• 结果他们最终采取一系列措施但没有一个得力可以纠正不断恶化的形势

    As a consequence, they wind up taking a series of steps, none of which is powerful enough to correct the downward spiral.


  • 尽管阿富汗历史份量(先是击败不列颠然后打退了苏联军队),尽管阿富汗安全逐年恶化形势美国指挥官们仍然把持乐观,觉得阿富汗战争“能”。

    Despite the weight of history in Afghanistan (the defeat of British and then Soviet forces) and the yearly deterioration in security, American commanders remain bullish that the war is "winnable".


  • 瓦特印度河流域洪水荷兰黄热病蚊子一样,形势可能恶化象征。

    The floods in Swat and the Indus valley are, like the yellow fever mosquitoes of the Netherlands, an indication that things could get worse.


  • 但是日益恶化的安全形势继续阻碍影响地区实施控制措施

    However, the deteriorating security situation continues to hamper control measures in the affected area.


  • 随着经济形势恶化这种寻找外国替罪羊倾向将会有所抬头

    As economic conditions worsen, so this tendency to look for foreign scapegoats will intensify.


  • 问题越来越严重,因为随着墨西哥形势恶化为了筹集资金,墨西哥发行了一种称为“特索博诺斯”的短期债券这种债券必须美元偿还

    The problem was exacerbated because, as Mexico’s condition deteriorated, in order to raise money it had issued short-term debt instruments called tesobonos, which had to be repaid in dollars.


  • 通过建立敏感监测系统快速反应能力世卫组织及其伙伴常常可以使糟糕形势免于恶化

    By establishing sensitive surveillance systems and rapid response capacity, WHO and its partners can often keep a bad situation from getting worse.


  • 而今那些几个计划大规模扩招初级员工企业纷纷因为整个经济形势恶化而打起了退堂鼓。

    Now, companies that just a few months ago were planning substantial increases in entry-level hiring have scaled back their plans as economic conditions have worsened.


  • KKR原计划2007年紧随黑石集团上市,但持续恶化经济形势打乱计划

    KKR first tried to go public in 2007, shortly after Blackstone listed. A deteriorating economy put the kibosh on those plans.


  • 最后一个原因英国经济形势恶化

    A final factor that has eroded Labour's standing in the opinion polls is the deteriorating economic context.


  • 正当伊拉克安全形势稍有起色时,阿富汗的安全形势持续恶化

    WHILE security in Iraq is getting a little better, in Afghanistan it continues to worsen.


  • 之后,每当伊拉克形势恶化,这个话题就会提起来:“表示乐观,可是现在建立起来安全部队被民兵掌握着”,诸如此类。

    After that, that was constantly thrown back at me as Iraq deteriorated: "you were an optimist and now the security forces you developed are in the grip of the militias," or this or that.


  • 为了控制日益恶化安全形势马利基当天晚些时候视察了爆炸地点,发誓找到真凶

    In a bid to take control of the deteriorating security situation, Maliki inspected the devastation late today and vowed to find the conspirators.


  • 因此瓦特印度河流域洪水,就荷兰黄热病蚊子一样,是形势可能恶化象征

    So the floods in Swat and the Indus valley are, like the yellow fever mosquitoes of the Netherlands, an indication that things could get worse.


  • 随着形势进一步恶化以及法国德国希腊大选临近,发生灾难性事故(导致混乱违约行为货币崩溃等种种事故)的风险愈来愈大。

    As the climate gets more poisonous and elections approach in France, Germany and Greece itself, the risk of a disastrous accident-anything from a disorderly default to a currency break-up-is growing.


  • 这份报告一句话冰冷话语——伊拉克现在的形势日益恶化,千疮百孔——就可以看出全球都认为伊拉克战争局势严重,前途未卜

    From the very first bleak words of the report - "the situation in Iraq is grave and deteriorating" -the world was left in no doubt that this is a deadly serious exercise.


  • 美国简历撰写协会项调查显示随着经济形势恶化,54%的简历代写者客户增加

    One poll by the National resume Writers Association found that 54 percent of respondents had seen an increase in clients as economic conditions worsened.


  • 尽管如此投资者兴趣渐浓商用房地产一个信号使行业形势恶化拖垮银行、威胁到美国经济复苏可能性有所下降。

    Nevertheless, the growing interest from investors is a sign of stabilisation, making it less likely that worsening commercial real estate conditions will sink Banks and choke off a US recovery.


  • 逐步恶化索马里丁湾战乱地区附近海域安全形势目前海盗问题核心

    Today, the deteriorating security situation in the seas off war-torn Somalia and the Gulf of Aden (and in the increasingly volatile Gulf of Guinea) are at the heart of the problem.


  • 军事形势不断恶化1963年南越失去肥沃湄公河三角洲

    The military condition deteriorated, and by 1963 South Vietnam had lost the fertile Mekong Delta to the Vietcong.


  • 西欧受访者中,有60%预计全球经济形势恶化,预计形势好转为11%。

    Almost 60 per cent of respondents in western Europe expected global conditions to worsen and only 11 per cent thought they would improve.


  • 泰国朱拉隆功大学经济学家颂蓬沙马决定使形势进一步恶化

    Sompop Manarangsan, an economist at Chulalongkorn University, says Mr. Samak's decision will worsen the situation.


  • 虽然推迟时间不会但是鉴于几周以来美国日益恶化经济形势,延迟个危险的信号

    That may not seem long. But given the deterioration of America's economy in recent weeks, the delay is dangerous.


  • 伊斯坦布尔的西方经济学家表示:“危机没有全面形成,各方面形势明显恶化。”

    We do not have a full-blown crisis, but everything has got significantly worse,” says a Western economist in Istanbul.


  • 韩国率先提议同拥有巨额现金邻国一道创建一个资金库,防止美国不断恶化经济形势东亚地区带来严重后果

    South Korea is taking the lead in creating a prospective pool of money with its cash-rich neighbors to prevent the worst effects of the American economic situation from spilling over in the region.


  • 韩国率先提议同拥有巨额现金邻国一道创建一个资金库,防止美国不断恶化经济形势东亚地区带来严重后果

    South Korea is taking the lead in creating a prospective pool of money with its cash-rich neighbors to prevent the worst effects of the American economic situation from spilling over in the region.


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