• 为什么只是设想不是必然结论呢?

    Why do you say that their statement is only an assumption rather than a definitive conclusion?


  • 交通肇事罪共犯成立逻辑推理必然结论客观实践现实要求

    The accomplice of traffic accident crime is the inevitable consequence of logical deduction and the realistic requirement of objective practice.


  • 我们HadoopMapReduce负载平衡实验可以得到两个必然结论

    Our experiment with Hadoop MapReduce and load balancing lead to two inescapable conclusions.


  • 当然还有很多禅宗故事所有这些故事指向一个必然结论简单地说就是,宇宙自身。

    Of course, there are many Zen stories, all of which point toward the inevitable conclusion that, simply put, you are IT.


  • 仑兹假设形式提出洛变换爱因斯坦以狭义相对论必然结论的形式导出洛仑兹变换。

    Lorentz promoted the Loredtz transformation in a form of hypothesis while Einstein deduced it from the necessitarianism of restricted theory of relativity.


  • 知道吗,“意识本身就是脑神经活动”这个结论根本不是这些实验结果必然结论,而只是一种设想

    But don't you know that the statement "consciousness itself is the brain neuron activity" cannot be a definitive conclusion drawn from these experiments. Rather, it is merely an assumption!


  • 人与人之间应该平等思想出发得出必然结论每个对于生活资料需要都同样应该平等地得到满足。

    Should be this equal from between men the thought sets out, the inevitable conclusion drawn is, everybody should be satisfied the need of the means of livelihood equally too.


  • 必然得出一个结论件事关联

    This leads to the inescapable conclusion that the two things are connected.


  • 对此虽然持怀疑态度,不能妄下结论因为其他国家必然油田具备采用与美国相同技术的条件。

    I doubt it, but we cannot be sure, because there are bound to be fields in other countries ripe for exploitation with the same technology.


  • 简单游戏原理似乎暗示潜在的最佳结论必然现在缺少一个警察强迫参与者做规矩之事。

    Simple game theory suggests that a sub-optimal result is almost inevitable absent a policeman to bully participants into good behaviour.


  • 是的教授观点哲学前提若是从错谬开始,你的结论必然错谬。

    Yes, professor. My point is, your philosophical premise is flawed to start with, and so your conclusion must also be flawed.


  • 因此股骨厚度,必然与其长度l正比,因此股骨厚度,必然与,3/2次方成正比。,to,l,to,the,power,three-halfs。,有意思的结论

    Therefore, the thickness must be proportional to the length l and therefore the thickness of the femur must be proportional l A very interesting result.


  • 结论表明,头台油田储层的裂缝极为发育裂缝参数特征必然影响油田生产

    Its conclusion shows that fractures in Toutai oil field is very well developed, so fracture characteristics will inevitably affect oil field production.


  • 必然有关人类利益花费方面人们全得出不同结论

    Inevitably, different individuals will reach different conclusions about the human benefits and costs.


  • 一点看来必然导致这样结论,即其它自我实际上只是唯一的先验自我的投影他人存在成了为的存在。

    So it necessarily led to the conclusion, the other ego was my transcendental ego projection, the being of the other ego was just for me.


  • 或然性推理由于结论必然为真,在形式逻辑体系中一直未受到重视。

    The probable inference has been ignored all the time because its conclusion is not always true.


  • 根据研究生命起源人们作的工作我们必然得出这样的结论如果设想有行星我们地球的情况基本相似,那几乎肯定产生生命。

    We must conclude from the work of those who have studied the origin of life, that given a planet only approximately like our own, life is almost certain to start.


  • 真正自杀有它的节奏一种训练有素必然人们贸然得出结论:“自杀是懦弱行为”,不能错——自杀需要极大的勇气

    The real suicide rhythm, is a well-trained inevitably, people rush to conclude: "Suicide is a cowardly act" and wrong can not be wrong - suicide requires great courage.


  • 只有大前提总体上是联言判断结论才是必然的、可靠的,因而是有效的。

    The conclusion is necessary, dependable and effective only if the major premise generally belongs to association judgement.


  • 体系中,核心痛苦无聊人生本质生命意志否定则是必然结论

    In this integral system, the core is pain and sufferings, boring life essence, but to the life will of negation is then the inevitable conclusion.


  • 所述前提必然得出另结论推理过程一般特殊推理

    Deduction, the process of reasoning in which a conclusion follows necessarily from the stated premises; inference by reasoning from the general to the specific.


  • 级别存在一个必然结论就是任何高级别的改变必须级别开始

    While the level of existence, an inevitable conclusion is that high level, any changes must first from low level to start.


  • 同样阿基米德原理自由落体问题等进行逻辑分析,非常直接得出必然结论并且可以帮助我们更好地理解物理规律

    Similarly, on the pure logic analysis of the Archimedes Principle and Free Fall law, we could get an inevitable conclusion directly, which could help us better understand the laws of physics.


  • 结论形态学上腺细胞实质减少不能直接推断唾液分泌必然减少。

    Conclusion: the morphology of the gland cells, the reduction in real terms, and can not directly infer the inevitable reduction in saliva secretion.


  • 参加体育锻炼都会最终得出必然结论定期体育运动有益健康

    People who are involved in physical fitness will finally arrive at the inevitable conclusion that regular exercises are beneficial to health.


  • 这些并不必然导致下面的结论中国一个正在形成经济超级大国

    But they do not lead inexorably to the conclusion that China is an emerging economic superpower.


  • 这些并不必然导致下面的结论中国一个正在形成经济超级大国

    But they do not lead inexorably to the conclusion that China is an emerging economic superpower.


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