• 可能了解行动后果

    In all probability he failed to understand the consequences of his actions.


  • 刚上市可能轰动一时。

    There may well have been a piquant novelty about her books when they came out.


  • 盗贼可能知道此物的价值

    It's more than likely that the thieves don't know how much it is worth.


  • 接下来是重新适应的时期可能不会容易

    The next few weeks will be a period of readjustment, and will probably not be easy.


  • 格什温歌词今天很可能认为是有歧视的嫌疑。

    Gershwin's lyrics would today probably be deemed politically incorrect.


  • 如果拥有财产几年了,可能价值已经增涨了

    If you've owned property for several years, the probability is that values have increased.


  • 冻结银行帐户可能投资者一个长期威慑因素

    There is a fear that the freeze on bank accounts could prove a lasting deterrent to investors.


  • 我们所在的银河系中,很可能存在数以万计行星系

    Within our own galaxy there are probably tens of thousands of planetary systems.


  • 埃及很可能不同长度24小时计量他们一天

    The Egyptians probably measured their day in twenty-four hours of unequal length.


  • 权衡利弊,技术确有种种好处,但可能使一些人失去工作

    Set against the benefits of the new technology, there is also a strong possibility that jobs will be lost.


  • 可能目前没有完全确定职业中得到什么这种情况下,你肯定没有具备老板的素质。

    The chances are you haven't fully decided what you want from your career at the moment, in which case you're definitely not cut out to be a boss yet!


  • 的努力很可能救了那个女人的命。

    His efforts most likely saved the woman's life.


  • 很可能期待着有一天能够努力工作实现梦想。

    They're likely looking toward the day when they'll be able to work hard to achieve their dreams.


  • 来,这只是你的数学问题;很可能,另一个队伍真的更快。

    It turns out, it's just math working against you; chances are, the other line really is faster.


  • 果你在想给环保人士购买什么节日礼物时,皮草很可能不会在考虑范围内。

    When you were trying to figure out what to buy for the environmentalist on your holiday list, fur probably didn't cross your mind.


  • 可能研究中的母亲们认为打屁股不是有问题的行为

    It's likely that the mothers in the study didn't consider spanking to be problematic behavior.


  • 可能一整天都寻找东西躲避严寒地方

    You'd most likely spend the day trying to find something to eat and somewhere to shelter from the freezing cold.


  • 因此总的来说,该银行高管可能正在效仿这个例子

    On balance, therefore, it is likely that the executives of the bank are following this example.


  • 所以农业扩张可能地球大气组成产生深远的影响

    So the spread of agriculture could very well have a profound effect on the composition of Earth's atmosphere.


  • 然而可能演讲有些东西是清楚令人困惑的。

    It's likely, however, that there's something in your presentation that's unclear or confusing.


  • 鹿摩擦前额可能同类中的其它成员发出大量信息

    Forehead rubbing by male deer on buck rubs presumably sends a great deal of information to other members of the same species.


  • 这些发现可能生物学天文学哲学产生革命性的影响。

    Such discoveries are likely to have revolutionary consequences for biology, astronomy and philosophy.


  • 智力这样复杂东西可能受到基因之外许多因素的影响。

    Something as complex as intellect is likely to be affected by many factors beyond genes.


  • 粘贴备忘录或者期末论文里面数据可能完全是捏造的。

    The data you are pasting into your memo or term paper may well be totally fabricated.


  • 惊恐万分的黄鼠狼可能钻到桌子底下,疯狂地从窗户跳出来!

    Well might the terrified weasels dive under the tables and spring madly up at the windows!


  • 罗马执着于团结凝聚力可能起源于罗马早期发展模式

    The source of Roman obsession with unity and cohesion may well have lain in the pattern of Rome's early development.


  • 因此,当年非法捕捞的渔船很可能非法捕捞了9000龙虾

    It is therefore highly likely that the outlaw fishing boats harvested about 9,000 tons of lobster illegally that year.


  • 臭气可能来自污水新的研究表明臭气全是的。

    The odour may be horribly from stink bombs and sewage, but new research suggests the foul fumes might not be all bad.


  • 然而如果白天狮子老虎狐狸它们可能正在睡觉。

    However, if you go to see lions, tigers or foxes during the daytime, they'll probably be asleep.


  • 如果真的需要取出组织癌症可能已经蔓延到了整个系统

    If you really needed to take out a lot of tissue, the cancer had, in all probability, already spread through the system.


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