰大市默里大学基斯国家灵长动物研究中心弗兰斯·瓦尔强有力证明在进化史上,笑声密切相关。

    It gives strong evidence that ape and human laughter are related through evolution, said Frans DE Waal of the Yerkes National Primate Research Center at Emory University in Atlanta.


  • 俄罗斯自身历史强有力表明,国家干预造成的破坏会带来有害影响

    Russia's own history offers powerful testimony of the harmful effects that state intervention tends to wreak.


  • 认为有可能导致新兴市场国家形成一个强有力商品出口部门

    I think this is especially likely in emerging economies with a strong commodity-export sector.


  • 此外我们要求所有发达国家同一时期减少80%的排放通过中期强有力类似努力加以巩固

    In addition, we will ask all developed countries to reduce emissions by at least 80% in the same period and underpin these efforts through robust and comparable mid-term reductions.


  • 考虑H5N1病毒某些禽类群体持续存在状况,需要国家做出长期承诺控制疾病,还需要动物公共卫生当局之间强有力协作

    Given the persistence of the H5N1 virus in some poultry populations, control will require long-term commitments from countries and strong coordination between animal and public health authorities.


  • 和讨伐有关,经常新闻报道的面目出现,目的是吓唬发达国家采取强有力”的措施对付全球变暖

    This is pertinent to the crusade, often masquerading as journalism, aimed at hectoring developed nations into taking "strong" actions against global warming.


  • 但是如此强有力的证据证明自己的国家确实一个天赋魄力成功地方大多数美国仍然沉浸在见证的欢腾之中。

    But most Americans are still overjoyed to see such conspicuous evidence that their country really is a place where anyone with talent and drive can make it.


  • 处理欺诈行为方面进展最大国家都具有强有力的财务医疗问责制度牢固审计制度为基础的适当会计报告系统。

    Countries that have gone furthest in tackling fraud have strong financial and medical accountability systems, i.e. proper accounting and reporting underpinned by solid audit regimes.


  • 有些认为,即便有好的项目贫穷国家实施也会很困难,大量支出可能被贪污掉。“有条件现金转移支付计划”对此作出强有力驳斥。

    For skeptics who believe that social programs never work in poor countries and that most of what's spent on them gets stolen, conditional cash transfer programs offer a convincing rebuttal.


  • 通过不断膨胀欧盟能够影响近邻国家强有力工具但是只能合适情况下才奏效

    By expanding, the EU has a remarkable tool for influencing its neighbours, but only in the right circumstances.


  • 相信亚洲国家共同立场继续得到不结盟运动的强有力支持

    I am convinced that the common position of Asian countries will continue to enjoy the full support of the NAM.


  • 相信亚洲国家共同立场继续得到不结盟运动的强有力支持

    I am convinced that the common position of Asian countries will continue to enjoy the full support of the NAM.


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