• 结果并不出人意料,孕妇怀孕期的饮食胎儿性别没什么联系

    Not surprisingly, their diets during pregnancy had no correlation with their babies' gender.


  • 这个故事介绍HIV阳性孕妇怀孕最后一周失踪了

    The episode examined the case of a pregnant HIV-positive woman who disappeared in the last weeks of her pregnancy.


  • 只大熊猫324怀孕打破目前大熊猫200天怀孕期的吉尼斯纪录

    The 324-day gestation period broke the present 200-day Guinness record.


  • 婴儿儿童以及育龄妇女营养不良后果高危人群,这些后果包括传染病以及怀孕期的各种并发症

    Infants, young children and women of reproductive age are considered most at-risk of the consequences of undernutrition, which include infection and complications during pregnancy.


  • 过多重量往往糖尿病心脏病中风一些癌症睡眠窒息关节炎脂肪肝以及怀孕并发症有着紧密的关系。

    Too much excess weight is associated with diabetes, heart disease and stroke, some cancers, sleep apnea, osteoarthritis, fatty liver disease, and complications in pregnancy.


  • 经过组员两个幻听检测所发现异常沟回很可能产生于大脑成熟的,也就是怀孕67个月的时候。

    The sulcus abnormalities that he and his team detected in the two hallucination groups probably occurred during early brain maturation-that is, during the sixth and seventh months of pregnancy.


  • 大部分妇女怀孕进行超声波检查,尽管不是规定性的。

    Most women will be offered an ultrasound scan during pregnancy, although it's not obligatory.


  • 怀孕照顾自己这些自己可以事情

    Take care of yourself while you are pregnant. These are some of the things you can do for yourself.


  • 动物园官员们这次怀孕期通过体检血液测试进行密切的监测。

    Zoo officials said during this pregnancy, she was closely monitored through physical exams and blood tests.


  • 例如,对动物研究表明老鼠怀孕经历压力导致胎儿表观遗传发生变化,进而导致啮齿动物成长过程中出现行为问题

    Studies of animals, for example, have shown that when a rat experiences stress during pregnancy, it can cause epigenetic changes in a fetus that lead to behavioral problems as the rodent grows up.


  • 如果母亲怀孕没有获得治疗艾滋病处方药物那里感染上艾滋病病毒了。

    I would have got HIV from my mother if she hadn't had access to prescription AIDS medicines when she was pregnant.


  • 过去十年间研究人员已经越来越多地关注所谓的抑郁(怀孕抑郁),不只影响母亲还有婴儿发育

    Over the past decade, researchers have increasingly focused on so-called antenatal depression (depression during pregnancy) and its effect not only on mothers but also on the development of the baby.


  • 过去十年间研究人员已经越来越多地关注所谓的抑郁(在怀孕抑郁),不只影响母亲还有婴儿发育

    Over the past decade, researchers have increasingly focused on so-called antenatal depression (depression during pregnancy) and its effect not only on mothers, but also on the development of the baby.


  • 身体为了赶上怀孕扩大血液容量需要更多这种化学元素

    Your body needs more of this mineral during pregnancy to keep up with your expanding blood volume.


  • 以上最近研究发现情况,几项研究旨在揭示母亲怀孕哪些因素影响孩子患上自闭症

    Those are the findings of several new studies that sought to uncover what factors during pregnancy may have an impact on the risk of autism in children.


  • 很多时候妇女怀孕期维持适当水平可以避免一些问题

    Oftentimes during a pregnancy and woman can end up having problems maintaining her iron levels appropriately.


  • 怀孕纯素食妇女不会杂食的妇女容易得贫血

    Vegan women are no more likely to experience anemia than omnivorous women during pregnancy.


  • 此前多数BPA担忧关于婴儿影响,此影响要么通过塑料婴儿奶瓶要么通过怀孕母亲饮食

    Most of the previous concern about BPA has been about whether it has an effect on babies, either through plastic baby bottles, or through the mother's diet during pregnancy.


  • 大约有2%到7%女性有患疾病,她们的血糖含量升高成为怀孕最为常见一种健康状况

    Between 2 and 7 percent of women develop this condition in which blood sugar becomes raised making it one of the most common health conditions during pregnancy.


  • 大约有2%到7%女性有患疾病她们的血糖含量升高成为怀孕最为常见一种健康状况

    Between 2 and 7 percent of women develop this condition, in which blood sugar becomes raised, making it one of the most common health conditions during pregnancy.


  • 说:“如果妇女怀孕摄入足够叶酸辅助品,很多出生缺陷完全可以避免

    "Many birth defects actually can be avoided if women use supplements of folic acid during pregnancy," he noted.


  • 这些妇女怀孕可以能持续较长的时间——这就增加死胎风险

    These women were also more likely to have pregnancies that lasted longer - raising the risk of stillbirth.


  • 是的试图掩盖我已怀孕事实但是也不打算在篇文章中详细描述怀孕事情,或发布相应照片

    Well, I am not trying to hide the fact that I'm pregnant, but nor am I accompanying this article with a step-by-step account of my pregnancy and corresponding photographs.


  • 很难相信事实是,对于怀孕的妇女来讲,厨房使用微波炉有害的。

    It is very difficult to believe but a truth that the microwave oven that you use in your kitchen could be harmful during pregnancy.


  • 之前的研究表明母亲怀孕环境因素可能导致胎儿的DNA出现“表观遗传”变异。

    Previous studies have shown that factors in the mother's environment during pregnancy can cause "epigenetic" modifications to the fetus's DNA.


  • 吸烟母亲要求自己子女行为评分,这些母亲被归类轻度重度吸烟者取决于她们怀孕每天吸烟数量。

    Mothers, who were categorised as light or heavy smokers, depending on how many cigarettes they smoked every day during pregnancy, were asked to score their children's behaviour.


  • 科学家早先怀疑怀孕糟糕饮食后代成长,加重健康问题糖尿病等。

    Scientists already suspect that a poor diet during pregnancy can result in health problems such as diabetes for the offspring in later life.


  • 科学家早先怀疑怀孕糟糕饮食后代成长,加重健康问题糖尿病等。

    Scientists already suspect that a poor diet during pregnancy can result in health problems such as diabetes for the offspring in later life.


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