• 他们羞辱忍无可忍的地步。

    They were humiliated beyond endurance.


  • 被气得忍无可忍,于是转身向猛击。

    Goaded beyond endurance, she turned on him and hit out.


  • 父母十分宽容有时他们忍无可忍

    Her parents are very tolerant, but sometimes she pushes them too far.


  • 我们已经结婚25年了眼皮底下发生的事儿使我最终忍无可忍

    We've been married 25 years and this carrying on under my nose was the last straw.


  • 忍无可忍,只好整理行装搬到北部重新生活

    It was the last straw for her; she packed up and moved north and regained her life.


  • 忍无可忍最终决定赶往伦敦罗斯一衷肠。

    When all this fails, Rachel decides to leave right away for London to tell Ross how she feels.


  • 那么伴侣习惯开始忍无可忍的时候,你怎么办?

    So how do you cope when your partner's habits start to push you over the edge?


  • 如果同事令忍无可忍,你就必须出来,他们知道。

    If your co- worker irritated the crap out of you than you need to speak up and tell them.


  • 有一妈妈忍无可忍,在气头上小狗崽子

    One day his mother was mad at him and made the mistake of calling him a puppy. His retort.


  • 最后欧文忍无可忍,大吼猛然攻向林子无礼的骑士

    Finallly, Owen could stand it no longer. With a battle cry, he charged into the Wood after the impertinent knight.


  • 对于孩子童年有着传统理解的观察员来说,简直是忍无可忍

    That was just too much for an inspectorate with rather more conventional views on children and childhood.


  • 处于敌意攻击底层能量形式临在是绝对忍无可忍

    The energy form that lies behind hostility and attack finds the presence of love absolutely intolerable.


  • 次贷危机之后,紧接着关于债务上限预算赤字讨论让人忍无可忍

    Coming so shortly on the heels of the subprime crisis, the debate over the debt ceiling and the budget deficit is the last straw.


  • 农夫不敢家里个月忍无可忍,决定告诉它们神父要来

    The farmer did not dare to live at home the while; and after three months he made up his mind to stand it no more, and went and told them that the priest was coming.


  • 警告耐心到了忍无可忍地步,我再也不想容忍这种行为

    I warn you that my patience is at breaking point. I won't stand for much more of this behaviour.


  • 拉里回答:“不能只会告诉又一个谎言这次,我忍无可忍。”

    "I can't. He would tell me his umpteenth lie and this time I couldn't stand it," Ms Lario replied.


  • 年前当地人司机他们的街道当做避开附近繁忙路口捷径忍无可忍

    Two years ago locals were fed up as drivers were using their street as a shortcut to avoid a busy junction nearby.


  • 两者喜欢照顾对方,为对方操心,恰恰让他们生活变得忍无可忍

    Each one of these signs love to look after, and fuss around the person they love, which will go far in making life intolerable for both of them.


  • 时尚通常丑陋一种形式以至于人们忍无可忍个月便修改一下。

    Fashion is usually a form of ugliness so intolerable that every six months we have to alter it.


  • 由于多次遭受医院员工无礼对待忍无可忍恨不得马上就全家离开医院。

    After feeling out of control and disrespected by the staff many times over, she could not take her family home soon enough.


  • 我们能够忍受段时间但是迟早会忍无可忍我们“现代”文化一个组成部分

    We can control our boredom for a while, but is spills out fretfully soon or later – it's part of our "modern" culture.


  • 约翰旱校总是制造麻烦,某人橱柜放火时,实在让人忍无可忍,所以他被开除了。

    John has always been a trouble maker at school but when he set fire to someone's locker, it was the last straw and he was expelled.


  • 一位朋友见面那种响亮笑声让人忍无可忍——饭店里噪杂谈话也让人受不了。

    I see a friend and her ringing laughter is intolerable - the noise of conversation in the restaurant, unbearable.


  • 他们一直在讨论“等到……如果……”,这个终于忍无可忍:“打扰一下,先生们,”

    They both were talking about when this and if that, and finally he couldn't take it anymore. "Excuse me gentleman," the man said.


  • 几个月母亲忍无可忍时候,就去找防止虐待儿童协会的那些人劝说离开

    Months later, when my mother could bear it no longer, she went to the cruelty to children people and they persuaded my father's mistress to leave.


  • 几个月母亲忍无可忍时候,就去找防止虐待儿童协会的那些人劝说离开

    Months later, when my mother could bear it no longer, she went to the cruelty to children people and they persuaded my father's mistress to leave.


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