• 断定富兰克林肯定得了重感冒

    He decided Franklin must be suffering from a bad cold.


  • 得了重感冒。”—“是吗?,真是的。如此的话这个周末了吧?”

    "I've got a terrible cold."—"Have you? Oh dear. Anyway, so you're not going to go away this weekend?"


  • 得了重感冒

    He had a bad cold.


  • 丝,我得了重感冒,得去看医生。

    Ruth, I've got this terrible cold and I have to see a doctor.


  • 睁开眼睛,发现爸爸妈妈谁在椅子上,他们都得了重感冒

    When I opened my eyes, I found Dad and Mom were sleeping in chairs, both having caught bad colds.


  • 得了重感冒,医生建议休息

    The doctor told me to stay at home for two days and have a good rest.


  • 露西得了重感冒。我明天不能上学了。

    This is Lucy speaking. I have a bad cold. I can't go to school tomorrow.


  • 得了重感冒威廉姆斯先生,他需要卧床一周

    DOCTOR: He has a bad cold, Mr Williams, so he must stay in bed for a week.


  • 得了重感冒卧床不起的时候别人送来

    I had my meals brought to me when I was ill in bed with a bad cold.


  • 得了重感冒威廉斯先生,加此,他必须卧床一周

    He has a bad cold, Mr Williams, so he must stay in bed for a week.


  • 今天母亲得了重感冒医生卧床休息

    Today you mother has a bad cold, the doctor says she wants to rest in bed for two days.


  • 医生得了重感冒威廉斯先生,因此他必须卧床一周

    DOCTOR: he has a bad cold, Mr. Williams, so he must stay in bed for a week.


  • 缇生:得了重感冒威廉斯先生,因此必须卧床一周

    DOCTOR: : he has a bad cold, Mr Williams, so he must stay in bed for a week.


  • 医生检查告诉妈妈得了重感冒需要卧床休息

    He looked me over and told my mother that I had a bad cold and had to stay in bad for two days.


  • 你好医生得了重感冒并且伴有发烧可以吗?

    Hi doctor. I caught a bad cold and I'm running a temperature. Can you prescribe some medicines for me please?


  • 威廉斯夫人床上呢医生看看吗?他得了重感冒

    MRS S WILLIAMS: He's in bed, doctor. Can you see him, please? He has a bad cold, too!


  • 今天起床以后发现自己得了重感冒鼻子难受的要死,双眼了起来。

    Today, I woke up with the worst cold, ever. My nose was running like crazy and my eyes were all puffy.


  • 不幸,面试当天得了重感冒体温升至华氏101感到身体不住了。

    Unfortunately, on the day of my appointment, I was terribly sick with a cold and a 101 - degree fever that threatened to topple me physically.


  • 医生得了重感冒,给三种药片饭后服,药水睡前服。

    The doctor said I had caught a severe cold and she prescribed me four different medicines. Three of them are pills to be taken after meals and the other is liquid to be drunk before going to bed.


  • 医生得了重感冒,给我三种药片饭后服,一种药水睡前服。

    The doctor told me that I had caught a severe cold and she prescribed four different medicines for me. Three of them are pills taken after meal and the other is liquid drunk before going to bed.


  • 医生得了重感冒三种药片,饭后,另一种药水,睡前服。

    The doctor said I had caught a bad cold and she prescribed me four kinds of medicine. Three of them are pills to be taken aftermeal, and theother is liquid tobe taken before bedtime.


  • Mary 汉译亲爱的老师:很抱歉告诉你我得了重感冒并且

    Dear Miss Chen, I'm sorry to say that I had a bad cold and I have to ask for two days' sick leave.


  • 医生得了重感冒开了四种三种药片饭后一种是药水,睡前

    The doctor said I had a bad cold, she gave me a four drugs, is three pills, meal service, and the other is syrup, before bed clothes.


  • 医生得了重感冒,她给我三种药片,饭后服,一种药水睡前服。

    The doctor said I had caught a severe cold and prescribed four different medicines for me. three of them are pills taken after meal and the other is a liquid taken before going to bed.


  • 不久值班医生来到506,给做了检查然后告诉杰克谢丽尔得了重感冒必须尽快医院治疗

    It is not long before a doctor on duty arrives at Room 506. He checks her and tells Jack that Cheryl has caught a bad cold. She must be sent to the hospital as soon as possible.


  • 不久值班医生来到506,给做了检查然后告诉杰克谢丽尔得了重感冒必须尽快医院治疗

    It is not long before a doctor on duty arrives at Room 506. He checks her and tells Jack that Cheryl has caught a bad cold. She must be sent to the hospital as soon as possible.


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