• 利特年科可能是第一急性-210中毒

    Mr Litvinenko is thought to be the first person to die from acute polonium-210 poisoning.


  • 其实更想知道的我们这些身陷慢性或急性抑郁情绪中的而言,宽恕是什么样的。

    Mostly, I wondered what could forgiveness be for those of us with depression that is both chronic and severe.


  • 目前大量患有严重精神疾病犯罪审判系统得到急性精神住院治疗不是在精神健康系统里。”他写道

    "Currently, a large number of people with severe mental illness receive their acute psychiatric inpatient treatment in the criminal-justice system rather than in the mental-health system," he writes.


  • 这些危机可能发传染病造成的,比如严重急性呼吸道综合征SARS),或者一场新的流感大流行

    Such crises can result from emerging infections like Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), or a new human influenza pandemic.


  • 吸气时疼痛患有急性胆囊炎身上常有的现象。

    Pain on inspiration is often found in patients with acute cholecystitis.


  • 一项拟议绩效措施确诊急性肾盂肾炎妇女接受抗生素治疗应为14

    A proposed performance measure is the percentage of women diagnosed with acute pyelonephritis who receive antimicrobial treatment for 14 days.


  • 尽管那些80以上老年很少接受紧急透析治疗急性肾衰上了年纪的当中常见的。

    ARF was more common in men and among the elderly, although those aged 80 years or more were less likely to receive acute dialysis treatment.


  • 塔:嗯,在以前是个急性容易生气现在,我更好地控制住了自己怒火而且觉得,嗯,看来我是个不错

    Loretta: : Before, like, I was really hot-headed and I just got angry really quick, but now, like, control of my anger more and I'm, like, apparently I'm a nice person.


  • 十二生肖最重要强大个属相,看似幸运不过属龙的却是个急性子,说话尖酸刻薄,名声臭!

    Seemingly born under a lucky star, the dragon is the most vital and powerful of any in the Chinese zodiac, although with an infamous reputation for being a hothead - and possessing a sharp tongue!


  • 他们发现霍乱案例这个情况随着急性腹泻而有所改变。

    They say no cases of cholera have been found, but this could quickly change as the number of cases of acute watery diarrhea is rising.


  • 另外一个急性做事喜欢干净利索因此每件事都会高效成绩完成

    In addition, I am an acute, doing things like clean, so everything will be in the most efficient completion of the results.


  • 通过多种方式,防止酵母感染正在这里讨论以及治疗急性慢性酵母菌感染信息

    A number of ways to prevent yeast infections are discussed here, as well as information on treating both acute and chronic yeast infections.


  • 急性淋巴细胞白血病患者大概只有25%初期会感受到骨骼处产生的疼痛

    In acute lymphocytic leukemia, bone pain occurs in approximately 25% of patients at the onset of the disease.


  • 参与调查报告手腕手部骨折股骨骨折,脊椎下跌和震荡属于急性损伤

    Wrist and hand fractures, thighbone fractures, slipped spinal discs and concussions were among the acute injuries study participants reported.


  • 经历的这种应力可能急性失业,离婚死亡可能是慢性的,如时间失业,处于糟糕际关系中,或者长期患病

    The over-stress that people experience may be acute such as the loss of a job, divorce, a death or chronic such as being unemployed for a long time, being in a bad relationship, or long-term illness.


  • 然而目前术后出现急性精神障碍并不少见而且基本上都是老年很多将要进行手术的背上沉重思想包袱

    However, there is acute postoperative patients with mental disorders are not uncommon, but are basically old, it makes a lot of people that will be performed by the idea to carry a heavy burden.


  • 急性背痛影响80 %以上超过28 %的工业劳动力遭受失去工作

    Acute low back pain will affect more than 80% of the population, with more than 28% of the industrial workforce suffering from lost work.


  • 常见于迅速到达这个高度的群中。先期的症状轻微肿胀有关的急性高山病(AMS, Acute Mountain Sickness),根据西班牙研究,这引起长期损害

    The first phase is Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS), which always involves mild brain swelling that, according to the Spanish study, can cause lasting damage.


  • 急性混乱系列包括24幅图片:海浪中的,色彩荷兰海边斑斓。

    The series 'Untitled' 2007(swimming men in sea) consists of about 24 images: men in waves, in a wide diversity of colours that are far from Dutch.


  • 那些得了感冒的感冒症状显现36小时之前,他们的某些特定基因出现急性炎症

    Those who became sick developed an acute inflammation on certain genes 36 hours before the symptoms set in.


  • 那些得了感冒的感冒症状显现36小时之前,他们的某些特定基因出现急性炎症

    Those who became sick developed an acute inflammation on certain genes 36 hours before the symptoms set in.


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