Eye of newt goes into the little black bag, if and only if there is reproducible scientific evidence that it works.
When, and only when, these behaviors occur, does an authority relationship exist between the superior and subordinate.
这是正确的,因为上面对a和b 的奇偶性的推导是一个当且仅当命题。
This is true as the above derivation for a and b of opposite parity is an if and only if statement.
Presumably the endpoint would then receive RSS item fragments when and only when that resource updated.
China a would recognize the US's claim if and only if the US is returned to its natives.
The previous exercise shows that individual residents gain from their marginal contribution if and only if the park is smaller than.
Two sets are said to be equivalent if and only if they can be placed in one-to-one correspondence.
An epistemic proposition is true if and only if it is a member of corresponding world.
A VM object is created at demand and only once for every thread that wants to access the runtime.
When, and only when, these behaviors occur does an authority relationship exist between the superior and subordinate.
Eye of newt goes into the little black bag, if and only if there isreproducible scientific evidence that it works.
R is semihereditary ring if and only if the sum of two coflat submodules of every R module is coflat module;
Only when both conditional elements evaluate to true are the rule's consequence elements executed.
Completely regular congruence on an eventually regular semigroup is uniquely determined by its kernel normal system.
A Completely regular congruence on an eventually regular semigroup is uniquely determined by its kernel normal system.
The Boolean operation whose result has the Boolean value 0 if and only if each operand has the Boolean value 0.
“All this will work if, and only if, the different countries are likely to do what they have to do in terms of restructuring the banking sector, ” he said.
According to the General Stability Criterion, a closed loop system will be stable if and only if all the roots of the characterized equation have negative real parts.
You will encounter many definitions of this sort in this book - set out in terms of the schema "x if and only if y."
To see this yourself, design a small test program that will compile if and only if the desired condition is true.
A ring Re, (M) iff each nonzero homomorphic image of R either contains a nonzero M-ideal or has an essential ideal.
The compact theorem is proved, which states that theory T has model if and only if any finite subset of T has model.
Classes can be used to specify the type of stereotype attributes only if they are defined in the same profile as the stereotype itself, or in an imported profile.
The main conclusion drawn from this study is that: if and only if the basic productive number , the only disease-free equilibrium exists in the system and it is of global asymptotic stability.
Together these claims imply that an act is morally right if and only if that act causes "the greatest happiness for the greatest number," as the common slogan says.
Enumerations can be used to specify the type of stereotype attributes only if they are defined in the same profile as the stereotype itself, or in an imported profile.
It is shown that utilization of one channel is not disadvantageous over another with any conditions if and only if the first channel can simulate operation of the another.
In our view, shortening of life requests are valid only when the patients have been give a chance to attain a steady state of subjective wellbeing.
In our view, shortening of life requests are valid only when the patients have been give a chance to attain a steady state of subjective wellbeing.