• 这些广告旨在提高公司形象

    The advertisements are intended to improve the company's image.


  • 素食主义已经摆脱了古怪形象

    Vegetarianism has shed its cranky image.


  • 逃税指控玷污了清廉形象

    Accusations of tax evasion have tarnished his clean image.


  • 改善国家已受损形象

    He says he wants to improve the tarnished image of his country.


  • 决定改变公司守旧形象

    He decided to revamp the company's provincial image.


  • 希望改善报纸略有受损公众形象

    He hopes to improve the newspaper's somewhat tarnished public image.


  • 博物馆一直努力改变自己沉闷形象

    Museums have been trying hard to shed their stuffy image.


  • 科恩努力表现出副更和善更温柔形象

    Cohen was making an effort to present a kinder, gentler image.


  • 没有几个产品品牌形象能跟李维斯的相提并论

    Few products have brand images anywhere near as strong as Levi's.


  • 这些阳刚的男人符合那种冷血男人成见形象

    These are men whose masculinity does not conform to stereotypical images of the unfeeling male.


  • 写了8本书,并树立了一个政界元老形象

    He has written eight books and has cultivated the image of an elder statesman.


  • 政客积极推广幸福家庭”的形象讨好选民

    Politicians are eager to promote their "happy family" image to curry favour with voters.


  • 他们希望这家商店具有小城镇那种朴实热情的形象

    They wanted the store to have a folksy small-town image.


  • 机构雇用了一家纽约公关公司提升华盛顿形象

    The agency hired a New York public-relations firm to burnish Washington's image.


  • 借鉴了很多民族主义口号,塑造了个平民化形象

    He co-opted many nationalist slogans and cultivated a populist image.


  • 什么时候广告客户们才会停止不可企及美丽形象来持续轰炸女性

    When will advertisers stop bombarding women with images of unattainable beauty?


  • 切尼每个人心目中典型警察形象高大白人身高6英尺体重220磅。

    Cheney is everyone's image of a typical cop: a big white guy, six feet, 220 pounds.


  • 通常只有爱尔兰负面形象加以描绘,从而影响了人们看法掩盖这个国家的实质

    All too often it is only the negative images of Ireland that are portrayed, colouring opinions and hiding the true nature of the country.


  • 例如那些明亮而扭曲形象

    For example, those bright, distorted figures.


  • 无法维持最初完美绅士形象了。

    He was unable to maintain the image of the perfect gentleman for which he had succeeded in passing at first.


  • 城市入口景观美丑直接影响到城市的形象

    Directly the landscape of city entrance influences the image of the city beautifully and uglily.


  • 认识自己方式自我形象最佳反映

    The way in which you identify yourself is the best reflection of your self-image.


  • 形象典喻措辞明显远离普通话语范围”。

    Its images, allusions, and diction are conspicuously remote from the common "range of utterance".


  • 认为小说女性形象荒诞南方女性文化有关。

    She argues the grotesqueness of the women figures in her novels, is all wrapped up with the culture of southern womanhood.


  • 美国形象——汽车城市牛仔——成为电影中的主要影像

    American imagery—the cars, the cities, the cowboysbecame the primary imagery of film.


  • 刻画冷漠没有爱心的形象

    It portrays him as cold and uncaring.


  • 传记刻画出了正面形象

    The biography shows him in a favourable light.


  • 维多利亚令人惊叹的异己形象而引人注目。

    Victoria stood out as a dazzling nonconformist.


  • 工党于20世纪90年代重塑形象,改称工党。

    In the 1990s the Labour Party rebranded itself as New Labour.


  • 人类需要强于自身形象上帝就是这个想法投射

    The idea of God is a projection of humans' need to have something greater than themselves.


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