• 如果有什么可能意思是可以信赖所以可能意味着信赖度。

    If something is probable, you mean that you can trust it, so probability means trustworthiness.


  • 可能的是,随着多用加入分析颜色将会改变

    It is likely that the colors will change as more use cases are included in the analysis.


  • 这样可能的结果就是混动车丰田本田首当其冲越发举步维艰。

    The likely outcome is that hybrids (with Toyota and Honda to the fore) will fare far worse.


  • 认为自己可能得到想要的,可能是你不会得到

    When you think you have no chance of getting what you want, you probably won't get it.


  • 可能的回答新的工具现有工具变化的涌现支持了分布式团队的开发。

    One promising answer is that new tools, and changes to existing tools, have emerged to support distributed teams.


  • 当然可能事实是因为什么都变化了导致那些回头客新的设计不是适应

    Sure, it could be the fact that everything is just different and return shoppers aren't as comfortable with the new design.


  • 可能的情况,外部提供商正在使用标准可能不是雇佣公司当前商业过程一部分

    More than likely, the external supplier is using standards that may or may not be part of the hiring company's current business processes.


  • 可能治理结构中的各种角色实体治理采用团队成员之间进行了分割

    Likely, the various roles and entities in the governance structure are divided up among the members of the governance adoption team for additional definition.


  • 可能计划复制wikipedia解决方法然后powerset合并在ie浏览器上。

    Possibly the plan is to replicate the Wikipedia solution, then incorporate Powerset into Internet Explorer.


  • 可能的事情,”帕特里克•斯韦兹今年早些时候ABC电视台芭拉·沃尔特斯说道。

    "I'd say five years is pretty wishful thinking," Swayze told ABC TV's Barbara Walters early this year.


  • 可能打击来自于国际货币基金组织准备4月2日伦敦召开并由布朗先生主持G20会议而于3月6日发布一些令人沮丧数据

    The likely hit was set out on March 6th in some gloomy figures from the International Monetary Fund in the run-up to the G20 summit Mr Brown is hosting in London on April 2nd.


  • 可能的,也是一个梦想“,米兰体育报报道,科比最近几天我们一直讨论这个良机可能将成为现实,对我来说是好消息。

    It would be a dream for me, "Bryant said, according to the Gazzetta." There's an opportunity that we've been discussing over the last few days.


  • 倒是可能,”希刺克厉夫说,勉强使自己显得平静,“主人除了出于世俗仁爱观念一种责任感之外没有什么可依仗的了,这是可能的。”

    That is quite possible, 'remarked Heathcliff, forcing himself to seem calm:' quite possible that your master should have nothing but common humanity and a sense of duty to fall back upon.


  • 盗贼可能知道此物的价值

    It's more than likely that the thieves don't know how much it is worth.


  • 美国外交官宣称,总统可能贸易问题声明采取最积极慎重的立场。

    U.S. diplomats say the president is likely to take the high road in his statements about trade.


  • 作为一名破产者耻辱可能余生不断纠缠

    The stigma of being a bankrupt is likely to haunt him for the rest of his life.


  • 如果已经要求参加面试,你可能超过6候选名单上。

    If you've been asked for an interview you are probably on a shortlist of no more than six.


  • 经济学本科生可能大学聪明的学生。

    Economics undergraduates are probably the brightest in the university.


  • 可能会在交谈中故意提到的“未婚夫”,这样就会知道她名花有主

    She'd probably drop some comment about her "fiancé" into the conversation so that he'd think she was already spoken for.


  • 的努力很可能救了那个女人的命。

    His efforts most likely saved the woman's life.


  • 然而可能演讲有些东西是清楚令人困惑的。

    It's likely, however, that there's something in your presentation that's unclear or confusing.


  • 智力这样复杂东西可能受到基因之外许多因素的影响。

    Something as complex as intellect is likely to be affected by many factors beyond genes.


  • 可能研究中的母亲们认为打屁股不是有问题的行为

    It's likely that the mothers in the study didn't consider spanking to be problematic behavior.


  • 他们可能大脑某些区域拥有大量白质灰质

    They are likely to come with larger volumes of white and grey matter in certain areas of the brain.


  • 鹿摩擦前额可能同类中的其它成员发出大量信息

    Forehead rubbing by male deer on buck rubs presumably sends a great deal of information to other members of the same species.


  • 刚上市可能轰动一时。

    There may well have been a piquant novelty about her books when they came out.


  • 随着自信心的增强,可能看到态度有非常大的转变

    As her confidence grows you may well see a considerable turnabout in her attitude.


  • 可能了解行动后果

    In all probability he failed to understand the consequences of his actions.


  • 格什温歌词今天很可能认为是有歧视的嫌疑。

    Gershwin's lyrics would today probably be deemed politically incorrect.


  • 格什温歌词今天很可能认为是有歧视的嫌疑。

    Gershwin's lyrics would today probably be deemed politically incorrect.


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