• 八月份登记数量大涨,现在全年总量四分之一

    August registrations have gone ballistic, accounting now for a quarter of the annual total.


  • 户外广告投放总量呈现不断上升的趋势

    The gross revenue of outdoors advertisement mount up year by year.


  • 我们可以出来工作总量只是条曲线区域给出的。

    The total amount of the work that we can get out is just given by the area inside this curve.


  • 离心率倾斜摆动变化并不影响地球接收到的太阳辐射总量

    Changes in eccentricity, tilt and wobble do not affect the total amount of solar radiation Earth receives in a year.


  • 总量2413本的藏书中,只有18%书籍含有白人的描写。

    Just 18 percent of 2,413 books in the total collection contained any representation of non-white people.


  • 如果我们估算一下假设世界冰川融化释放水,那么总量惊人了

    The total amount of ice is even more awesome if we estimate the water released upon the hypothetical melting of the world's glaciers.


  • 这种情况下脂肪总量12,占了脂肪建议摄取量18%,200标准

    In this case, the total fat, which is twelve grams, constitutes 18% of a day's allowance of fat for the typical 200 calorie diet.


  • 腺苷清醒状态下释放总量逐渐增加时,腺苷就会大脑特定区域越来越多细胞结合

    Adenosine then binds to more and more sites on cells in certain areas of the brain, as the total amount released gradually increases during wakefulness.


  • 为了将谢尔比维尔今年产生灰渣数量减少去年总量一半该市已经修改了收集计划

    In order to reduce the amount of residue ash Shelbyville generates this year to half of last year's total, the city has revamped its collection program.


  • 篇文章提出脊椎动物无氧能量储备总量与脊椎动物体型正比基于以下哪些假设

    The passage's suggestion that the total anaerobic energy reserves of a vertebrate are proportional to the vertebrate's size is based on which of the following assumption?


  • 一项研究成果称为“时间假说”,学习总量取决于你花在尝试学习它上的时间。

    One result of his research is known as the total time hypothesis, which simply means the amount you learn depends on the time you spend trying to learn it.


  • 他们的方法足够灵活原则上可以纳入其他重要生活质量变化减少污染物排放总量降低犯罪率

    Their approach is flexible enough that in principle other important quality-of-life changes could be incorporated—for example, decreases in total emissions of pollutants and declines in crime rates.


  • 美国国家航空航天局之所以使用气候变化”这个是因为这个准确地反映出由于大气温室气体总量增多而地球造成范围变化

    NASA used the term "climate change" because it more accurately reflects the wide range of changes to the planet caused by increasing amounts of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.


  • 占世界总量的三分之二。

    That's two thirds of the world's total.


  • 该规定生效以来,上海日垃圾总量已经在减少。

    Since the rules took effect, the amount of total daily waste in Shanghai has been reduced.


  • 国的温室气体排放总量将在2030年之前达到峰值。

    China will bring its total greenhouse gas emissions to a peak before 2030.


  • 告信的签署者中有鲍勃·约翰逊,他是“生态足迹”概念的发起人,此概念衡量的是维持一个特定生活方式所需的环境投入总量

    Among the signatories of the warning was Bob Johnson, the originator of the "ecological footprint" concept, which measures the total amount of environmental input needed to maintain a given lifestyle.


  • 自然》杂志的科学家们研究了世界上22万座高山冰川20年来的卫星数据,发现自2015年以来,冰川上每年减少的冰雪总量为2980亿公吨。

    Scientists, from Nature studied 20 years of satellite data of the world's 220,000 mountain glaciers, and found that since 2015, glaciers have last 298 billion metric tons off ice and snow per year.


  • 科学家测出情侣第二次接吻时转移细菌总量

    On the couple's second kiss, scientists were able to detect the volume of bacteria transferred to the other partner.


  • 本身而言动植物农业该国温室气体排放总量9%。

    On its own, plant and animal agriculture contributes 9 percent of all the country's greenhouse gas emissions.


  • 有问题的,因为小麦大米作为食物时更为重要约占卡路里消耗总量一半

    This is problematic because wheat and rice are more important as foods, accounting for around half of all calories consumed.


  • 兴趣的是个体差异不仅肠胃总量感兴趣,而且构成气体百分比也感兴趣。

    He was interested in individual differences, not just in the overall volume of flatus, but in the differing percentages of constituent gases.


  • 京都议定书》各国设定不同减排义务规定各国应相应地减少各自温室气体排放总量

    The Kyoto Protocol, which set different duties for all countries to cut emissions, states that different countries should reduce their collective greenhouse emissions accordingly.


  • 游说者声称,如果未来三十年内,每天保护区开采100石油,美国可以减少相当于其出口石油总量的石油进口量

    By pumping more than 1 million barrels a day from the reserve for the next two three decades, lobbyists claim, the nation could cut back on imports equivalent to all shipments to the U.


  • 无论是农场,还是进行储存处理设施,其用于驱动机器能源增加了能源总量这一能源总量目前全球能源消耗3.1%左右。

    Energy to power machinery, both on the farm and in the storage and processing facilities, adds to the energy total, which currently represents about 3.1% of annual global energy consumption.


  • 蒸汽动力不仅可以用于纺织棉花新世纪早期,蒸汽机使用同样大大提高了造纸的效率,蒸汽动力生产纸张总量单个工人一天生产纸张总量10

    Steam power did not merely spin cotton and roll iron; early in the new century, it also multiplied ten times over the amount of paper that a single worker could produce in a day.


  • 国际理商联合会的数据,1991年中国全球理业务总量6%。

    It was just 6% of total world factoring volumes in 1991, according to Factors Chain International.


  • 消耗卡路里总量一样

    Both groups consumed the same total calories.


  • 指出单位区域内源总量

    It tells you the amount of sources per unit portion of the region.


  • 面对来自电子销售竞争唱片总量急剧下降

    Total music recordings are down considerably due to the competition from digital sales.


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