• 通过取消至少一半课程集中基础课程上,我们可以提高学生成绩可以节省很多税款

    By eliminating at least half of the courses offered there and focusing on a basic curriculum, we could improve student performance at Consolidated and also save many tax dollars.


  • 四分之一海洋物种珊瑚礁度过它们一生至少一半的时间,而且很多珊瑚礁处于寒冷温和水中

    A quarter of all sea species spend at least a part of their life in a reef and many reefs are in cold or temperate waters.


  • 作者声称温暖安全感之间联系天生的,也许很多没有意识到之间的联系至少洗热水澡方面是这样的。

    The authors claim this association between warmth and security is innate, yet many are not aware of the link, at least when it comes to warm baths.


  • 利率通胀之间联系或许本来那么直接,但是至少中央银行很多理论和实例操作他们的联系。

    The connection between interest rates and inflation may not have been exact, but at least central banks had plenty of theory and evidence to guide them.


  • 格莱美奖给我们另一个提醒是,至少华盛顿环城公路之外,有很多美国人和我们有着相同兴趣

    The Grammy was another reminder that at least beyond the Washington Beltway, a lot of Americans were interested in the same things we were.


  • 那些很多区、或者至少曾经有过的,存在两个问题

    There are two problems with tables that have lots of extents, or at least there used to be.


  • 迹象显示工厂已对自己工人至少实施了起码安全程序其中很多工人来自

    There are signs that the Xinsi factory followed at least rudimentary safety procedures with its own workers, many of whom came from outside the village.


  • 很多电磁武器的确看起来很像雷达至少非专业眼光看是这样的。

    Many electromagnetic weapons do, indeed, look like radars, at least to non-expert eyes.


  • 这个问题很多答案至少可以想出三种可能答案。

    So, I claim there's various answers I can think of at least three possible answers.


  • 很多银行一样汇丰认为至少一些可能使市值损失夸大了他所面临的损失。

    And like many Banks, HSBC argues that there is at least some chance mark-to-market losses overstate the ultimate impairments it will face.


  • 毫无疑问很多读者至少认为教授帮助孩子建立自尊的方式有点不太正统。

    Undoubtedly, many readers will find Chua’s approach to self-esteem-building and parenting a bit unorthodox, to say the least.


  • 毫无疑问很多读者至少认为教授帮助孩子建立自尊的方式有点不太正统。

    Undoubtedly, many readers will find Chua's approach to self-esteem-building and parenting a bit unorthodox, to say the least.


  • 党的思维方式曾经存在、现在依然存在不少重叠部分,或者至少他们精英很多类似的想法。

    There was, and is, much ideological overlap between the two parties, or at least their elites.


  • 大型炸弹炸毁了巴格达富盛名的酒店其中包括住有很多西方记者Harman酒店,造成至少41死亡

    Big bombs battered three of Baghdad's best-known hotels, including the Hamra, where many Western journalists reside, leaving at least 41 people dead.


  • 考虑到比赛发生的情况,我们第三第四名成绩高兴,部分原因是因为我们最有力竞争对手成绩不好至少没有获得很多积分

    Considering what happened in the race, we can be pleased with finishing third and fourth, partly because our closest rivals either failed to score, or at least did not pick up many points.


  • 四分之一海洋物种珊瑚礁度过它们一生至少一半的时间,而且很多珊瑚礁处于寒冷温和水中

    A quarter of all sea species spend at least a part of their life in a reef-and many reefs are in cold or temperate waters.


  • 很难看出一做法如何改善竞争或者公司生存能力至少很多投资者观点一致,(就是,)ing联合模式过于笨重了

    It is hard to see how this improves either competition or the firm's viability, but it does at least chime with the views of many investors that ING's conglomerate model is too unwieldy.


  • 作为门将的天性使得评论不痛不痒,或者至少很多地方很多看来是不痛不痒的。

    The defender in him kept his remarks to the anodyne, or at least to what most people in most places would regard as the anodyne.


  • 至少它们品位不错——它们流连的土地很多拥有五星级的服务与之匹配气氛

    They have good taste at least -many of their stomping grounds come with five-star service and an atmosphere to match.


  • 很多一般成功图形,撇号仍然支持者——至少那些名字里面带有撇号是拥护的。

    Like a lot of moderately successful devices, it continues to have fans - not least the people whose names contain apostrophes.


  • 本次全盘下跌原财银行以及工业板块股票领衔。很多标准普尔板块下跌至少2%。

    The decline was broad-based, led by basic materials, bank and industrial shares. More S.&P. sectors were down at least 2 percent.


  • 其实除了以上种,至少还有四种灵活的合伙方式。一种模式当中又有很多不同的方法。

    There are at least four more broad partnering models other than that one, and countless variations within each model.


  • 所以如果这个特别行星的确抛出太阳系至少很多同伴

    So, if an extra planet did get cast out of the solar system, at least it has plenty of company.


  • 女士B很多声音拥有至少几个八度的音域,有的发出让令人震耳欲聋的声音。

    WOMAN B: A lot of people have at least a couple of octaves range which is just stunning what some people can produce.


  • 长,事还很多至少破产威协已经渐渐从后视镜远去了。

    There is a long way to go, but at least the threat of bankruptcy is receding in the rear-view mirror.


  • =NP证据,编程引起了不小兴趣——至少为此狂热了好几天直到开始有评论家指出证据很多缺陷。

    = NP, a few days ago, caused lots of enthusiasm in the programming community - at least for a couple days, until the first reviewers showed several flaws in the proof.


  • =NP证据,编程引起了不小兴趣——至少为此狂热了好几天直到开始有评论家指出证据很多缺陷。

    = NP, a few days ago, caused lots of enthusiasm in the programming community - at least for a couple days, until the first reviewers showed several flaws in the proof.


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