If you're trying to build resilience at work, you need adequate internal and external recovery periods.
You can minimize hardware failure recovery times by doing the following.
The operative duration, blood loss, complications, and recovery time were recorded.
Because of the surgery, your recovery time may be longer than if you delivered your baby vaginally.
There's no evidence that treating symptoms affects recovery time, experts say.
These tend to consume time, personnel resources, and cause recovery time objectives to be missed.
The usual recovery time from an intraoperative peripheral nerve injury is 3 to 12 months.
Arktos wanted to improve overall responsiveness of their systems, automate database backups, and reduce recovery times it would encounter in case of failures.
Although patients infected were cured following treatment with an artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT), the recovery took more time.
In a nutshell, the longer it takes you to recover, the weaker you are and the poorer your performance.
噪声与波纹电压为50mV p-p,输出负载瞬时恢复时间0.5ms。
Noise and ripple is 50 mV p-p and output load transient recovery is 0.5 milliseconds.
The intestines function recovery time and hospital stay were shorter in group a than in group B with no statistical significance.
They lived longer, had longer reproductive life spans, needed less time to recover between pregnancies, and had more children overall.
However, no significant differences in recovery times can be demonstrated after short-acting premedicants have been administered.
FACE SOME long months ahead recovering from my knee injury and perhaps the next four weeks will be the longest of all.
During a restore, dbspaces are restored in the same order in which they were backed up, reducing restore time.
Compared with acute injuries, chronic injuries are associated with a higher rate of postoperative infection and more prolonged recovery.
The longer it takes you to recover, the more influence that incident has on your actions, and the less able you are to perform to your personal best.
It gave the American Banks more time to recover, but Latin America's economies buckled under the burden of debts that could not be repaid.
This will not only help remove some of the saliva that caused the itch, thus speeding up recovery time, but also will reduce the itch significantly in the process.
The precise decision of the time that the voltage sag occurs and recovers will be the first problem to be solve for the sag characteristic parameters.
Also, if the upgrade reacts negatively in production, you can quickly fall back to the other cell, significantly reducing recovery time.
A longer pause means more memory degradation, increased likelihood of a task switch, and the assumption that recovery time is also longer.
Note that this recovery time includes the failure detection times, which many vendors exclude when referring to recovery times.
Using hot swap hardware facilities: Hardware recovery time can be minimized by using hot swap hardware facilities such as disks, network cards, and so on.
Testing demonstrated that a value lower than 95 for SAT may cause the server to get overwhelmed prior to failing over with slow recovery times.
Testing demonstrated that a value lower than 95 for SAT may cause the server to get overwhelmed prior to failing over with slow recovery times.