By eliminating at least half of the courses offered there and focusing on a basic curriculum, we could improve student performance at Consolidated and also save many tax dollars.
A quarter of all sea species spend at least a part of their life in a reef and many reefs are in cold or temperate waters.
The authors claim this association between warmth and security is innate, yet many are not aware of the link, at least when it comes to warm baths.
The connection between interest rates and inflation may not have been exact, but at least central banks had plenty of theory and evidence to guide them.
The Grammy was another reminder that at least beyond the Washington Beltway, a lot of Americans were interested in the same things we were.
There are two problems with tables that have lots of extents, or at least there used to be.
There are signs that the Xinsi factory followed at least rudimentary safety procedures with its own workers, many of whom came from outside the village.
Many electromagnetic weapons do, indeed, look like radars, at least to non-expert eyes.
So, I claim there's various answers I can think of at least three possible answers.
And like many Banks, HSBC argues that there is at least some chance mark-to-market losses overstate the ultimate impairments it will face.
Undoubtedly, many readers will find Chua’s approach to self-esteem-building and parenting a bit unorthodox, to say the least.
Undoubtedly, many readers will find Chua's approach to self-esteem-building and parenting a bit unorthodox, to say the least.
There was, and is, much ideological overlap between the two parties, or at least their elites.
Big bombs battered three of Baghdad's best-known hotels, including the Hamra, where many Western journalists reside, leaving at least 41 people dead.
Considering what happened in the race, we can be pleased with finishing third and fourth, partly because our closest rivals either failed to score, or at least did not pick up many points.
A quarter of all sea species spend at least a part of their life in a reef-and many reefs are in cold or temperate waters.
It is hard to see how this improves either competition or the firm's viability, but it does at least chime with the views of many investors that ING's conglomerate model is too unwieldy.
The defender in him kept his remarks to the anodyne, or at least to what most people in most places would regard as the anodyne.
They have good taste at least -many of their stomping grounds come with five-star service and an atmosphere to match.
Like a lot of moderately successful devices, it continues to have fans - not least the people whose names contain apostrophes.
The decline was broad-based, led by basic materials, bank and industrial shares. More S.&P. sectors were down at least 2 percent.
There are at least four more broad partnering models other than that one, and countless variations within each model.
So, if an extra planet did get cast out of the solar system, at least it has plenty of company.
WOMAN B: A lot of people have at least a couple of octaves range which is just stunning what some people can produce.
There is a long way to go, but at least the threat of bankruptcy is receding in the rear-view mirror.
= NP, a few days ago, caused lots of enthusiasm in the programming community - at least for a couple days, until the first reviewers showed several flaws in the proof.
= NP, a few days ago, caused lots of enthusiasm in the programming community - at least for a couple days, until the first reviewers showed several flaws in the proof.