• 显然这些违背目前就业服务法第六十条的规定。

    It is very clear that these are in violation of Art. 60 of the ESA in its present and not yet amended form.


  • 没有触及这类恐怖故事心意显然地不会恐惧所困扰

    The mind that doesn't 'reach out' for such fearful stories is obviously not troubled by fear.


  • 大约这样一前一后叫喊过后,显然孩子的母亲无法控制自己小孩

    After about six of these back-and-forth screams, it became clear to Zeune that the moms were unable to control their kids.


  • 很显然十分紧张因为麦克风局促不安好几分钟没有一句话。

    He is very nervous. That is as plain as the nose on his face, because he stands awkwardly in front of the microphone for several minutes and says nothing.


  • 很显然地十分紧张因为麦克风局促不安好几分钟没有一句话。

    He is very nervous. That is as plain as the nose on your face, because he stands awkwardly in front of the microphone for several minutes and says nothing.


  • 因为电话信号几乎完全瘫痪(很显然地需要应用宽带进行紧急救助)所以互联网作用彰显无遗。

    Though phone signals were mostly dead (apparently to leave bandwidth for emergency services), the Internet functioned.


  • 很显然地这位老先生只是为了享受宁静时刻,根本就关心,自己是否能钓到鱼

    Obviously, the old man just enjoyed the tranquil moment, without caring for the fishing.


  • 凯瑟琳马斯凯特说“很显然支持生命权,哪怕只有一点点价值也是好的。”

    One local, Catherine Muskett, states, "Obviously it's good to support pro-life causes. Every little bit counts."


  • 顺便再提一下,这个工具里面的链接并不起作用显然,它显示画面是以图片格式保存嵌入的。

    By the way, the displayed links don't work - apparently, the tool shows the screenshots which are saved and embedded as images.


  • 我们继续之前哈佛世界迅速公告以下几个科系显然地明天开始毫无用处

    Before we move on, the world outside of Harvard has asked me to make a quick announcement. The following majors are apparently useless as of tomorrow.


  • 虽然跟Google收购ITA软件规模类型都不一样,但是显然Google越来越多的注意力放到旅游业了。

    Although not on the same scale and type of the proposed ITA Software acquisition, Google clearly has an increasingly focused eye on the travel industry.


  • 而且很显然地西班牙自己的吉普赛社区保留衡量标准中,如果确认有特殊情况存在,那么法律允许一个14岁的人结婚的。

    And, in a measure apparently maintained for Spain's own Gypsy community, the law allows a 14-year-old to marry if a judge decides there are exceptional circumstances.


  • 很显然还有,足够让他逍遥于泰国法律之外,舒舒服服退休

    He clearly has plenty of money left-enough to retire comfortably out of the reach of Thai law.


  • 我们黑洞爆炸超新星极端天体物理学令人难以置信能量联系起来,所以很显然科学家们不能实验室真正把它们制造出来。

    We associate black holes, Big Bangs and supernovae with extreme astrophysics and mind-boggling destructive energies, so obviously scientists can't really build the genuine article in a lab.


  • 人马座a本身显然两个星系碰撞产生,碰撞剩余残片持续黑洞吸入。

    Centaurus a itself is apparently the result of a collision of two galaxies and the left over debris is steadily being consumed by the black hole.


  • 显然这是一种深的人类与生俱来的天性我们全都珍爱我们孩子,我们本能他们保护他们。

    It is apparently a strong human instinct: we all treasure our children; we love and protect them instinctively.


  • 很显然没有示意唐纳德追过来留在自己塔楼里,一又一歌唱声调越来越

    She apparently doesn't give Donald the signal to follow, because he stays at his tower and calls and calls again, his pitch rising ever higher.


  • NASA观测- 1号卫星高级成像仪ALI)于2009年月14日拍摄了一张这个体育场可见光照片显然拍照体育场的升级工作进行之中

    The Advanced Land Imager (ALI) on NASA's Earth Observing-1 (EO-1) satellite captured this natural-color image of the stadium on May 14, 2009, while upgrades were apparently still in progress.


  • 过程漩涡中,很显然文学可能独善其身安然无恙走过

    In the swirling midst of such processes, obviously, it would be impossible for literature alone to take a pass on such a realignment and avoid systemic change.


  • Kay勉强回答道:“显然…”。

    "Very clearly," Kay answers slightly reluctantly.


  • 然而Copeland清楚识别时处理测试一个验收测试之下类别失败了,显然它是依靠数据的。

    However, as Copeland clearly identifies, transaction testing, a category under which acceptance testing falls, is distinctly dependent upon data.


  • 很显然越是了解如何编写更好代码以及如何有效测试软件,就及早捕捉到缺陷

    Obviously, the more I learn about how to write better code and learn how to effectively test software, the better I am at catching defects.


  • 她以前同学高兴回忆安娜她们之中引人注目女孩:“显然大有前途。”

    Former classmates are happy to recall that Anna was the most striking girl in their group: "It was instantly clear that she would go far."


  • 很显然不能简单把将来的收益现在每年投入资金比较。

    Clearly, it is not as simple as comparing the benefits paid with contributions received each year.


  • 显然为了说服推销品牌广告商转移互联网发表不得不继续疯狂使用点击指标

    It's now clear that a publisher would have to be insane to continue using click metrics to try to persuade branding advertisers to turn to the Internet.


  • 人为显然某人姓名不足以计算机唯一标识他。

    In the case of people, it's obvious that a person's name is not enough to uniquely identify that person to a computer.


  • 心中一个英雄卡尔文•柯立芝,很显然早在以前就坚信要是他尽可能介入世界运转得更好。”

    One of her heroes is Calvin Coolidge who, sensibly, “had long ago determined that the world would do better if he involved himself less.”


  • 很显然我们已经用尽已有IPv4越来越多的组织被迫迁移IPv6

    Obviously, now that we've reached the end of the available IPv4 addresses, more and more organizations will be forced to migrate to IPv6.


  • 很显然我们已经用尽已有IPv4越来越多的组织被迫迁移IPv6

    Obviously, now that we've reached the end of the available IPv4 addresses, more and more organizations will be forced to migrate to IPv6.


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